Cannot remove previously replaced organs

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Byond: Stripetail

Cannot remove previously replaced organs

Post by Stripetail » 08 Sep 2017, 03:11

Bug Description: If you perform an organ transplant on a patient and later on need to replace the same organ, even if it is synthflesh, you will be unable to remove the organ from the patient.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Transplant an organ into a patient, be it metal or synth flesh.
2. Attempt to remove said organ after finishing surgery (perhaps even before finishing surgery)
3. You will be given the notification that you've removed the organ from the patient's body, only to have it still lodged in them. You will not be able to remove the organ no matter how many times you try.
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Byond: phil235

Re: Cannot remove previously replaced organs

Post by phil235 » 09 Sep 2017, 13:11

Fixed soon
