HiT Guidelines

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HiT Guidelines

Post by Matt141 » 21 Mar 2015, 01:55

Suggestion Title: HiT Guidelines

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Basicly, HiT guidelines for admins so they are used correctly, instead of a basicly 'I win button' for marines.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It would add some 'balance', so HiT isn't used just because marines got obliterated by aliens, instead they would actually serve their purpose : round enders, if the round draws too long and theres no winning side.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Basicly, the guidelines would serve a purpose to explain when the HiT is supposed to be used, let me give you a example of how it shouldn't : Marines are completely losing, its looking to be a major alien victory but then a admin allows a HiT, which causes the round to go on till they arrive even when the entire Sulaco is infected. After that they arrive, get spotted, and immediatelly start killing every alien with their advanced eguns, being pretty much immune to slashes in their armor(not gonna lie, too many bad alien players try to slash them in the chest/head, then die because it does nothing to them, when they could have tackled), then they kill the rest of the aliens and suddenly marine victory even though marines lost completely.

I would instead suggest that HiT be used as round enders only when its a draw, when there is a even ammount of marines and aliens in a round that went on for like 2-3 hours, with neither side seeming to be winning. Then they would basicly be called in as a more gameplay restart to the round, so there isn't a bunch of ghosts being completely bored as nothing is happening.

Additionally they could work for events, though I would prefer if thats stated publicly at the start of the round/way before they arrive, so marines don't just get a 'I win' button.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Just write guidelines for admins somewhere so they know when to allow them.

Ofcourse, its all up to apop in the end how he wants it to be, but even if my suggestion is denied, I would like if he atleast puts guidelines of his own version so its publicly known when they can be used.

Now, some people might say 'alien bias' in this, I would like to point out that I play marines mostly, with my alien prefs disabled most of the time.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by Rahlzel » 21 Mar 2015, 02:04

I did this in the code somewhat recently.

There are 3 checks: More marines than aliens, not enough observers, and if the shuttle has already been called.

If any of the above are true, the admin gets "NOT RECOMMENDED! ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE!?" warning messages for each. They can still hit "Yes" on all 3 prompts and call the HIT anyway, but I think it's significant enough of a warning for them not to use it.

I agree that calling the HIT is becoming a cheap "I WIN" button for the Marines, but they're meant to be a round-ender like the shuttle. Although it doesn't always happen that way.

At the very least, I think Aliens should have a similar "I WIN" button that Admins can use for them, such as a hive-wide buff that increases plasma and health regeneration. Something along those lines.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by outordinary » 21 Mar 2015, 02:07

Well your thread was made before mine, so I'll just contribute. +1 I agree with all of this. The most important portion is reducing the round to a draw and/or neutral victory for everyone. As it is now, it works too much as an "I win" button as you say.

I read in a thread earlier that apop is trying to reduce the amount of times they allow HiT, but that isn't what we should be aiming for. Simply taking away their ability to be a one sided round ender is enough. They seem more viable as a two sided neutral round ender like the nuke. Escaping via shuttle already works as an alien minor victory as marines escaped to fight another day.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by Rahlzel » 21 Mar 2015, 02:17

outordinary wrote: I read in a thread earlier that apop is trying to reduce the amount of times they allow HiT, but that isn't what we should be aiming for. Simply taking away their ability to be a one sided round ender is enough. They seem more viable as a two sided neutral round ender like the nuke. Escaping via shuttle already works as an alien minor victory as marines escaped to fight another day.
Oh you just reminded me. Yes - the HIT will become neutral. More like a Death Squad that will likely kill all of the Marines as well as Aliens. HIT will be replaced with some kind of Reinforcement Shuttle with a group of marines that just woke up.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by outordinary » 21 Mar 2015, 03:23

+1 Now that sounds as balanced as it can get. I'm alright with this happening.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by Rahlzel » 21 Mar 2015, 03:49

Agreed. It was Apophis' idea. He's the mastermind.

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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by coroneljones » 21 Mar 2015, 05:46

HIT shouldnt be used unless the sulaco is in danger and the xeno numbers are over the marine ones
Or the same as above but without the sulaco..thats how i do it

Then theres my hidden criteria for KILLALL HIT

Also rahl if the HIT will become a Deefsquod,give them bullet res for armor...trust me,their res rigth now is crap
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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RE: HiT Guidelines

Post by Davidchan » 21 Mar 2015, 12:47

Would it be possible to put some kind of monitor on the bridge that counts life signs on the Nostromo? I.E. Every Alien, Survivor, Marine, Monkey and Pet that is still alive (not bursted)

Command could monitor this, it would not give locations but simply read out how many life signs are on board. If the marines pull out after getting their shit kicked in, commander could do a head count compared to how many the monitor reads out and decide off that Data if the HiT is required?

As for an alternate Admin event for the Aliens, what about drop pods? Aliens could prep an area on the Nostromo and fire the pods at the Sulaco. Location of impact would be random: One round Research would be 'breached' (Alien shuttle/pod would attach), another it could be disposals and a round after that could be one of the turbine rooms. This would give the Aliens alternate entry to the Sulaco since fighting on the Shuttles is always a stalemate until HiT arrives. Randomly being inserted onto a part of the Sulaco could give them the element of surprise (Command announcement could claim something struck the Sulaco and give an Aft/Fore location but nothing specific.)
Last edited by Davidchan on 21 Mar 2015, 12:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: HiT Guidelines

Post by apophis775 » 07 Jun 2015, 00:34

Out of date, we've already fixed this.
