Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): aliens have begun turtling even more then the marines are, and yet we are still being blamed for it, by discouraging aliens from going even more batshit with the defenses then marines do the game will go back to being quick and intense.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): this would discourage turtling from both sides and encourage aliens and marines alike to take a more proactive, aggressive stance which which will be more fun for all
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): let me guess, you guys are expecting a gigantic as all fuck post right? a huge wall of text? well hopefully we can cut down on this today and get right to the issues, so ill try to be brief.
so i was just in a round of CM and it was fairly typical, marines went to the nostromo and within about five to ten minutes alpha and charlie were both completely wiped out down to the last man (i had been held back due to an issue with an MP and a sulaco medic so i couldn't join the initial wave) and delta didn't fare much better, in spite of this however we decided to keep trying to reorganize ourselves and continue pushing into the nostromo.
in spite of multiple separate attack waves, each with nearly 90 to 100% casualty rates, in spite of the fact that when the alien queen rushed onto the sulaco with a SINGLE sentinel and tried to attack us and win, an attack during which we all IMMEDIATELY RUSHED THE SHUTTLE, the admins (CentComm) STILL bitched us out for turtling in spite of the fact that at least seven to nine marines had loaded up onto the shuttle and were in the act of LAUNCHING it that very second.
as expected we all died horribly, aliens nested and killed all hosts they captured (and proceeded to bitch about the fact they didn't have enough aliens) and then i saw what we were up against, not to worry, i dont need gigantic walls of text today because i brought PICTURES.

are you fucking serious? we were supposed to attack THAT?! no fucking shit no one wanted to go to the nostromo, what exactly were we supposed to do about THAT?! but mycroft, your ALWAYS whining about SOMETHING, SURELY the alien hive cant be THAT fucking big.

well surely mycroft that is the marines OWN fault for spending all day fortifying the sulaco instead of attacking right?

just look at that EPIC defense, thats some serious starship troopers shit right there son, making johnny rico look like a pussy im tellin ya, we put our ancestors in the first world war to shame when it came to epic defense right there, look at ALL the barricades and shields and machineguns and shit.
for those of you who have an IQ above four and can see my BLATANT sarcasm i ask again what we are supposed to do? even with every single piece of C4 on the entire sulaco we would never have gotten within SPITTING distance of security and we just dont have the means of carrying that much c4 when we already have to spend most of our space carrying ammo ALONE, even an army of nothing but standards wouldn't have had any chance of getting through that, i know this is exactly the sort of thing hivelords are for but i think this is ABIT much, the flamers were long gone by then and even if they weren't those things are fucking crap and you know it, the part which bothers me the most is that this is what marines were up against and MARINES are the ones constantly getting bitched at? maybe, just MAYBE, the turtling thing is the fault of BOTH parties because i dont remember us even HAVING a fob that particular game, and we were sending constant attacks so its not like you can say "we should have prevented them from building it", do you know how many attacks it takes to get through a resin door or wall with your knife or m41a? like five to nine EACH, oh sure its easy if you have a katana or a claymore or some shit (i had a sword to attack the walls with once and they do the job SUPER nicely) but if your name isn't coroneljones, guess what, you dont get one, so you get to spend the entire game not even getting to fight the aliens because they can hide behind shit like this.
well at least if they ever come to the sulaco they wont have such epic defenses to hide behi...

needless to say every attack on that shuttle was held by a SINGLE hivelord, other aliens were THERE but they didnt DO ANYTHING, they ran off to medbay or some shit ten minutes later.
if you guys really want to see more fast paced, intense games then this is ONE example of something we need to cut back on, because a rule against marine fobs is pointless if aliens are doing the exact same shit you were angry at marines for! it doesn't matter how the problem is fixed be it code limitations, rule additions, new marine content (seriously, make the l6 saw do like quadruple damage to resin walls and doors or give us chainsaws or something, i would SO rock a fucking chainsaw in battle, i've played ultimate doom like a BILLION times, i am SO ready), but i've been seeing this kind of shit more and more the past few days ALONE and i have heard aliens bitched out for not building shit this exact same way, if this is what we have waiting for us at nostromo then centcomm can go suck a dick, we're going to fortify the shit out of the sulaco and hide there all day.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): you have a number of options here, you could always make a rule addition saying aliens cannot build defenses so close to one another or make their hive too large, you could put a coded limit on how many resin walls, doors and nests the aliens are allowed to build before it refuses to give them any more or perhaps one that states that wall/door setups cannot be too close to one another, or perhaps admins could be given a command that clears out some or all of the resin walls and doors if there are too many (weeds would be unaffected, nests are debatable)