Discourage Alien Super Hives

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Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 27 Mar 2015, 21:06

Suggestion Title: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): aliens have begun turtling even more then the marines are, and yet we are still being blamed for it, by discouraging aliens from going even more batshit with the defenses then marines do the game will go back to being quick and intense.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): this would discourage turtling from both sides and encourage aliens and marines alike to take a more proactive, aggressive stance which which will be more fun for all

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): let me guess, you guys are expecting a gigantic as all fuck post right? a huge wall of text? well hopefully we can cut down on this today and get right to the issues, so ill try to be brief.

so i was just in a round of CM and it was fairly typical, marines went to the nostromo and within about five to ten minutes alpha and charlie were both completely wiped out down to the last man (i had been held back due to an issue with an MP and a sulaco medic so i couldn't join the initial wave) and delta didn't fare much better, in spite of this however we decided to keep trying to reorganize ourselves and continue pushing into the nostromo.

in spite of multiple separate attack waves, each with nearly 90 to 100% casualty rates, in spite of the fact that when the alien queen rushed onto the sulaco with a SINGLE sentinel and tried to attack us and win, an attack during which we all IMMEDIATELY RUSHED THE SHUTTLE, the admins (CentComm) STILL bitched us out for turtling in spite of the fact that at least seven to nine marines had loaded up onto the shuttle and were in the act of LAUNCHING it that very second.

as expected we all died horribly, aliens nested and killed all hosts they captured (and proceeded to bitch about the fact they didn't have enough aliens) and then i saw what we were up against, not to worry, i dont need gigantic walls of text today because i brought PICTURES.


are you fucking serious? we were supposed to attack THAT?! no fucking shit no one wanted to go to the nostromo, what exactly were we supposed to do about THAT?! but mycroft, your ALWAYS whining about SOMETHING, SURELY the alien hive cant be THAT fucking big.






well surely mycroft that is the marines OWN fault for spending all day fortifying the sulaco instead of attacking right?


just look at that EPIC defense, thats some serious starship troopers shit right there son, making johnny rico look like a pussy im tellin ya, we put our ancestors in the first world war to shame when it came to epic defense right there, look at ALL the barricades and shields and machineguns and shit.

for those of you who have an IQ above four and can see my BLATANT sarcasm i ask again what we are supposed to do? even with every single piece of C4 on the entire sulaco we would never have gotten within SPITTING distance of security and we just dont have the means of carrying that much c4 when we already have to spend most of our space carrying ammo ALONE, even an army of nothing but standards wouldn't have had any chance of getting through that, i know this is exactly the sort of thing hivelords are for but i think this is ABIT much, the flamers were long gone by then and even if they weren't those things are fucking crap and you know it, the part which bothers me the most is that this is what marines were up against and MARINES are the ones constantly getting bitched at? maybe, just MAYBE, the turtling thing is the fault of BOTH parties because i dont remember us even HAVING a fob that particular game, and we were sending constant attacks so its not like you can say "we should have prevented them from building it", do you know how many attacks it takes to get through a resin door or wall with your knife or m41a? like five to nine EACH, oh sure its easy if you have a katana or a claymore or some shit (i had a sword to attack the walls with once and they do the job SUPER nicely) but if your name isn't coroneljones, guess what, you dont get one, so you get to spend the entire game not even getting to fight the aliens because they can hide behind shit like this.

well at least if they ever come to the sulaco they wont have such epic defenses to hide behi...


needless to say every attack on that shuttle was held by a SINGLE hivelord, other aliens were THERE but they didnt DO ANYTHING, they ran off to medbay or some shit ten minutes later.

if you guys really want to see more fast paced, intense games then this is ONE example of something we need to cut back on, because a rule against marine fobs is pointless if aliens are doing the exact same shit you were angry at marines for! it doesn't matter how the problem is fixed be it code limitations, rule additions, new marine content (seriously, make the l6 saw do like quadruple damage to resin walls and doors or give us chainsaws or something, i would SO rock a fucking chainsaw in battle, i've played ultimate doom like a BILLION times, i am SO ready), but i've been seeing this kind of shit more and more the past few days ALONE and i have heard aliens bitched out for not building shit this exact same way, if this is what we have waiting for us at nostromo then centcomm can go suck a dick, we're going to fortify the shit out of the sulaco and hide there all day.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): you have a number of options here, you could always make a rule addition saying aliens cannot build defenses so close to one another or make their hive too large, you could put a coded limit on how many resin walls, doors and nests the aliens are allowed to build before it refuses to give them any more or perhaps one that states that wall/door setups cannot be too close to one another, or perhaps admins could be given a command that clears out some or all of the resin walls and doors if there are too many (weeds would be unaffected, nests are debatable)
Last edited by Mycroft Macarthur on 27 Mar 2015, 21:41, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by mdom » 27 Mar 2015, 22:58

I am just wondering how long the round lasted? If Marines do not act quickly the aliens get bigger and their powers stronger. I am not defending this particular instance, as I was not present. If this was first contact for Marines it is a bit more understandable. From your post you state that you were all wiped out, yet were forced to return. Did you take shuttle one or two? There are two options available in case the other is compromised.

The beautiful part about ss13is that there are many options, there is weedkiller that could have been deployed, mechs that could be created, and now grenades and c4. It isn't like Marines have been nerfed at all. If the aliens want to extend the hive because their is no human presence that is totally valid. The aliens are an expansive species that grow incredibly fast, the ability to expand the hive is an example of such.

Something else to consider. The admins/mods typically check the situation, in terms of living humans and aliens and their capability to adequately fight the aliens. When all is lost that is when the escape shuttles or Hit is called. It is not just an easy out for Marines, you don't get to quit the battle until you are running around just like the survivors did on the Nostromo.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Sorry you had a bad time.
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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 27 Mar 2015, 23:14

mechs arent very good at either combat OR getting through resin doors, at least not good enough to get through setups like this and unless the mech has immense support they're super easy to take out, we had ONE for all the good it did us, in the first assault we came from both shuttles, then we came from shuttle one in the second and then shuttle two in the third assault, the shuttle two area was relatively undefended but as you can see it did fuck all.

while yes we DO have C4 and grenades, the point im trying to illustrate is that to deal with setups like this we would need not only a means of reliably transporting IMMENSE quantities of both materials, but a shit ton MORE of them as well, weedkiller has never done jack shit to the resin walls and doors and even then only barely works as is (nevermind the part where it causes massive friendly fire and protects the aliens whom you can no longer see, from ALL ranged attacks while it is in effect), we can talk about the aliens being "Expansive" all we want but at the end of the day we still have to put gameplay mechanics FIRST, if the game itself either doesn't work or fucking sucks then none of the rest of it is going to matter, i GUESS we could go heavy rp and start talking to each other in canteen but the aliens will start bitching if we do and even then the moment marines try to do noncombative rp it almost always leads to entire squads just getting flat out drunk.

as for the admins that just isn't my experience, they check the NUMBERS and who has MORE, they could care less if you are up against so many walls fort knox looks like a tinkertoy (unless the marines happen to be the defenders of course, in which case you may as well be griefing the server), our only real option at that point WOULD have been either shuttle or to deploy the nostromo's nuke because fighting them, had completely ceased to be an option, just too many doors and walls to deal with.

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Mar 2015, 23:33

+ fucking 1, these defenses are good and all but holy shit, they would take forever to get through and it's so easy to get marines and not let knife resin walls by standing on them when they closed so they will have to waste all ammo on it

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by HighwaterOffical » 28 Mar 2015, 02:30

Sure! Fuck common sense! Lets just ignore the fact that we have HMGs that can cut through these resin walls like a hot knife to butter! Lets also ignore the fact that the marines already got a turtling rule, therefore, we need both teams to equally be as shitty when it comes to base building! Fuck Yea!

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Felkvir » 28 Mar 2015, 06:01

>"Well hopefully we can cut down on this today"

> writes a massive wall of text again

In all seriousness though ... I see where you're coming from. Most of the expansion for the superhive at the end there was the work of the hivelord to my knowledge .. Which is what they are good at and supposed to do.

Despite the horrible massacre of so many marines on the station, we still underestimated your strength because appearantly another batch of fresh marines had awoken, and we were caught by suprise. Keep in mind we were trying to find the hivelord (at least i was) but we failed at communicating properly and sticking thogeter like you said ... And round was ended by a nuke which was kind of silly

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Julinova » 28 Mar 2015, 11:15

It's true,
some people complain about rounds taking forever, so what they do is to take away one of the most crucial tactic/thing that marines can do (FoB).

And now, the aliens are building massive super hives that will take atleast 15-30 minutes to get through with a marine meele squad.

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 28 Mar 2015, 12:17

at bare minimum, if this sort of thing isn't going to be cut down upon (and given general attitudes i doubt thats the case) then we need WAY more materials to work with here, the flamethrower needs a gigantic buff and to not be worthless in combat, we need MORE c4 and grenades, MORE hmg's and some kind of ammo can for explosives, if you want us to try and fight our way through that shit we need the tools to do so because saying we can do it with what we have now is just kind of insulting and it says to the rest of us you do not actually play the game, the HMG is the only thing that would even have a CHANCE against that much resin and we'd probably go through six ammo boxes, nevermind we have so few, losing them is super easy and we can barely justify using them in assaults given the limited numbers.

i understand completely that this sort of thing is exactly what hivelords are FOR, but when the only realistic choice for the enemy team is to basically stop playing the game (call shuttle, deploy nuke) then that suggests to me a serious problem, we should be calling shuttles because we have to flee and we should be deploying the nuke because we have no other real option, we should NOT be forced to do either simply because we cannot get through all the damn resin to actually fight the aliens, they can rebuild way, way, way faster then we can take them down and you know it.
Last edited by Mycroft Macarthur on 28 Mar 2015, 12:20, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Davidchan » 28 Mar 2015, 12:19

Quite frankly, Ripleys are /shit/ when it comes to do anything. They are slower than marines, their drill will hurt but nothing so significant that the alien can't destroy the mech first, and you can evade drill quite easily since it's not an instant attack. They are immune to spit and such, but who cares? I blew up a Ripley and Firefighter APLU in the same round as queen, the greatest damage they did was deafening me with the explosion of the mechs.

Odysseus is the only useful mech, imo. It serves no purpose in combat, but using mounted sleepers injured/hugged marines can be quickly whisked away from the fight to somewhere more safe. Syringe gun mounting is a gimmick at best, requiring syringes be loaded and you need chemistries cooperation to make anything but tricord.

Marines being restricted to building FOBs to certain areas and keep them a certain size definitely gets abused by metagaming aliens, since there is only 5 locations they are allowed set up a drone can quickly and easily hit all 5 areas with weeds and resin near the vents to allow later waves of aliens to quickly run in with huggers.

I can't say I want aliens to be equally restricted as Marines are currently, but there should definitely be incentives for both sides to work towards ending the round rather then setting up stalemate turtling situations. Better attacking options or alternate methods to finding the enemy and trying to flank them.

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RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 28 Mar 2015, 12:31

tried to use a ripley in combat once against an alien runner (the most fragile alien type in the game), i used the clamp thing and managed to squeeze him several times, in spite of it constantly saying "you hear something break" as i fucked him up i doubt he even got down to halfway hits because he wasn't even ANNOYED, nevermind that you can only attack whatever you happen to be FACING.

if you want mechs to be worthwhile give us some mechs that arent fucking useless, something with some fucking GUNS on them, treat them like mobile HMG's or something, like those goliaths from starcraft, a walker with two legs, two chainguns and two pods worth of rocket launchers, something that we could actually USE in battle because as the game is we dont even have OTHER reasons for having ripleys, its not like we can load/unload inconvenient items that can only be pulled and them drop them wherever we're going (and even then most of THOSE items aren't worth the trouble anyways given how SLOW ripleys move)

the drill can at least get through airlock doors and walls, the problem is it does not get through ALL of them, you can sit there drilling the entire game and still not get through some shit, meaning that we cannot use it for useful engineering tasks such as clearing firing lanes or opening new flanks or pulling doors open like the aliens can (if ANYTHING on the marine team should be capable of that, it should be ripleys), you just have to start drilling and hope for the best and if it doesn't work, "sorry guys, cant help you", if the ripleys were at least good at melee combat we could justify them, just get three of them and go down a hallway, kill anything that comes up by using superior teamwork but nope, if you arent fighting other humans they're shittier then the combat knife, at least the fire axe can confirm a few kills (i've done it certainly)

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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Derpislav » 19 May 2015, 07:11

I've killed a queen with my hydraulic clamp.
Queen at the brisk of death from wounds inflicted by other, now fallen, marines.
Queen that didn't even try to run away from my drunk amputee turtle-like speed.
Queen that only had two runners to defend her.


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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 19 May 2015, 17:28

What I'm getting from this, is that we need to maybe nerf the hivelords plasma regen speed. I get that he is supposed to be the lord of hive building, but I think he simply has the ability to build so much, so fast. Hivelords are responsible for briefing grid nests, and the pictures Mycroft posted. If the hivelords plasma regen was set lower, we wouldn't have that much of an issue. What regen rate that is, I do not know. It would have to be above a drone's plasma regen.

Perhaps, we could give the hivelord a large reserve of plasma, but the queens regen speed? That way he can build a lot, but not as quick still? Something like maybe 1000 Plasma. Maybe 1500. I dunno. I'm just throwin' numbers out.

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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by TopHatPenguin » 19 May 2015, 18:11

Super hives don't really happen like they use to so unless they start happening again i don't see a need for this.
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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by UnknownMurder » 19 May 2015, 18:28

...Meh...No one cared about the Hive Lord until he created a Super Hive... Meh....
I can't say this is against the rules... It's truly Marine's fault for not being able to follow the tactic. If you follow the tactic. Expect a pat on the back.

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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Davidchan » 19 May 2015, 21:36

Honestly I don't see the point in the rule. If the Aliens want to go on the defensive, let them. There are pretty damn good reasons for the aliens to turtle up somewhere; protecting eggs, protecting/securing infected hosts, protecting larva, protecting drones, protecting the queen, ect...

If we wanted to give the Hivelord a minor nerf to their plasma build up, I don't think it would really stop it. As a marine, when I see a fortified hallway of walls, walls and the rare and elusive membrane, I see it as a challenge. Now, when I see a line of 100 doors straight, then I start to get a bit annoyed. Even as an alien I hate people doing this, since it slows the aliens down to stop at every door, and they aren't particularly durable either. Better to make a zig zagging corridor of walls and carefully distanced doors to allow aliens to move quickly while evading fire.

I never really had a problem with marines building FOBs and DFPs either, but we stomped on that tactic pretty damn hard, the alien's have infinite resources and time is on their side in terms of healing and evolutions. If the marines want to let the infestation fester, let them. Just don't whine and bitch to me that you can't defeat 15+ spitters/warriors/praetorians as they seal off your FOB from the shuttles and melt the walls around you.

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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Butterrobber202 » 19 May 2015, 21:38

I might discourage super hives if resin was stronger... But since resin is made of pudding -1

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Re: RE: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Lostmixup » 01 Jun 2015, 19:40

mdom wrote:I am just wondering how long the round lasted? If Marines do not act quickly the aliens get bigger and their powers stronger. I am not defending this particular instance, as I was not present. If this was first contact for Marines it is a bit more understandable. From your post you state that you were all wiped out, yet were forced to return. Did you take shuttle one or two? There are two options available in case the other is compromised.

The beautiful part about ss13is that there are many options, there is weedkiller that could have been deployed, mechs that could be created, and now grenades and c4. It isn't like Marines have been nerfed at all. If the aliens want to extend the hive because their is no human presence that is totally valid. The aliens are an expansive species that grow incredibly fast, the ability to expand the hive is an example of such.

Something else to consider. The admins/mods typically check the situation, in terms of living humans and aliens and their capability to adequately fight the aliens. When all is lost that is when the escape shuttles or Hit is called. It is not just an easy out for Marines, you don't get to quit the battle until you are running around just like the survivors did on the Nostromo.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Sorry you had a bad time.
A problem as rounds go on (that people seem to forget) is that you're losing a solid marine force in the initial wave. The momentum of the initial wave is key to winning quickly. Once that initial wave of marines go, if you lose that initial wave you're stuck waiting for new ones to spawn in causing the game to slow down in general. Setting up an FOB tends to help this problem out because the marine's will have a place to regroup and have more people to throw at the aliens. It's not like these newly spawned guys simply stay on the Sulaco either, they fuckin' go strait to the nostromo and get their asses kicked usually regardless of if they get a response to their radio chatter or not. This system will usually continue until the aliens somehow fuck up or the humans call a shuttle.

Perhaps it's a commander problem or something. It's the commander and LO's jobs to keep track of all the people coming in, but after a while it just sorta becomes hard to do so.
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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by Evilkyle24 » 01 Jun 2015, 21:12

Take some guns and just gun down that hallway constantly. The walls will get blasted away.
Oh, and stationary HMG's blast down doors and walls immediately. I'm writing up a resin wall rework idea.

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Re: Discourage Alien Super Hives

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jun 2015, 22:34

Shall I discourage FOBs as well?

i remember how well that worked out last time...

Use the weapons you have to deal with the walls, guns tear through them, fairly quickly.
