A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language.
This bug sometimes happens when a marine and a alien keep pushing each other and marine keeps point blanking the alien, sometimes causing the marine to have his face...well...this... http://gyazo.com/0e8ebb30c2a8c049b7b4ace267360847
Steps to Reproduce:
- Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug.
- Do not assume anything, the more detailed your list of instructions, the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem!
Step 2. Watch after some time that suddenly, you have a out of nowhere, a like, 60-70 brute damage to your face that you get internal bleeding, broken bones and etc.
(Optional) Other notes:
This is a preety common bug that can happen sometimes, if marine is close to a alien, then there is a chance he can get point blanked shooted by himself