Slow down runners

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Slow down runners

Post by mosshadow » 16 Apr 2015, 20:49

Subject: Runners

Problem: Runners move way too fast

Suggestion: Decrease runner speed

Description: Runners are moving way too fast ingame. Even playing as one feels ridiculous as you zoom around the station in seconds. Its practically impossible for a marine to shoot one if its not moving straight at the marine.

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by UnknownMurder » 16 Apr 2015, 21:35

Runners are suppose to be like that.

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 17 Apr 2015, 00:52

at bare minimum i would say that if runners WERE slowed down their HP should need to be buffed to compensate but at that point they would basically just be warriors that couldn't drag you across the entire station in two seconds, runners are for the most part more or less fine as is from a balance perspective and there are no real issues relating to alien runners.

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by MrJJJ » 17 Apr 2015, 02:38

Mycroft Macarthur wrote: and there are no real issues relating to alien runners.
I would say when you try 1v1 one but we can drop that( still hate when runner just pounces you, slashes a couple of times, runs off and repeats the process)

Its hard to see that someone one of the marines could be actually a russian traitor no?

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 17 Apr 2015, 12:01

okay yes in a 1v1 fight marine vs runner the runner will win 95% of the time, however due to the nature of how aliens work i dont feel we're ever going to see 100% perfect balance, aside from which compared to warriors who are broken as hell runner is amazing from a balance perspective, so the state runner is in now is probably the best we can reasonably hope for.

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by outordinary » 17 Apr 2015, 17:18

Hopefully if Apop goes along with his balances they will get a slowdown. I understand runners are supposed to be fast, but there is a such thing as too fast.

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 17 Apr 2015, 18:44

i will admit, there are times its speed can be annoying, ill be trying to move into this one specific square so i can enter a door or some shit and every now and then ill keep overshooting it

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RE: Slow down runners

Post by Butterrobber202 » 17 Apr 2015, 22:39

They need to be slowed down a shit ton, or make them inept of pushing people. Because I was about to turn the coner from cargo to arrivals and BAM a runner was running to damn fast was flying to low and pounced once I got up he pushed me into a wall where he slashed me to death because I couldn't move AT ALL
I should also add the wall where he conrnered me? Was at the VENDING MACHINES at the end of arrivals
Last edited by Butterrobber202 on 17 Apr 2015, 22:41, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Slow down runners

Post by mosshadow » 18 Apr 2015, 16:22

MycroftMacarthur wrote: i will admit, there are times its speed can be annoying, ill be trying to move into this one specific square so i can enter a door or some shit and every now and then ill keep overshooting it
During lag I spend minutes trying to enter a corridor. And onetime I ran out a window into space...

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Re: Slow down runners

Post by RED119 » 10 May 2015, 13:42

I think the runners are fine at their current speed, I have experienced no real issues with it, they speed demons with low health, incredibly unbalanced which works

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Re: Slow down runners

Post by TopHatPenguin » 10 May 2015, 14:31

Runners are either kamikazes or scouts sometimes they can be other things but most the time they are one of these and to be honest that works fine how it is.

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Re: Slow down runners

Post by speedybst » 10 May 2015, 18:56

I'm going to point out that some of these complaints are based on personal tick rates (which is your personal connection to the server, as well as your personal lag), and requesting that their speed be changed because of this is absurd. As it stands, runners are fine as they are. Using the 1vs1 comparison could also be used against anything - Ever tried to fight a marine with a riot shield and a knife, in a doorway, as a sentinal? Dragging the 1vs1 aspect into this doesn't really help, as that calls upon skill levels of the players.

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Re: RE: Slow down runners

Post by Juninho77 » 10 May 2015, 21:12

MrJJJ wrote:I would say when you try 1v1 one but we can drop that( still hate when runner just pounces you, slashes a couple of times, runs off and repeats the process)
If you're trying to 1v1 aliens, you're doing it wrong, but perhaps this guide will fit you like a glove.

@Topic: -1. Runners are fast, but that's all they are. They can't pull, and if they pounce they get locked onto their target and become an easy prey.
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Re: Slow down runners

Post by valzargaming » 10 May 2015, 21:40

I agree with slowing down runners, but only to a limited degree. I have seen a new tactic developing among runners that entails moving blazingly fast past marines and dropping face huggers directly next to them. We really need to have an open debate about this and gather suggestions as to how we could better the class.

EDIT: Runners DEFINITELY need a nerf. I just took down 6 people at once BY MYSELF using nothing but disarm and facehuggers. I only died later because I ran into the bridge like a fool and got gunned down by an MG nest.
