Remove Oxy Damage From Ripley

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Remove Oxy Damage From Ripley

Post by MrJJJ » 24 Apr 2015, 02:37

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Removing Oxygen damage from ripleys

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): This stop the bullshit of "Ha, i am the queen and i have far more health and-*falls dowN*
Marine: "bitch please" and then he comes out and finishes her off, unless somebody can drag her out somehow, then she will forever remain on the floor unless weeds heal oxy damage, but i believe no

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Sry, i can't say how much times a alien queen or ravager or etc got fucked because ripley got them to 70 oxy or 100 or so, causing them to fall down and never, EVER get up as they are forced to be finished off or used as meat shields

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Removing the oxy damage from ripley

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Re: Remove Oxy Damage From Ripley

Post by Infernus » 24 Apr 2015, 10:36

I'll check it out. I might buff the brute damage to even it tho.

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Re: Remove Oxy Damage From Ripley

Post by MrJJJ » 24 Apr 2015, 11:01

Its ok to buff brute, Just remove that bullshit oxy damage

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Re: Remove Oxy Damage From Ripley

Post by Infernus » 24 Apr 2015, 11:08

Done, will be in next server update.
