Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

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Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Abbysynth » 02 May 2015, 21:12

I know, I know, you're all going WHAT?? but hear me out.

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

If you are nested and infected by the xeno disease, you get ghosted after 2 minutes. Resisting does nothing.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Xenos have a huge problem with keeping captured prey captured. This is extremely dumb and completely against every single film, in fact it goes against the very nature of the xenomorphs in being the consummate hunters and hive-builders. It will stop them from having to constantly tackle down marines, and marines will no longer be frustrated at having to either ghost themselves or be constantly watched over by xenos who would MUCH rather be doing anything else than constantly keeping you down.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Number one, you would have to strictly deny combat nests, or nests outside of the actual xeno nest. Make it illegal. It's already considered powergaming by most anyway. Number two, the timer still allows people to rescue you, since you can shout for help, tell people where you are, and so on. After those 2 minutes you'd effectively pass out, or go insane - think of the number of people in the movies that are found by marines stuck to walls and can only gibber helplessly or stare at nothing. I don't remember anyone actually surviving being taken to a nest (besides Ripley obviously), and certainly none would be able to just go WELP THANKS FOR THE RESCUE and run off to become a baker. If you're one of those humans who constantly irritates the xenos after being completely and utterly captured, you should feel ashamed of yourself. How in the hell did the xenos ever capture anyone if a measly, shitty little human can just "struggle free" from their bio-cages?

Not only that, it would also help buff up the number of ghosts. Almost every xeno round that's under 30 people has a severe lack of xeno-toggled ghosts and a whole lot of hugged people/monkeys just sitting there waiting to burst, but can't because there's no legitimate ghosts available.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Pretty easy to code, actually.
Last edited by Abbysynth on 02 May 2015, 21:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by TopHatPenguin » 02 May 2015, 21:13

I don't like this as it means if a marine is recued from a hive he will just be a ghosted marine so no way he can play again....

Also two minutes isn't long as the whole infected state takes 10 mins and a marine can only escape three times from resisting out of a nest...

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Abbysynth » 02 May 2015, 21:16

Osalaa Wooki wrote:I don't like this as it means if a marine is recued from a hive he will just be a ghosted marine so no way he can play again....

Also two minutes isn't long as the whole infected state takes 10 mins and a marine can only escape three times from resisting out of a nest...

How often are nested marines rescued before they ghost anyway?

The infected state does NOT take 10 minutes, it is completely variable and depends on a) the random progression of the xeno disease (from stages 1-4), and b) the ghosts available. You will NOT burst unless there's a legit ghost to become the larva.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by TopHatPenguin » 02 May 2015, 21:18

Abbysynth wrote:
How often are nested marines rescued before they ghost anyway?

The infected state does NOT take 10 minutes, it is completely variable and depends on a) the random progression of the xeno disease (from stages 1-4), and b) the ghosts available. You will NOT burst unless there's a legit ghost to become the larva.
there will always be a ghost because if there isn't it makes you the larva...

Also I for one never ghost and I would like to keep it that way as it means you can go out fighting instead of just being a limp body in a pile of goo.
Last edited by TopHatPenguin on 02 May 2015, 21:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by UnknownMurder » 02 May 2015, 21:40

But then... Someone would have a chance to escape the nest.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Abbysynth » 02 May 2015, 23:39

Osalaa Wooki wrote: Also I for one never ghost and I would like to keep it that way as it means you can go out fighting instead of just being a limp body in a pile of goo.
And did this happen in ANY part of the Aliens franchise, ever? I know we're only loosely based on it but face it buddy, if you are infected and in a nest, you frigging lost.

Why is it that YOU get to be a nuisance and the xenos have to get punished for capturing you? That's one body who has to constantly guard and tackle your stupid ass instead of going to fight.

You could make it 4 minutes instead, that ought to give people plenty of time. But removing the ability to resist out of nests is pretty much essential. As it stands, all it means is that some alien has to guard you for you to sit still. Which is seriously dumb.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Helmut Schmacker » 03 May 2015, 07:23

This feels like some SJW shit. The aliens don't want it to be fair they want it to be more equal chances for them than the marines. While that follows lore for marines to be weaker than aliens it would be boring to play a marine with mecha godzilla aliens. If you truly wish for this to be implemented, then how about the rules enforce that the more intellectually inferior aliens act that way? Warriors are geniuses although they are meant to be primal. Making aliens play their role could be a huge part to the game also.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by El Yahpo » 03 May 2015, 15:40

As a zeno drone one of my very favourite parts was actually watching over captured hosts by myself. The danger of them escaping is interesting and can be exciting when they actually have a chance.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by crazyh206 » 03 May 2015, 15:44

i've escaped once or twice but now my only focus is just to do as much damage to the xenos as i can before bursting but most of the time i don't get enough hits of due to my shitty mouse or the xenos constantly tackle me right before i get out of the nest so no ghosting ever when captured or it just proves your a asshole.
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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by El Yahpo » 03 May 2015, 15:48

I honestly think that escaping marine should be buffed, but idk what that would do to game balance, especially if they just go kamikaze

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by speedybst » 03 May 2015, 19:59

-1, this is an awful idea. You say that the captured marines are already dead as soon as they are nested? Well, as both a rescuer and rescued party, i can state with confidence that this is not the case - it simply takes good planning and teamwork to free the marines. Removes the choice of the player to continue to fight, so why on earth should the players who do continue to fight be forced to be pacified? As for the links to the alien franchise, yes, we do try use them for inspiration, but we have never attempted to be a XX121 simulator, so many choices are made to promote gameplay, not because a movie dictates it.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Fickmacher » 03 May 2015, 22:10

Considering that all it takes is a hugger and dragging, this would make things way too in favor of the aliens. As someone who's played the larva that bursts out of his own chest on multiple occasions, I can say that it's more rewarding to have a struggle before dying. Also take into account that this would be taking away a major role for Drones and Sentinels, and make the hive a little more pointless. I understand how this works from a lore perspective, but it would greatly decrease the tension and fun of the game all around. I'm going to have to give a -1.
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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 04 May 2015, 05:49

-1.....just why like sure it would be nice but what is the point of being a sentinal, drone or hivelord when you have no hive things to do anymore and there can be a rescue party at some stage to help them get free.

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by Felkvir » 04 May 2015, 06:06

This is not really needed ... At all

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Re: Being infected + nested should auto-ghost you.

Post by NijiShadow » 10 May 2015, 12:51

It would seem that you're mainly basing your argument on having accuracy with the movie franchise as well as some Aliens not wanting to sit and guard the nested humans. If we're going from a realistic point, if the nest isn't under attack the only type of aliens that should be in the nest keeping people down are the sentinel and its evolutions (possible the queen and drones, but they should probably be laying eggs or expanding the hive anyways). Also, the sentinel and its evolutions aren't meant to be as suited for combat as the runners, warriors, and ravagers, and are better suited to just stay in the hive and guard nests, if that sort of play-style doesn't suit you, consider evolving into a different type of alien.
