Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Cattivix » 16 May 2015, 17:56

Butterrobber202 wrote:Yeah make Infected people immune to a Aliens harm intent but take 2x to a Disarm?

That is the only way it could be balanced. But still,its better how it is now.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Dolth » 20 May 2015, 04:46

No idea but when there's only one guy alive running his arse all over Nostromo while yelling "OMGOMGOMG", and you're trying to escape the nest you are in, aliens just decide to kill you, even if you're infected sometimes just because it's the end of the round and if they kill it will end the round faster. (Which is wrong, as you're counted dead once you're infected.) It's just extremely lame... I also saw runners killing infected people because Queen gave kill order on everyone, even if they were infected so... Blame the queen or the runner? Hell, just make it stop imo.

But yeah, back on the topic. Kill order is still important I think, problem is as always, Queens need to be good players and well... Whitelist or...? Idk.
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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by speedybst » 20 May 2015, 06:06

Whitelisting queens? Yeah, no, this is a terrible idea, i can't see any good coming from it. Yes, i'll agree that it is annoying when queen gives the order to kill infected because it will end the round soon when you are a marine (which isn't entirely false, since only nested, infected living marines count as dead), but as was brought up in another discussion, queens are free to order basically anything that doesn't break a rule.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by MrGabol100 » 20 May 2015, 09:30


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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by MrJJJ » 20 May 2015, 09:58

I am the only one who thinks this thing
Seriously, queen can't and should not be allowed to give orders to kill infected at all...

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Davidchan » 20 May 2015, 10:28

-1 Killing is up to the queen's discretion. And, in some cases there is a very damn good reason to start killing hosts. The top reasons that I usually allow for as Queen are:

Self defense, is a damn good one. Marines that travel in groups are hard to deal with. The hive might be low on runner or sentinel castes or other aliens just aren't following directions of the queen. A warrior can't infect and secure 4 marines on his own. Hell most can't even handle 2. So, he may have to infect 2 marines and slash the other two up. Every now and then, being overly aggressive and forcing a marine back will pay off, though the majority of our server validhunts and will fight an alien to the death, even with their barehands, when the alien itself shows very little interest in fighting the uninfected. If you are THAT intent on trying to kill someone or something that clearly could end your own life without much effort, you've already thrown your life away and deserve to be killed.

Insanely difficult to infect hosts. Heavy Infantry are the primary contenders here. Hardsuits are another, be it for metagaming or legit reasons to wear one. As a queen, I'm more likely to instruct my hive to kill someone NOT wearing a marine a helmet, especially someone wearing a hardsuit helmet. It's not worth the 5+ huggers it takes to break the helmet, and if we can't drag your ass in to be nested and stripped, then outright killing you sends the message and removes one more threat to the hive. It's not a profitable deal, but it's one we can make without losing our own members.

To end the fucking round. Let's face it, sometimes a round just drags on for hours, it's fun to some but to most it's boring. Marines may have been metagaming or being chuckle fucks, my own aliens may have been struggling to carry out simple orders, maybe I just know that if we take the time to infect and drag every remaining host back to the hangar from your briefing room bunker, you'll just throw up more barricades infront of the bridge and we're back to the stalemate. If my warriors focus on killing you, you can't run fast enough to get away and the sooner the round ends, the sooner everyone gets to try again next round, marine/alien or even ghosts.

Killing infected it just bad form, I will admit to that. But, sometimes it can't be avoided. Mr fuckign Houdini who has 7 rifles in his backpack, 2 pistols in his pockets and his boot knife tucked away, who keeps managing to get free and killed at least one alien? Yeah, fuck him. Any marine that's been armor stripped and still manages to kill an alien loses any protection from me he might have gotten. And don't pretend you can just hide behind the 'But I'm Infected, you CAN'T kill me!' excuse. As a host, you're entitled to nothing from the aliens, and going rambo and attacking instead of trying to escape just means you aren't worth the trouble. When it gets down to it, I'm not going to risk a potential addition to my hive at the cost of someone I already have.

To me, I've already given every hatched and molted alien in my hive jelly. At that point, I've already invested more into my hatched and useful alien over the potential that the growing embryo in Urist McRambo's chest over there. Is my hive going to be missing a recruit because of it? Yeah sure. But I'm not going to trade experienced drones, sentinels, spitters or hivelords who have done a considerable amount for the hive as is now for a newborn larva who may or may not listen to my orders and do anything useful before running into an HMG and get wasted.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by MrJJJ » 20 May 2015, 10:42

Davidchan wrote: . Mr fuckign Houdini who has 7 rifles in his backpack, 2 pistols in his pockets and his boot knife tucked away, who keeps managing to get free and killed at least one alien? Yeah, fuck him. Any marine that's been armor stripped and still manages to kill an alien loses any protection from me he might have gotten. And don't pretend you can just hide behind the 'But I'm Infected, you CAN'T kill me!' excuse. As a host, you're entitled to nothing from the aliens, and going rambo and attacking instead of trying to escape just means you aren't worth the trouble. When it gets down to it, I'm not going to risk a potential addition to my hive at the cost of someone I already have.
Uh dude, if he has pulled out one rifle, strip his backpack off and drag it away, if he pulls out a pistol or a knife, pull his belt and pockets away, you fucking allowed to do it...i barely see aliens strip those people of these items and keep dying thanks to that...

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Sligneris » 20 May 2015, 18:55

Disabling Harm does not actually sound like a good idea. Sometimes the situation requires it, especially with some more troublesome host that start pulling out rifles, guns and knifes, running around the whole hive and shooting and slashing everything... Sorry, I'd rather use Harm to slash his legs rather than just tackle him, only so that he can stand up literally half a second afterwards, before I even pull him over to the nest. Even asking queen for that is too much sometimes, and now people actually seek to strip that authority from queen herself? Deal with the fact that aliens kill in the endgame. It's not like marines have any "right" to stay alive once captured - that rule is protecting alien growth, not marine rights.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Davidchan » 20 May 2015, 19:02

Sligneris wrote:Disabling Harm does not actually sound like a good idea. Sometimes the situation requires it, especially with some more troublesome host that start pulling out rifles, guns and knifes, running around the whole hive and shooting and slashing everything... Sorry, I'd rather use Harm to slash his legs rather than just tackle him, only so that he can stand up literally half a second afterwards, before I even pull him over to the nest.
While I totally agree with the tactic and do it from time to time myself (Nothing says 'I own you' like wounding or breaking a few bones and letting them sit in the corner) I would be careful with that. Mods and admins in the past have taken 'Aliens can not kill marines' to mean 'Aliens can not use harm intent for any reason.' This is, in my opinion, blatantly long and should only be considered intent to kill if 1) They are going for the head, or 2) repeatedly strike the marine after the bone cracking message is heard. Aside from that, it's a rough but very effective way to take down a person who otherwise wants to kill you.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by MrJJJ » 21 May 2015, 00:06

1-3 slashes is enough to cause bleeding, which marines die from and aliens never give them a chance to apply medicine

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Sligneris » 21 May 2015, 03:17

Most marines actually commit suicide when they can. Bit of metagaming, if you ask me, especially when you consider that most people under these circumstances would cling to their life and try to escape.

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Felkvir » 21 May 2015, 03:23

Davidchan wrote: I would be careful with that. Mods and admins in the past have taken 'Aliens can not kill marines' to mean 'Aliens can not use harm intent for any reason.' This is, in my opinion, blatantly long and should only be considered intent to kill if 1) They are going for the head, or 2) repeatedly strike the marine after the bone cracking message is heard. Aside from that, it's a rough but very effective way to take down a person who otherwise wants to kill you.
Uhm, no? We warn people who are idiotic enough to spam harm when it's not necessary. I.E. a queen orders the aliens to "Use harm only when you're in danger", and a sentinel or something then proceeds to easily knock a guy down and start slashing him while he is down..

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Re: Disallowing General Kill Orders By Queen

Post by Sligneris » 21 May 2015, 03:37

There should be some kind of a possibility to knock marines out. I mean really, tackling one, only to wait eternity for our character to take his helmet off and then repeating everything, because the marine got up already... ugh.
