Hive Renewing

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Re: Hive Renewing

Post by Butterrobber202 » 19 May 2015, 15:38

Marines are pretty op, I just want the damn walls HARDER

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Re: Hive Renewing

Post by Lostmixup » 20 May 2015, 16:31


How about the aliens have two types of resin walls? One that's pretty much the current one, easy-ish to destroy but easy to build and one that's more costly, like double the plasma but twice as strong. Perhaps the strong one could also take a second or two to place to make building hives out of them a task that requires more teamwork.
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Re: Hive Renewing

Post by Hailstorm77 » 20 May 2015, 23:35

I give this a + 1 with the idea of making it so Brute damage does way less and Burn damage does way more. Because it takes 75 Plasma to make one wall where the Humans can just be like "Derp 3 bullets and that wall is done son" and you may say "Well it uses bullets" But Marines always bring tons of bullets with them. Also even when using a Knife the resin breaks SUPER fast. So I just think that it's way to underpowered and really needs some changing.
