Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

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Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 17 May 2015, 17:54

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Place a cap on the flamethrowers flamethrowing range, as it seems to be incredibly overpowered if it can throw flames to the edge of the screen. I propose maybe three or four tiles max range for the flamethrower.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Will require the flamethrower to be a bit more up close and personal to kill aliens, as I saw all of xenobiology covered in flames once by a flamethrower standing at the door.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Pretty much the benefits section. I have no idea if this is even possible to code, but I figured i'd throw up the suggestion.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Code, I assume. I am unsure how.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Ordukai » 17 May 2015, 18:09

Flamethrowers desperately need to be nerfed, I think a 4 tile range is reasonable.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Abbysynth » 17 May 2015, 18:22

They're already nerfed, expect it in soon. The initial damage has been dramatically reduced and the per-tick damage is slightly reduced. The range is nice and high so you can do what it's meant for, clearing large quantities of hive areas. In addition, the plasma it takes up per shot has been slightly increased, so it's got even less "ammo".

Also the range is much less than any gun, it can only go maximum the distance from your sprite to the edge of the screen (7).

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 17 May 2015, 18:28

Abbysynth, to elaborate on the gun range. I think most bullets hit weeds due to how bullet firing works. It seems that if you click on weeds, it will shoot the weeds, instead of continueing to travel in that direction. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, those nerfs sound good.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Abbysynth » 17 May 2015, 20:48

Oh, hm. I'm not actually sure if they do or not when accidently aiming for weeds. If bullets do stop at weeds I'll fix it.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by UnknownMurder » 18 May 2015, 06:40

I'm sure it's because you're clicking at weeds. Click the alien instead.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Dolth » 18 May 2015, 07:11

Oneshooting runners is funny. Yet I gotta tell you, ravagers, queens, warriors, hivelords and such resist a LOT to flamethrowers. Required 6 shots to force a ravager to flee, while only one instacrit a runner. Three shots on a warrior didn't crit, queen took a lot too. Also absynth damages doesn't raise with the amount of plasma thrown, cause I thrown 1000 plasma in a single shot on myself and I just went crit, I even could heal myself. While a shot at 50 plasma, also, instacrit me. So yeah, no differences.

Imo range has to be changed yet damages aren't that much up. But yeah, lets see the next update :D.
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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 18 May 2015, 21:25

@unkownmurder. In my personal experience, the aliens are too quick for me to click, so I have to resort to shooting behind them in the general area and hope I hit them. Also, when they run off screen we can't blind fire effectively because we click weeds.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Abbysynth » 19 May 2015, 09:54

There is a difference between throw amounts, up to a limit. It changes the damage, duration of the fire, and the brightness of it, all of which taper off with time.

I wrote one last rewrote for it which hopefully will make everyone happy, when it goes into the game you'll see it in the changelog.

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by Butterrobber202 » 19 May 2015, 15:47

@UM,abbysnth, It is the same with sentinel spit, it stops on the tile you clicked,it would be helpful if it kept going so we could spit from far away

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 19 May 2015, 17:16

@Butterrobber202. If the flamethrower fire continued to travel offscreen, the entire ship would be engulfed in flames, and you would probably run out of fuel after a single shot. If you are talking about bullet travel, I would like to see if clicking weeds would somehow not shoot the weeds, but act as if shooting the floor. It might be a hard task to undertake as I don't know how bullet code works at all.

Or... Wait... You mean, even if I click the floor, the bullet stops at that tile? Like sentinel spit?

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Re: Edit Flamethrower Throw Range (if possible)

Post by UnknownMurder » 19 May 2015, 18:23

Yes, if you click at the floor. You are AIMING for the floor.
