Revert the tackle stun nerf

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Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Telegnats » 21 May 2015, 19:21

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
So in the changelog it says 'Tackle duration is Reduced' or something similar. No numbers were given, but the effects are felt. So let's add all of this up.
It's PAINFULLY easy to cause absolute chaos in the hive, and it's incredibly difficult to keep a marine down long enough to get him back to a nest without just fucking giving up and quitting.
Look at this and tell me that tackles are a sure thing and should have a low duration, or let me tell you that I've been able to suicide while 3 aliens are trying to tackle me down in the middle of a hive. ... =%E2%9C%93

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
It makes being an alien less infuriating, especially when you're a drone in the hive trying to contain the marines that are already infected.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Revert the tackle stun nerf.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Revert the fucking tackle stun nerf.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Juninho77 » 21 May 2015, 19:25

+1. Drone tackle chance is just... Please, no. If the guy that's supposed to take care of the hive can't keep the hosts down, well...
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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Sligneris » 21 May 2015, 19:28

+1, capturing wildly running hosts is infuriating...

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Davidchan » 21 May 2015, 20:10

+1, but only to drone castes, and maybe the Sentinel. People only wanted Warrior/Ravager and Queen nerfed because of their Ludicrously high tackle chance ontop of 5-7 second stuns. With the Warriors speed, 7 seconds was more than enough time to make it from the bridge to Xenobio. Drones and Sentinels tackle odds felt good before the Aliens wide nerf, now a marine can push and keep a fellow marine down longer than a Drone can.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 21 May 2015, 20:32

+/-0 The sentinel should have the spitters superior tackle in my opinion. The drones might need a bit more tackle buffing, but the Sentinels -should- be the ones who are watching hosts, honestly.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Hailstorm77 » 21 May 2015, 22:48

+ 1 on what HalfdeadKiller said. I really think that his Idea is a really good one.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by MrJJJ » 21 May 2015, 23:42

...are you all, serious?
There is a thing, called pounce and neurotoxin, and they help contain hosts.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by Davidchan » 21 May 2015, 23:57

MrJJJ wrote:...are you all, serious?
There is a thing, called pounce and neurotoxin, and they help contain hosts.
Drones have neither and the nerf reduced their stun length to 0-2 seconds. Marines are literally standing back up the moment after you tackle them.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by MrJJJ » 21 May 2015, 23:59

Davidchan wrote: Drones have neither and the nerf reduced their stun length to 0-2 seconds. Marines are literally standing back up the moment after you tackle them.
Why the fuck are you guarding them as a drone?

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2015, 00:15


Drones should not be chasing after people. That is the job of a Sentinel and Runner. Drones SHOULD be building. This is to help reduce the chance for Survivors getting tackled by a random drone hunter.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by apophis775 » 22 May 2015, 01:20

Interesting. I'll make some adjustments. Expect them in by friday.

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Re: Revert the tackle stun nerf

Post by apophis775 » 22 May 2015, 01:35

I'm going to adjust the drones ONLY for the moment.

However, let me make this clear:


Their job, is to BUILD the hive, and evolve to hivelord or carrier. Not sit around as a drone 4ever.

So here's what happening:

I'm raising the MINIMUM tackle time for drones, back to 2 seconds, HOWEVER, the maximum tackle time, remains 3.
Also, I'm adjusting the sentinal back as well.

Also, if you were unaware, these were the changes:

Carrier Tackle changed to 1-3 from 2-4 - shouldn't really be tackling, they should be focusing on throwing huggers
Hivelord - Tackle changed to 2-4 from 4-5.
Hunter - Tackle changed to 3-4 from 4-5, tackle change is now 80% instead of 90%
Praetorian tackle changed to 3-4 from 4-6
Ravager tackle is 4-7 instead of 5-8
Runner is 1-3 instead of 2-4 Tackle chance is 70% instead of 80%
Spitter is 2-3 instead of 2-4
Queen is 3-7 intead of 4-8
