Donation helmets not breaking

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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by apophis775 » 05 Jun 2015, 03:16

What would be a way, that wouldn't give an unfair advantage, or require a tremendous amount of coding?

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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by Juninho77 » 05 Jun 2015, 04:45

apophis775 wrote:What would be a way, that wouldn't give an unfair advantage, or require a tremendous amount of coding?
Magic verb that resprites a marine helmet? Not sure about the amount of coding.
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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by Caryl » 05 Jun 2015, 15:00

How about... When donator helmets get dropped, a "destroyed version" is placed on the floor with a flavor text like "This belonged to W.R. Smithy, it looks damaged!" instead of just making them dissappear. Or better yet, a feature could be added so that when donator helmets get hugged, bits and pieces of broken/ripped apart materials are scattered on all over the floor much like how gibspawners work.

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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by Juninho77 » 05 Jun 2015, 15:45

Caryl wrote:How about... When donator helmets get dropped, a "destroyed version" is placed on the floor with a flavor text like "This belonged to W.R. Smithy, it looks damaged!" instead of just making them dissappear. Or better yet, a feature could be added so that when donator helmets get hugged, bits and pieces of broken/ripped apart materials are scattered on all over the floor much like how gibspawners work.
Why not do that for all helmets? Sounds like a nice addition.
"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by Ordukai » 06 Jun 2015, 03:23

Maybe give them a % chance to completely block or to fail to block a facehugger?
50%+5n (Where n is number of previous attempts on the helmet): Helmet is destroyed
25%-5n(Where n is number of previous attempts on the helmet): Helmet blocks the facehugger completely, much like a biohood would
25%: Helmet simply falls off.

But remember. No matter what you do, if you make it anything but cosmetic people will complain about how "OP" it is.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Donation helmets not breaking

Post by apophis775 » 07 Jun 2015, 00:26

we currently use a "HP" system for helmets, whereas each helmet has a specific set of HP (Biohoods have a tiny bit more, hardsuits have the most).

Each Alium takes some HP from the helmet. At 0, it deletes itself.

We can revisit this for the alpha, but for now, this is denied. It would require a LOT of work that could instead be done on the alpha.
