IC knowledge

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 03 Jun 2015, 09:23

Sligneris wrote:I'll summarize my opinion.
  • Survivors must know that there is some kind of threat on the station.
  • Survivors may know that there are hostile aliens aboard the station.
  • Survivors may know about facehuggers.
  • Survivors should not know about eggs.
  • Survivors should not know about facehugger's effects or about chestbursting, unless they see it in-game.
  • Survivors should not know about vent crawling, unless they see it in-game.
  • Survivors may not know that there are different alien types than drones at all, unless they see it in-game. This includes the queen.
+1, I agree with this list. Someone should put this on the wiki.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by coroneljones » 03 Jun 2015, 09:29

A survivor probably ran from runners and warriors,both castes are different from drones physicaly,vents..they probably saw them exit or run into them some time...as for infection..depends...but survivors probably know what a hugger does if they want to avoid it
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 03 Jun 2015, 09:36

coroneljones wrote:A survivor probably ran from runners and warriors,both castes are different from drones physicaly,vents..they probably saw them exit or run into them some time...as for infection..depends...but survivors probably know what a hugger does if they want to avoid it
For game's sake, I think that the list mentioned earlier is a good list to balance out the knowledge of the survivor RP wise.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Sligneris » 03 Jun 2015, 09:40

coroneljones wrote:A survivor probably ran from runners and warriors,both castes are different from drones physicaly,vents..they probably saw them exit or run into them some time...as for infection..depends...but survivors probably know what a hugger does if they want to avoid it
Should they really?

At the beginning of the game, only drones spawn. There are no other alien types until larvas evolve. Warriors are too similar to drones to distinguish even, especially when you're too absorbed by trying to get the heck away from them. For all I know, I can only tell the difference by name-checking.

Vent crawling sounds too much like meta-gaming for me, even if there could be an opportunity to see it. Survivor is to be rescued, not to be some vent welding pass.

Most of times, facehugger is seen briefly, when an alien places it on someone's head and then drags that person away to the nest. There is no time to tell the effect. It could however be that the infestation started like it did in the original Alien movie, with a lone egg, facehugger and chestburster, which is frankly the only reason that I listed those under 'should not' instead of 'may not'.
Last edited by Sligneris on 03 Jun 2015, 09:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by coroneljones » 03 Jun 2015, 09:43

As for the drone only phase....
I do not belive simple drones could easily clear out a whole station..
As for the larva..it could easily be simmilar to the sevastopol infestation,bursting in the middle of examination.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Sligneris » 03 Jun 2015, 09:45

You do realize that drones are the classic Xenomorphs? Most of the Xenomorphs from the Alien movies were drones and they kicked marine asses.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 03 Jun 2015, 09:51

Either way, the knowledge for RP's sake should be limited somewhat. I don't think they've been surviving on the nostromo with the aliens for THAT long, especially since they spawn in with nothing usually, so it's logical to think that they may not know about a lot of things. Aliens are sneaky man.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by TopHatPenguin » 03 Jun 2015, 11:40

I'm gonna go out on a whim here and say if they have been surviving on board the station for a while they would know about the aliens if it was a short period of time on board sure they may not have seen the threat but they would have almost certainly heard a lot of stuff over the radio...
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Adjective » 03 Jun 2015, 12:22

Sligneris wrote:I'll summarize my opinion.
  • Survivors must know that there is some kind of threat on the station.
  • Survivors may know that there are hostile aliens aboard the station.
  • Survivors may know about facehuggers.
  • Survivors should not know about eggs.
  • Survivors should not know about facehugger's effects or about chestbursting, unless they see it in-game.
  • Survivors should not know about vent crawling, unless they see it in-game.
  • Survivors may not know that there are different alien types than drones at all, unless they see it in-game. This includes the queen.
Considering they were on the station and with multiple people. How do you know that they would not have seen vent crawling beforehand? How do you think they survived when other crew didnt.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 03 Jun 2015, 14:05

Vrai wrote: Considering they were on the station and with multiple people. How do you know that they would not have seen vent crawling beforehand? How do you think they survived when other crew didnt.
Dumb luck probably.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by ScientistMan » 03 Jun 2015, 15:44

Juninho77 wrote:The curious part is how people are always trying to place their rules in how marines should not know anything about aliens, but aliens can know every single fucking thing there is to know about marines and their weaponry.

By that I mean that aliens can run away from grenades, or rush a marine when they hear the marine's magazine is empty, when in reality those noises should make absolutely no sense to them. They will also attack marines' heads when they intend to kill, even though they shouldn't know anything about marine armor.
Playing as a Xeno for probably 90% of the rounds I've played here, I just want to say that doing all of these as Xeno makes perfect IC sense, whether knowing about the marines or not.
Why charge a marine that's run out of ammo? Not because you heard the click of the gun, but because he stopped firing bullets at you, for whatever reason he did. Out of ammo, tackle him. Prepping a grenade and using a 2 handed weapon? Tackle him. Distracted or typing? Tackle him. Acting like a numbnut and threw his gun at you..... Tackle him. In all cases, for whatever reason, the human has stopped firing at you, leaving a chance to rush them and tackle him to the ground for capture before they start up again.

Now running from grenades? For one, Xenos see a little red ! over the grenade, which generally means RUN for anything you see it on. I think if possible, Xenos should be unable to see this little mark if it's not IC for them. But I think it may be, as instinct generally tells you to run from the little beeping ball that even the humans are scrambling to get away from. If even the people that THREW the little beeping thing are running scared, you probably should be as well.

And the aiming for the head to kill.. Well, yeah!! I'd aim for your head even if you were running around the nest buck naked... I don;t care what armor you're wearing, or even IF you have armor on. The head holds many vital bits necessary for a human to live. If you want to kill one, that seems like a pretty good place to start sinking your claws into..

Now that that's over. I give a MASSIVE +1 to giving a detailed list on pAI knowledge, as ICly, the have access to every available database around, so is there some remote outpost database with Xeno research to tap into, or no. Have there been other sighting by other crews, and data from them or no? I like pAI but I also like knowing what they are allowed to know. I've been a pAI for a combat medic one round, and was unsure as to whether I could step by step him through the burster removal process, but got no Admin response that round..

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by MrJJJ » 03 Jun 2015, 20:14

Now running from grenades? For one, Xenos see a little red !
no they Icly fucking don't since it does not exists, it was added so everyone knows where the fuck is the grenade and not try to find it to know which direction to run and get on top of it.
Marines also don't more than 5 tiles from grenade usually, they also don't run scared from it when they throw it, They don't even feel they are scared of the grenade...

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by ScientistMan » 03 Jun 2015, 20:32

What i meant by the see it ICly, i meant more of an instinct thing. But if you read one sentance further, I also said that it would be great for that little marker to be removed for xenos if possible. Also, every time I've ever seen a grenade tossed by a marine, every other nearby marine DID run scared of it. Or they died by it.. Either way, good reason a xeno would do much the same, as the little thrown ball is clearly either so bad it scares even the ones around the guy throwing it, or clearly quite deadly, depending on how that situation unfolds..

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by MrJJJ » 03 Jun 2015, 20:50

This is why people NEED to throw those nades in positions you can't get through…not just throw willy nilly at some random aliens we can kill with no nades anyway...

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by apophis775 » 10 Jun 2015, 04:04

This is planned, and once the game-mode is fixed, will be re-introduced (this existed at one point).

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Triel Wolfblood » 15 Jun 2015, 14:13

Limiting their knowledge might break fun for them but could help others have more fun

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Anon McAnon » 16 Jun 2015, 07:26

Juninho77 wrote:The curious part is how people are always trying to place their rules in how marines should not know anything about aliens, but aliens can know every single fucking thing there is to know about marines and their weaponry.

By that I mean that aliens can run away from grenades, or rush a marine when they hear the marine's magazine is empty, when in reality those noises should make absolutely no sense to them. They will also attack marines' heads when they intend to kill, even though they shouldn't know anything about marine armor.

I find these rules a complete waste of energy. Trying to force marines to ignore alien types when aliens have meta knowledge about marine weaponry is, at best, a terrible case of inconsistency. And I'm not even getting into how incredibly difficult it is to enforce those rules. If someone sees an alien queen coming towards a squad of marines and gets the fuck out of there because they know a screech is coming, they can simply give the IC explanation of "I was afraid of the big one" and slip away from any punishment.
To be fair, when the humans have sticks that vomit fire and rods that vomit very painful neurotoxin, those weird rocks they throw are probably bad news. Especially after they blow up Blezleblab the drone. When the 'beep' for 'out of ammo happens,' they typically means the human isn't shooting their gun anymore. Meaning you can rush them safely now.

And the head is a soft target. Armor or no armor, the head is a very good place to attack and if I recall correctly, xenomorphs do have an affinity towards brutalizing the heads of their prey if they don't infect them.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jun 2015, 12:15

Survivors, for the moment, have "full" knowledge of the alien lifecycle. They've been on the station for awhile. Eventually, we'll have "backstories" given to each survivor, giving them the knowledge they have.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 16 Jun 2015, 13:25

apophis775 wrote:Survivors, for the moment, have "full" knowledge of the alien lifecycle. They've been on the station for awhile. Eventually, we'll have "backstories" given to each survivor, giving them the knowledge they have.
I assume they don't have information on their future evolution's unless they actually see them. Also they wouldn't know what the queen is besides a large as fucker I'd assume.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by UnknownMurder » 16 Jun 2015, 20:29

...Should this be closed, Apophis just wrapped it up twice.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by MrJJJ » 16 Jun 2015, 21:24

Yup, i mean sry…he already explained, what's the point?

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Tranquill » 17 Jun 2015, 01:33

+1 This would be great to have, nice to know the limits of what our characters can know incase we say something we aren't supposed to know yet.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by MrJJJ » 17 Jun 2015, 01:59

Tranquill wrote:+1 This would be great to have, nice to know the limits of what our characters can know incase we say something we aren't supposed to know yet.
apophis775 wrote:Survivors, for the moment, have "full" knowledge of the alien lifecycle. They've been on the station for awhile. Eventually, we'll have "backstories" given to each survivor, giving them the knowledge they have.

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Re: IC knowledge

Post by Lostmixup » 17 Jun 2015, 12:38

MrJJJ wrote:
But what does the "alien lifecycle" mean exactly? "Oh hey I know about future evolution of aliens that haven't happened yet, what their governmental structure is like, what role every evolution that isn't there yet does, the exact biology of the queen, and that she's the queen despite never actually probably being able to get close to her." Little specification is what we're asking for here.
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Re: IC knowledge

Post by MrJJJ » 18 Jun 2015, 00:34

He means the eggs, the face hugger, the chest burster, the alien and then the queen which makes more eggs which makes more huggers who jump on people faces and more chest bursters pop out and which make more aliens, expect they don't anymore evolve into queen since there is already one
Also, a survivor would most likely know about Tier 1 alien, etc drones, sentinels and runners, there is pretty good doubt in that he would know a Tier 2 alien but only one is possible, but Tier 3? yea...
