Add an event where Macho Man Randy Savage comes in at some point in the round (preferably in the beginning) and snaps people like a slim jim.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
A possible fun event that could spice up a dull day of boring rounds. Would be especially fun in alpha.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Macho Man Randy Savage would spawn in and a sound of him going "Ohhhh Yeaaaa" (or a message in chat if you wanna be lazy) that would alert everyone to his presence on the nostromo/ground. This would preferably be done around 10 minutes into the game (so that the marines are just deploying and the aliens have had a little time to set up). Every player would be aware of his presence in the round, and both teams would attempt to take him out or face their demise.
The Macho Man would be unable to use computers, as his extreme power would simply crush the computer (he could perhaps hold a man hostage and make him use the computer for him). His goal would simply be to destroy literally anything in his path, be it alien or human. He would be immune to facehuggers, incredibly difficult to sedate/tackle down, and would HAVE to be killed to be stopped (you either win or lose in this contest of macho, there is no restraining the macho man). His extreme machoness would make him heal over time and allow him to tank A LOT of damage. His health and defense would be higher than a ravager's (because he's the god damn macho man), and his speed would be near a runner's (not quite as fast). His attack power would be equal to that of a ravagers, and he would be able to do a battle cry similar to the queens, but shorter in range and power, simply stunning people for half a second or so instead of making them deaf and knocking them down (the people wouldn't be knocked down, more like just held in place for a minute). He would have the innate ability to shoot slim jims at single targets that would knock them down like the spitters spit. He would have to open doors like the aliens do, but would do so at a slower speed. He would also not be able to crawl around in vents. The person playing as him would have access to all (or most) of his signature moves listed here:
NOTE: All of these abilities would work on aliens.
When the macho man is defeated, the team who defeated him will get a special prize or simply win the round (depending on the situation). Due to the extremely macho levels of difficult it is to kill the macho man, the prize could be advanced weaponry from the macho gods (boxing gloves that do crazy damage perhaps?), a full heal of everyone on that side, or even perhaps the revival of some teammates (because the macho gods reward extreme amounts of machoness). Aliens could get everyone instantly jelly'd or simply get everyone evolved one level. The prize of course varies depending on the mood of the macho gods, and the performance of the team who took out the macho man.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
The Macho Man would work off a modified version of the alien code (as to make it so that he can't equip things, be stripped, or use computers). His signature moves would work off his "Slim Jim Fuel" meter (plasma) and would drain like the alien abilities would, it would of course recharge over time slowly, or by eating. He wouldn't affect the Marines mission in terms of what they need to do (take care of whatever cause the distress signal) unless he himself was the cause of the distress signal.
Added another ability to the macho man, and a note.