[ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

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[ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Surrealistik » 24 Jul 2015, 04:18

CM Version (alpha or Regular):


Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Currently painkillers do nothing vs agony/Halloss sources and also are completely ineffective at reducing the speed reduction from Halloss.

This should change; painkillers should do what they're supposed to which is kill pain.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Improved realism/verisimilitude. Makes painkillers do what they're supposed to and act in an expected way.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

At the moment, all painkillers do is reduce traumatic shock (which advances a character's shock level, which ultimately has debilitating effects when it gets too high); it does not reduce Halloss which is equivalent to pain/subdual damage; the damage nonlethals do, nor does it reduce the effects of Halloss on movement, or even actually prevent pain crit (currently defined as Halloss damage becoming equal to or greater than 100).

What I want to do is give pain killers the ability to negate the negative effects of Halloss and other manifestations/representations of pain from it, and real injuries.

That said, a summary of changes proposed below:
  1. Movement is now reduced by traumatic shock which pain killers influence, instead of Halloss which they do not.
  2. Pain immunity reduces all Halloss damage to 0.
  3. Traumatic shock must be 200+ AND Halloss damage must be 100+ in order to induce pain crit (so painkillers can provide resistance to it). Outside of the effect of painkillers, this should not change the rate at which nonlethals stun players since all Halloss damage is doubled for the purpose of calculating traumatic shock.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Have some code:

Under human_movement.dm

Replace this:

Code: Select all

	var/health_deficiency = (100 - health + )
	if(health_deficiency >= 40) tally += (health_deficiency / 25)

	if (!(species && (species.flags & NO_PAIN)))
		if(halloss >= 10) tally += (halloss / 10) //halloss shouldn't slow you down if you can't even feel it (I agree)
With this:

Code: Select all

        if (!(species && (species.flags & NO_PAIN)))
	      if(traumatic_shock >= 25) tally += (traumatic_shock / 25)  //halloss shouldn't slow you down if you can't even feel it
Why? Traumatic shock encompasses bodily damage, pain levels (Halloss), _AND_ the impact of pain killers, so it's perfectly situated to replace both individual health level and halloss checks. The divisor also reflects roughly the prior impact Halloss and Health loss had on mobility, since Halloss damage is doubled for the purposes of calculating traumatic shock. Further, slowdown from trauma like missing/broken limbs that the ability to ignore pain would be ineffective at countering still have their full effect.

As an added benefit, the new code is more streamlined.

Under damage_procs.dm -> /mob/living/proc/apply_damage

Replace this:

Code: Select all

With this:

Code: Select all

				var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = src
				if(H.analgesic || (H.species && (H.species.flags & NO_PAIN)))
					damage = 0
			if(damage > 0)
				adjustHalLoss(damage /(blocked+1))
Under damage_procs.dm -> /mob/living/proc/apply_effect

Replace this:

Code: Select all

With this:

Code: Select all

				var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = src
				if(H.analgesic || (H.species && (H.species.flags & NO_PAIN)))
					effect = 0
			if(effect > 0)
				adjustHalLoss(effect /(blocked+1))
Under code\modules\mob\living\carbon\human\life.dm -> /mob/living/proc/apply_effect

Replace this:

Code: Select all

				if(halloss >= 100)
					src << "<span class='notice'>You're in too much pain to keep going...</span>"
					src.visible_message("<B>[src]</B> slumps to the ground, too weak to continue fighting.")
With this:

Code: Select all

				if(traumatic_shock >= 200 && halloss >= 100)
					src << "<span class='notice'>You're in too much pain to keep going...</span>"
					src.visible_message("<B>[src]</B> slumps to the ground, too weak to continue fighting.")
You can also do the same for the monkey life.dm file as well if you care.

Why? Lets painkillers actually reduce the pain (HALLOSS) and debilitation inflicted by pain inducing effects as they should.
Last edited by Surrealistik on 24 Jul 2015, 18:05, edited 5 times in total.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Surrealistik » 24 Jul 2015, 12:26

Updated the post formatting so it's less of an eyesore; wish spoiler tags worked.

All of the code featured in the OP has compiled successfully.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Artouris » 24 Jul 2015, 16:49

Can I just say can you put some of this stuff into normal people words so we can understand it. Not everyone has a in depth understand of beyond, ss13 code, etc. Since what is HALLOS suppose to stand for? Also pain killers do kill pain. Unless this changed in ahlpa. Since there's pain crit where you have no damage done but you go into crit (which was tasers) and painkillers in regular gave you green health despite your wounds. So did something change in alpha or is this new stuff that's being covered?

Sorry, I don't understand what this change is exactly about (nor are probably many other people who are too embrassed to ask)

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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Surrealistik » 24 Jul 2015, 17:12

At the moment, all painkillers do is reduce traumatic shock (which advances a character's shock level, which ultimately has debilitating effects when it gets too high); it does not reduce Halloss which is equivalent to pain/subdual damage; the damage nonlethals do, nor does it reduce the effects of Halloss on movement, or even actually prevent pain crit (currently defined as Halloss damage becoming equal to or greater than 100).

What I want to do is give pain killers the ability to negate the negative effects of Halloss and other manifestations/representations of pain from it, and real injuries.

A summary of the changes I'm proposing and providing code for:
  1. Movement is now reduced by traumatic shock which pain killers influence, instead of Halloss which they do not.
  2. Pain immunity reduces all Halloss damage to 0.
  3. Traumatic shock must be 200+ AND Halloss damage must be 100+ in order to induce pain crit (so painkillers can provide resistance to it). Outside of the effect of painkillers, this should not change the rate at which nonlethals stun players since all Halloss damage is doubled for the purpose of calculating traumatic shock.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Tetsip » 24 Jul 2015, 21:50

I don't support this. Sulaco Medics will give these to marines to use as battle stims, and they will use it to turn themselves into supersoldiers as long as they have a stim supply.

It will simply become a major balance issue because people will use it offensively instead of medically.
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Evilkyle24 » 25 Jul 2015, 04:10

+1, but

Running when badly injured using painkillers should worsen your wounds as a penalty. Your character isn't paying attention to those wounds, so they hurt themselves more.

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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Tetsip » 25 Jul 2015, 04:13

Like I said I'm incredibly against it because the intent for these painkillers is supposed to be medicine applied by a doctor, and not a battle-stimulant that marines keep around with them Starcraft-style. However, if added that's exactly what it'll become. Just make splints craftable and bring inaprovaline to keep your patients stable. The slowness from crit allows aliens to be able to hunt you down and possibly infect you.

Adding this miracle drug will add major balancing issues.
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by Surrealistik » 26 Jul 2015, 12:54

Tetsip wrote:I don't support this. Sulaco Medics will give these to marines to use as battle stims, and they will use it to turn themselves into supersoldiers as long as they have a stim supply.

It will simply become a major balance issue because people will use it offensively instead of medically.
Battlestims already exist (see the Stimutacs formula in my CMO guide). Synaptizine alone currently contributes far more to marine combat effectiveness than painkillers after these buffs ever will. Hyperzine in the meanwhile completely negates _all_ speed penalties. Period. If a drug capable of removing slows was going to be a balance problem, that problem would have already manifested.

Aliens don't really use Halloss.

The only balance impact this would have vs the aliens is offsetting minor slows from heavy injuries via painkillers, which it should, and which is not that big a deal. On the flipside however, physical injuries contribute somewhat more to movement slow down due to the way traumatic shock is calculated, so there's a tradeoff. This change is really more orientated towards verisimilitude. It does _not_ impact the speed penalty from broken bones and the like (which it shouldn't since those actively impede you through compromise of the body's physical structure).
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by apophis775 » 05 Sep 2015, 20:14

IS this still a concern? Also, I'm working on a minor update for medics.

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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by apophis775 » 15 Nov 2015, 02:56

Is this a concern post my medical update?

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Re: [ALPHA] Expand Painkiller Functionality; Painkillers Should Reduce Pain/HALLOSS Impacts

Post by apophis775 » 05 Feb 2016, 16:17

Denied. Pretty sure this already happens.
