Let more of specific marine roles spawn in at round start

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Let more of specific marine roles spawn in at round start

Post by Lostmixup » 02 Aug 2015, 01:38

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Essentially, allow more of specific marine roles to spawn in at the beginning of a round.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Marines won't have to waste time re-assigning people. Will allow for a smoother prep time for marines, and possibly smoother gameplay.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
So these are the roles I think need to have more spawn in at the start.

Bridge Officers
Why do only two spawn in at the start? There's four squads! Four! Okay, maybe you want the XO (please change the abbreviation on the server from EO to XO too please) and the CO to also lead a squad, but why? The CO and XO are supposed to give general orders to the squads. Here's your order, here's the strategy I want to employ, go carry them out. The BO's are the guys who micro manage the squads, making sure the CO's have a constant link with all squads going at almost all times, and help to keep the squads in order at all times with constant updates on what they should be doing. By only having two BO's at the start the XO and CO have to take two of the spots, so the CO and XO will have to baby sit one squad in particular, taking their attention away from thinking about what ALL the squads should be doing, instead of just theirs. I sort of think of it like Battlefield's 3 & 4 where every squad is disconnected from each other (at least on console) and generally are acting independent of one another, even if they're working towards the same goal. It's disjointed, and everyone generally has their own goals in mind.

Military Police
I don't know why, but it always feels like we're short of military police. Perhaps it's because there's practically no crime on the sulaco anymore for a good hour or two, while marines go get their asses kicked, causing the remaining MP's to go SSD. Well, one way to fix this is to let a little more of them spawn in. There's a whole bunch of lockers in there, may as well put them to use. Add in a chief of security if you have to, but do something so that it doesn't feel like there's constantly no police on the sulaco.

Sulaco Doctors
Would it hurt to have one or two more Doctors available to spawn at the start of the round? Specifically doctors too, not all medical staff. Marines come in droves when they get injured, often times over whelming the Sulaco medical staff; having a few more doctors would alleviate this problem. Also it would allow the command staff to more freely send down sulaco doctor's to preform their medical magic on soldiers down in the field (this is the main reason).

I can't really think of any other roles at the moment that might need more people, besides maybe RO. RO seems more like a solo person job though, so I didn't put it in the list.
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Re: Let more of specific marine roles spawn in at round start

Post by Feweh » 02 Aug 2015, 02:30

Pretty much agree with everything you've suggested.

Here's my setup for when I'm Commander.

XO become's my Ground Commander and organizes the FOB - He's my eye's and ears and deals with supplies etc.
I put out a announcement for 2 more BO's and I always have volunteers, they over-watch and deal with Sulaco stuff.
I have 2 MP's run the shuttle as Pilot's essentially, this is mainly to give them something to do so they don't go SSD and it helps manage the shuttle properly.
I send a Doctor down to the FOB and find a replacement for him on Sulaco, take in mind at least a doctor or two will go SSD anyways.

A major reason we need to add more slots for these roles is because how LONG rounds are going for. I think the average round is approaching 3 hours and people just end up having to leave after awhile.. it's completely understandable.

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Re: Let more of specific marine roles spawn in at round start

Post by Jeser » 02 Aug 2015, 03:55

Yeah. It is just simply nearly impossible to be able to play for three hours without going anywhere or getting distracted by something and so on. That's why a lot of people often SSD. And if it is standard, that's okay and not critical. But if it is two out of three Sulaco medics, marines have big problems.
Jeser "Fox" Aushwitz.
Jeser believes only in one thing - common sense.

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