[ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

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[ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Surrealistik » 03 Aug 2015, 16:34

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Change cryotubes so they:
  1. Don't pump their occupant full of soporific (why do they even do this?)
  2. Don't drain reagents when the occupant is at full health and has no damaged, non-robotic organs & limbs or internal bleeding.
  3. Add an option to autoeject occupants that are at full health and have no damaged, non-robotic organs & limbs or internal bleeding (go get a job you freeloading hippie).
  4. Add an option to have the cryotube alert Medbay when an occupant is at full health and has no damaged, non-robotic organs & limbs or internal bleeding.
  5. Make cryotubes constructable and upgradable per /TG/: http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Guide ... enics_Tube
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Makes Medbay significantly more efficient. Prevents copious waste/overdosage of reagents. Reduces marine downtime. Increases fun.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

See summary.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Minor coding changes. Integrate open source, freely available /TG/ code for the cryotube alerts/auto-eject/constructibility and upgradability.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by apophis775 » 03 Aug 2015, 17:55

1. No, The soporific is part of the process, being a sedative. It's also not realistic for someone to just pop out of a cryo chamber instantly. However, maybe we'll lower the amount of sopor

2. The drain, comes from it being "injected" into the mixture. If it's turned on and there's no occupant, it still drains.

3. Right-click - Autoeject. We aren't going to make it so that doctors get their entire jobs done for them.

4. This might be doable, maybe a "ping" when all possible damage is healed.

5. We don't use /tg/ code, it's too different from ours to incorporate easily, plus, there's the whole license difference between us and /tg/.

Also "Details" is where you would put additional benefits, or how it would help the server.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Surrealistik » 03 Aug 2015, 18:30

1. Please do. As is you either have to put a lot of Dylovene into the cryomixture to counteract the soporific, use the one (1) Sleeper (for the love of god please put another one near Cryo) to pump the patient full of Dylovene, or waste a fuck ton of Dylovene via injecting/pilling the patient. Beyond that, the sheer amount of soporific means that unexperienced Medbay staff will leave a marine to recover for like 5+ minutes after spending a couple attempting to shake them awake because they don't understand A: that the patient has fucktons of soporific in their system, and B: that shaking awake won't work.

2. I'm aware; I'm saying that it shouldn't drain unless there's a patient with viable wounds to transfer reagents to.

3. This isn't doing doctor's jobs for them; not even close. The simple fact is that Medbay is often overworked to the point that people are forgotten in the cryotubes, and end up staying there much longer than they should be; see it happen all the time in practice.

4. Ping + announcement detailing the patient's name and location over the MedSci channel and that they have recovered in the cryotube would be ideal, per the Medbots when they report treatment.

5. I successfully imported /TG/ code to Dev Baystation for most of the upgradable machinery in under an hour, keeping in mind I'm pretty new to BYOND code; why would this be too difficult? Also, what's the difference in licensing between /TG/ and Baystation?

Concerning details, I already stated the benefits in benefits; wouldn't that be redundant? I thought details is for elaborating on the summary when necessary.
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Gentlefood » 04 Aug 2015, 15:52

I've seen some cryotubes have a 2min timer for occupants to eject themselves. I wouldn't mind that being implimented. So +0.5

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by indy4321 » 05 Aug 2015, 02:43

Gentlefood wrote:I've seen some cryotubes have a 2min timer for occupants to eject themselves. I wouldn't mind that being implimented. So +0.5
We already have that. Right click on the cryotube and eject yourself. It takes 2 minutes but it works.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by apophis775 » 12 Sep 2015, 17:00

Looking into this.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by WyattH » 12 Sep 2015, 17:38

+0.2 I only agree with the upgradable cryo tubes(also I realize that's the least likely thing to happen, but damn would I love it)
, everything else is just doctors needing to do their jobs

There are more practical solutions to medbay being 'overworked'
1) add another medbay doctor slot
this will have another doctor working on Sulaco especially when there are WAY too many marines and possibly get a doc working down in the hangar medbay more often than currently
2) drag your SSD doctors to cryo you lazy bum
too often I arrive at medbay and see 1-3 SSD doctors just standing around using up the job slot, while the doctor left complains they have no help......well you didn't free up the job slots....

-also overdosing reagants is humorous, send out a marine with 1000units of tricord in him, makes him robust

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 13 Sep 2015, 03:51

just so you know, it is possible to (near)instantly remove the soporific from someones system, just use one of the two available sleeper units in the top right of medbay (the blue advanced scanners) and run dialysis on them, basically this filters out their blood and removes all (or most at least) chems from their system (INCLUDING BENEFICIAL ONES), they will lose a tiny amount of blood but the amount is so negligable that they'll recover it after a few seconds, if you really insist on speeding that up tell them to go eat something. (this process wont be instantaneous but its still pretty damn fast, just click the button marked refresh and when it says there are 0.0 units of soporific in their bloodstream they're good to go)

a mysterious side effect is that the clonex in their bodies will react to the blood and you'll occaisionally see synthmeat show up over the sleepers, its weird but just ignore it, toss it into the cloners here and there for a tiny bit of extra biomass (this of course wont happen if the chryo mixes lack clonex in the beakers, in which case you are a TERRIBLE FUCKING DOCTOR!)

in addition, the chryotubes contrary to popular belief do NOT inject soporific into the bloodstream at ALL, its the CLONERS which inject soporific and ergo only CLONED marines who need to undergo this process, marines who are merely injured for various reasons who are thrown into a chryotube for a quick and easy fix (generally chryox works on everything that doesnt need surgery save for blood shortages) should be able to stand on their own power after a brief bit of shaking.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Surrealistik » 14 Sep 2015, 13:48

@ Wyatt:

When do you have the time to cryo SSD doctors in the middle of a marine injury shitstorm? This is also usually when doctors go SSD because they can't cope with the sheer stress/workload.

While we could add another doctor slot, obvious solutions for streamlining doctor workload and preventing accidental cryotube incarcerations makes a lot of sense; even with one more slot, I can absolutely see people still getting left in cryotubes during periods of heavy workload.


Several people have said that cryotubes do not inject soporific, but I have repeatedly seen people get hit with soporific that did not come from cloning; it's possible that I'm remembering incorrectly though as I haven't been on the server in awhile, so it would be nice if one of the coders could verify. Further, yes, the Sleeper can expedite soporific removal via dialysis as well as Dylovene, but the fundamental problem is that there is all of one Sleeper, and it is an additional step that needs to be taken lest someone be unconscious for 5+ minutes which inexperienced doctors have no idea to do in the first place (beyond that I prefer the Dylovene only solution; gives the marines a lot of Tricord in the bloodstream and lets them recover about as quickly).
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Arachnidnexus » 14 Sep 2015, 17:17

A little indicator on the cryo tube would be great to let you know when a person is at 100%, but I think the soporific is fine. It adds a drawback to cloning which is good since multiple surgeries already take a bunch of time and effort when you could just toss a corpse into the cloner > cryo > sleeper and done.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by WyattH » 14 Sep 2015, 17:36

Surrealistik wrote:@ Wyatt:

When do you have the time to cryo SSD doctors in the middle of a marine injury shitstorm? This is also usually when doctors go SSD because they can't cope with the sheer stress/workload.

While we could add another doctor slot, obvious solutions for streamlining doctor workload and preventing accidental cryotube incarcerations makes a lot of sense; even with one more slot, I can absolutely see people still getting left in cryotubes during periods of heavy workload.

In my experience in medbay on Sulaco much, alot of doctors go SSD at round start because they didn't want to be doctors, especially the CMO just sitting locked in their office. In addition more go SSD while waiting around for any wounded marines to come back up from the planet because they're bored doing nothing in medbay(even though there are plenty of things for them to do to prepare medbay)

Also as said before marines can always right click on cryotube and eject themselves, it's just that most marines on this server have little knowledge of game mechanics besides 'shoot alien, kill things'

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by GingerCultLeader » 14 Sep 2015, 23:35

Well, it takes two minutes to eject someone from cryotube. I find usually doctors eject before two minutes is up.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 15 Sep 2015, 10:06

i dunno man, you may as well eject yourself from chryo because even with epic doctors sometimes the medbay gets COMPLETELY swarmed with incoming wounded, especially if medivacs are infrequent so we have to deal with alot of guys in one go, its real easy to forget about some dude we left in a chryotube when we have guys coming in sans arms and legs or with horrifically injured internal organs.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Seehund » 15 Sep 2015, 10:22

I really think an alert is needed, though. Maybe just a blinking light on the sprite itself; sometimes, the tube is the only thing keeping you alive from an especially bad wound that's incurable without surgery, and selfexpelling more often than not means the only person on stand-by is the grim reaper, as opposed to the medic you need.
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 15 Sep 2015, 10:40

at the very least if the dude self expels it should play a sound to inform nearby doctors that someone has removed themselves from chryo, as i said if people ARE self expelling its probably because the doctors are swamped, giving us more notice about this being the case could help keep us informed as to the fact that you guys are in need

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by TopHatPenguin » 15 Sep 2015, 19:40

Mycroft Macarthur wrote:at the very least if the dude self expels it should play a sound to inform nearby doctors that someone has removed themselves from chryo, as i said if people ARE self expelling its probably because the doctors are swamped, giving us more notice about this being the case could help keep us informed as to the fact that you guys are in need

No idea if this is eh.. possible but in theory could you have like a little flashing red light come on somewhere at the bottom of the cryo tube if the patient has decided to use the self release mechanism ?

Would this perhaps solve the self expel issue ?
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 15 Sep 2015, 21:54

maybe but the light would have to be big and noticeable, if patients are coming in we arent stopping to look at every random thing in medbay, our job is to shove someone into advanced scanner then throw their ass on the table to fix whatever ails them, not alot of room for sightseeing in the middle of that.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Gentlefood » 15 Sep 2015, 22:00

Mycroft Macarthur wrote:maybe but the light would have to be big and noticeable, if patients are coming in we arent stopping to look at every random thing in medbay, our job is to shove someone into advanced scanner then throw their ass on the table to fix whatever ails them, not alot of room for sightseeing in the middle of that.
Just make it a big band light across the top of the tube. Blue for in progress, Red for Finished or whatever you want for the colors.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Surrealistik » 17 Sep 2015, 15:36

There is basically no good reason not to have a cryotube alert broadcast over the Medical channel at a minimum. Autoejects as an option in addition to an alert option (that can be used independently of autoeject) would be the best possible change (autoeject for simple heal and heave, alerts without autoeject for when the patient needs to be healed in preparation for a surgery/further treatment).

Yes, Doctors go SSD for reasons other than stress, but stress/overburden is still a leading cause of SSD, and cryoing doctors in the middle of a patient horde is just not something medical staff can do.

Further, I'd rather marines not get into the habit of self-ejection. First of all, if they require further treatment per surgery when out of cry, this can result in some serious problems. Second, for those that don't, they still end up waiting longer to get booted than they would if we had an alert system.
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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Wickedtemp » 17 Sep 2015, 18:43

On the topic of medbay, it needs another chem dispenser... Might suggest that later on simply because even when being as smart as possible making chems, you can't stock for everything with one dispenser.

Or at least have a way to make it recharge faster...

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Arachnidnexus » 19 Sep 2015, 21:40

Just use the one downstairs. Unless the researcher's pumping out chem nades constantly there should be extra chems.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by WyattH » 20 Sep 2015, 06:55

Wickedtemp wrote:On the topic of medbay, it needs another chem dispenser... Might suggest that later on simply because even when being as smart as possible making chems, you can't stock for everything with one dispenser.

Or at least have a way to make it recharge faster...
Arachnidnexus wrote:Just use the one downstairs. Unless the researcher's pumping out chem nades constantly there should be extra chems.

Also you can save time and steps depending on what you're making by using the tricord/inaprovaline/dexalin/etc already present in the nanomeds and medkits in the medbay.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Arachnidnexus » 20 Sep 2015, 12:58

Although I do wish you could improve the current chem dispensers so that you can pump out more custom combat meds and chems.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by Wickedtemp » 20 Sep 2015, 18:50

WyattH wrote:
Also you can save time and steps depending on what you're making by using the tricord/inaprovaline/dexalin/etc already present in the nanomeds and medkits in the medbay.
If there even IS a scientist to let me into the lab, and then he could just say 'No.' and kick me out... I've also had an idiot CL or.. someone of a high rank with a near All-Access ID use ALL of the dispensers power on plant fertilizer...

And I do use the dexalin in the kits, the dylovene and inaprovaline in the vendors, all that good stuff. But, with only ONE dispenser you still can't get to what I would consider 'fully stocked'. There are like three doctors on the ship taking care of around fifty marines, so that means a LOT of chems.

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Re: [ALPHA] Cryotube Changes

Post by apophis775 » 22 Sep 2015, 17:47

This should be better, anyone been cloned recently?
