Dropship Pilot
- RehabBaron
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Dropship Pilot
Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Add a pilot for the dropship, so he can get drunk and still not crash the ship. It's canonical and stuff, and it'd save a lot of time screaming for "SERIOUSLY FUCKING SEND THE SHUTTLE's!" from a lot of people. Basically make him in charge of the dropship. Also make the drop-pod all access.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): As stated above.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): As stated above.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): No clue.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): As stated above.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): As stated above.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): No clue.
- LordeKilly
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- RehabBaron
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Re: Dropship Pilot
That's basically what we have now, of course everyone that has access now will have access when this is implemented.LordeKilly wrote:-1.
>gets drunk, dies from alcohol poisoning in maint
>marines trapped on sulaco
- Pillow
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Well i like the idea but your suggestion is basically empty and has been suggested before I think...
- RehabBaron
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Not really much to suggest.Pillow wrote:Well i like the idea but your suggestion is basically empty and has been suggested before I think...
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I like that. That will be much easier on first hour. Of course, person can DC, but someone else can be assigned, also those, who now can send shuttles: SLs, BO, XO, CO and MPs will remain possibility to send it. I like that. +1
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I really want a shuttle pilot job to work, but they need something else to do. As is, they'll get bored really quickly.
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Make their task also to clean up shuttle and fix it and they will have work for whole round.SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:I really want a shuttle pilot job to work, but they need something else to do. As is, they'll get bored really quickly.
- Atpot
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I've always wanted a pilot job as well.SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:I really want a shuttle pilot job to work, but they need something else to do. As is, they'll get bored really quickly.
Maybe give the shuttle upgradable parts? that the pilot can work on, Implementing the area in the hanger that holds the APC.
Just some ideas,
Stronger windows, Stronger shutters Night vision (Pilot seat), Mounted guns?
Maybe even actual additions adding space on the shuttle itself increasing interior room, limited by the landing pads size.
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Dropship Pilot
That's simply not enough meat for the job to genuinely hold the interest of a player.Jeser wrote: Make their task also to clean up shuttle and fix it and they will have work for whole round.
They need something more substantial and more interesting.
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Make shuttle piloting more complicated!SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote: That's simply not enough meat for the job to genuinely hold the interest of a player.
They need something more substantial and more interesting.

- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I think we'd need to make the pilot totally optional but beneficial. We don't want to make the invasion solely dependent on a single person being able to do their job.
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Really, I can't imagine anything benefical for pilot except special unique uniform, gloves, badass flight helmet, special gasmask and pistol with name of pilot on it.SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:I think we'd need to make the pilot totally optional but beneficial. We don't want to make the invasion solely dependent on a single person being able to do their job.
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I have suggestions, but they're all just cannibalizing parts of other jobs. Still:SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:I really want a shuttle pilot job to work, but they need something else to do. As is, they'll get bored really quickly.
1: Multiple landing zones. Put a couple clearings in the jungle that can have a landing beacon activated. The pilot can choose which beacon to land at (it'll just be moving the clump of tiles that represents the shuttle to another spot, but still).
2: Airstrikes. Functionally identical to orbital bombardments, but with its own beacon and activated from the shuttle cockpit. Might require the shuttle to be "in flight" (e.g. on the space tiles) to function and/or has a cooldown that only resets on visiting the Sulaco, possibly requiring a manual reload performed by the pilot.
3: This is iffy, but maybe some kind of optional afterburner fuel system? It could use phoron or some other gas, require manual re-filling, and allow the shuttle to move at a higher speed, reducing transit between the Sulaco/Planet or between planetary landing zones. It could get a limited number of charges (possibly very limited) before requiring a refill.
4: It would probably be possible to implement some kind of minigame that can be played from the pilot's seat to add some reflex or time-sensitive challenge to piloting. It would probably have to just be one of the tgstation arcade games (http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Compu ... rion_Trail) with the text changed to piloting-related stuff, and the numerical values reworked to make it doable in only the time it takes the shuttle to transit. This would be silly and I can't imagine anyone would actually find it fun, and at best could be implemented as an optional thing to decrease transit time if you win a round of it (similar to using the afterburner but without consuming the gas).
5: As a prior poster stated, the pilot would be responsible for keeping the shuttle repaired and cleaned.
6: Emergency management? I put a question mark because missing windows don't actually seem to suffocate marines on the shuttle, as far as I've seen, but I don't know if this is a coding oversight or an intentional decision. Either way, if the O2 was allowed to realistically drain from the shuttle, it'd give purpose for maybe an emergency O2 canister hooked up to a couple of pumps in the shuttle, to be used at the pilot's discretion. As with the other aspects of the shuttle, this would have to be refilled if drained.
An SL ID would, at the very least allow access to the transport function, so marines aren't stranded. But a dedicated pilot could keep the shuttle fueled and armed, providing tangible benefits to the marine team and giving them something to work on and get better at between telling people they're in for some chop.
I know these are all terrible, but short of making a separate z-level with a tiny representation of the colony and a little shuttle sprite to fly around in, there's probably not much else that can be done.
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
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- Yes-yes, fucking yes! Too hard to make, but if yes, then, OMG, how cool!
- Interesting, shuttle has two Gauss Cannon now, why not use them?
- Nah, don't think this is needed.
- Just nope.
- Oh, it's about mine suggestion! Of course, yes! XD
- Dunno, even. Neutral.
- Steelpoint
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I think a dedicated Dropship Pilot would be highly useful for Marines and support personal because more often than not you have people waiting for someone to launch the Dropship either to the planet or back to the Sulaco.
Whenever I play as MP I've taken to acting as a pilot as it makes things far easier, and I can defend the Dropship if needed.
If a Dropship pilot role is added, give them a repair workshop with basic supplies to repair damage to the Dropship (such as broken windows).
Whenever I play as MP I've taken to acting as a pilot as it makes things far easier, and I can defend the Dropship if needed.
If a Dropship pilot role is added, give them a repair workshop with basic supplies to repair damage to the Dropship (such as broken windows).
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:I think we'd need to make the pilot totally optional but beneficial. We don't want to make the invasion solely dependent on a single person being able to do their job.
Joshuu! Make that!
Take shuttle from here: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=3211&p=29538#p29538
Or something like that.
Make in lower pad blast doors that can be opened only from console. And automatic unmeltable shutters that closed only when shuttle is flying. Now we need pilot. Profit!!
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I know the baystation 12 security cameras have a visible map of the station with dots you can click to view the various security cameras, it might be possible to use something that expands on that for 'flying'. I also have given a little thought to player defined landing zones, I'm sure it's doable with fancy code, but for the current shuttle code it would be I think fairly complex. Shuttles currently copy from one area to another area, and you can only have one 'area' per tile on the map. It would certainly be very very simple to map in 2-3 shuttle landing zones, and add those as options to the flight computer, but player defined landing sites seem like they would be really complex.
- RehabBaron
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Re: Dropship Pilot
That is just perfect.Thrain wrote:I know the baystation 12 security cameras have a visible map of the station with dots you can click to view the various security cameras, it might be possible to use something that expands on that for 'flying'. I also have given a little thought to player defined landing zones, I'm sure it's doable with fancy code, but for the current shuttle code it would be I think fairly complex. Shuttles currently copy from one area to another area, and you can only have one 'area' per tile on the map. It would certainly be very very simple to map in 2-3 shuttle landing zones, and add those as options to the flight computer, but player defined landing sites seem like they would be really complex.
I'd also like to add, maybe we should get a dropship revamp? New shuttle, more ways for an alien to sneak on board, I dunno'. All I know, a bigger, better shuttle would make the pilot's job a lot better.
- RehabBaron
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Re: Dropship Pilot
BUMP! Have currently sitting on the Sulaco for 15 minutes, while calling for someone to send it, just waiting for the shuttle. Dropship pilots would stop this from happening, just sayin'.
- Jeser
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Apop said, that shuttle shouldn't transport 1-2-3 people. it should transport groups of marines. Dunno if this means yes or no to dropship pilot though.RehabBaron wrote:BUMP! Have currently sitting on the Sulaco for 15 minutes, while calling for someone to send it, just waiting for the shuttle. Dropship pilots would stop this from happening, just sayin'.
- RehabBaron
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Well still, it's incredibally horible having to wait 20 minutes for more people to come, and it sucks for marines that need help.
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Like a said before, the pilot would have to be an optional role. The Marines should still be able to use the shuttle without one.
I suppose this makes sense in the lore; Bishop was able to get the second shuttle to fly to the colony completely automated. It wasn't ideal to have it fly remotely without a pilot, but it was doable.
I suppose this makes sense in the lore; Bishop was able to get the second shuttle to fly to the colony completely automated. It wasn't ideal to have it fly remotely without a pilot, but it was doable.
- Steelpoint
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Re: Dropship Pilot
I'm pretty certain that Bishop himself piloted the second drop ship but remotely, I don't think the ships are capable of flying by themselves.SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:Like a said before, the pilot would have to be an optional role. The Marines should still be able to use the shuttle without one.
I suppose this makes sense in the lore; Bishop was able to get the second shuttle to fly to the colony completely automated. It wasn't ideal to have it fly remotely without a pilot, but it was doable.
- BeyondMyLife
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Re: Dropship Pilot
Yes, as a Synthetic, a Weyland-Yutani made Synthetic at that, he's capable of wirelessly and at some points controlling electronics and technology better and quicker than most people can, so yes, he could easily have remotely, or normally piloted the shuttle, although it wouldn't be preferable.