So I've been having the issue on alpha of not being able to tell who's in what squad at first glance, or at all by just looking at them. I feel this is a major problem that leads to confusion in the long run. I suggest we make the coloring on marine armor more distinct and recognizable.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Will allow squad members to find each other more easily in the field generally causing less confusion allowing squad members to stick together better.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
I suggest covering the armor with more color than is already on it or making the armor colors more stand out-ish (make alpha a brighter red, bravo a less pale yellow, charlie a more bright purple, etc).
I also suggest adding a recognizable colored symbol onto the armor (possibly only on the helmet, or on both) that would change color depending on what squad the persons in. To make it even more recognizable you can make the symbol change depending on what squad the person is in. This symbol could simply be the first letter of the squad they're in or an actual symbol, depending on how much effort anyone would wanna put into it.
Not everyone is on a monitor that's above 15" nowadays, so not everyone will have the sprites scaled up large enough to see the colors as they are currently. Making the colors more distinct on the armor will alleviate this problem.
EDIT: Here's an example photo of a bunch of marines all together mixed up and such.

It's a tad confusing if I do say so myself.