M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

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M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by Nikov » 16 Aug 2015, 03:43

Problem as it stands: Currently the M92 draws from hand grenades or hand-thrown incendiary grenades. This is really strange since this concept died out in WW2 with the rifle grenade cup. It also creates the problem of M92 ammo being difficult to balance; make it easy to resupply and every grunt will have frag grenades, keep every marine from getting grenades and now the M92 runs dry often. Also the ammo bandoleer for the M92 actually cannot be re-loaded with grenades. This makes it a real waste of a belt slot, but it could easily fit on as webbing. Lastly, did you realize an explosive crate contains as many frag grenades as SADAR rockets? That's hardly balanced when you consider the total damage each can do.
Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): I suggest changing this to special 40mm grenades in the M203 style; each a self-contained round of ammunition which cannot be hand-thrown.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): M92 gunners would have their own pool of ammo to draw from, and as such, that ammo could be made much more available and convenient. It would also allow the grenades to detonate on contact instead of as time delayed hand grenades, eliminating alien meta-dodging. Furthermore it would bring the M92 up to par with the SADAR as an explosive weapon, as it carries plenty of ammo compared to the SADAR's scant loadout.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): The specialist box would have several cardboard boxes of grenades inside to put in their backpack, with the grenade bandoleer as a ready rack of grenades. They could also receive some new ammunition types like buckshot, flare, or HEAT (armor-piercing type) that would not make sense as conventional hand grenades. Science could still make more sophisticated grenades by combining a shotgun shell with a grenade casing for things like polytrinic acid foam and space lube grenades. What joy. As a bonus, move the grenade bandoleer from being a belt to being webbing, so a grenadier can also carry magazines for a rifle.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Here's some sprite inspiration. Simple stuff. Note the copper-capped shells are HE / HEAT, the middle ones are smoke markers and flares, and the M592 is the shape of a buckshot round. Colored bands help with identifying one round from the next.
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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by K0NFL1QT » 16 Aug 2015, 03:55

Launched grenades don't have the grenade timer, they explode either on contact or so closely to contact that there's no delay that allows reaction time. There's no grenade beeping or red outline either. I have no idea what the exact damage or blast radius is, though. The grenade launcher should probably have its own grenade types to prevent launcher ammo scarcity or grenade over-saturation, but the consequence of that would mean redoing the Explosives crates at requisitions, splitting it into three separate crates of 'rockets', 'grenades' and 'rifle grenades'.

The grenade bandoleer should be refillable. Making it a webbing option would be amazing, but the belt option is fine so long as it actually works as intended.
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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by Nikov » 16 Aug 2015, 03:56

I've noticed a delay, although it did seem shortened. I think requisitions needs its ammo crates reworked, period. But that's for another suggestion.
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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by K0NFL1QT » 16 Aug 2015, 04:01

I'm unclear on the exact delay, because the explosion usually renders a second or two of lag as well.
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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by DesFrSpace » 16 Aug 2015, 04:40

Newly created and improved Grenade Launcher are secreted to be in work in the JmK's Research facilities.

Background: In the past, JmK close down business due to unwanted destruction, and new law banning on Grenades of Mass Deaths, that destroy all living organism affected in the targeted area.

Rumor: There been story that MgScientist, prodigy and former employee at JmK, has managed to produced this "secret grenade launcher".

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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 16 Aug 2015, 13:03

Personally, separated explosive crates sounds fine to me. Rocket Crate, Grenade Launcher Crate, Hand-Held explosives Crate, Deployable Explosives

Rocket will have one 'refill' of rockets. 3 HE, 2 AP

GL will have one refill of Grenade Launcher nades. Maybe two. I don't see the GL deployed often so I don't know much about it's balance.

Hand held will have the current grenade explosive crate contents. I think its like two or three frags, and two or three incendiaries

Deployable - optional. Would contain a box of mines. I really don't know what the contents of each crate in RO is.

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Re: M92 Grenade Launcher Kit Changes

Post by apophis775 » 24 Nov 2015, 15:57

Denied. I'm pretty certain the Rockets work for this.
