A new crate-like object that cargo can order. Either contains a basic load-out such as an engineer would need, or a weapon and ammo for that weapon. Each kit would cost between 1-3 points to order and give back 1-3 points when returned.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
I think this item will let Requisitions take on some of the role that the ColMarTech vendors, and other prep-vendors, perform. This will allow Requisitions to do more supply oriented stuff in a very precise way. The RO officer will be able to make sure all late-joining squad engineers, medics, or squad leads can get a basic load-out of their job specific gear. In addition this could be used to regulate how much ammo and weapons marines are taking down onto the battlefield. I think this would open up some interesting supply management work for requisitions to deal with.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
A kit would be like a box, not a crate. You can hold the item in your hand, and you open it like a box. However, once an item has been removed from the kit it will have an open icon on the screen (like cigarette boxes currently do). A weapon kit probably should not fit in backpacks, pockets, or any other slot on a marine despite being small enough to be hand held. In addition I think 2-3 kits should be able to fit into a single crate. I personally think the kits should be ordered individually. A supply kit would generally cost 3 points, a weapon kit 1 point, a specialty weapon kit 2 points. Each kit is meant to fully supply one marine with whatever the kit has.
m41a2 kit - One m41 rifle, 7 10mm magazines, One rail flashlight (maybe a bayonet as well).
Engineering kit - 50 metal 15 plasteel, toolbelt, multitool, welding goggles, insulated gloves, one plastic explosive, light replacer.
Mock-up of what a weapon crate could look like:

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
- Different sprite once item(s) have been removed (code can probably be adapted from the cigarette boxes).
- Cannot be fit in pack.
- Can be ordered individually by cargo and returned individually for supply points.
Code: Select all
new /obj/item/weapon/...m41( src )
new /obj/item/weapon/...10mm Magazine( src )
new /obj/item/weapon/...10mm Magazine( src )