Well, When I said baystation12 I meant the actual code, not the server, which colonial marines is a branch of... It's still a good idea to actually implement this, if it doesn't lag the server obviously. Download bay12 code and try it yourself, you'll see what I mean... I actually played on the bay12 server once or twice, but I keep downloading the code every now and then so I can test the new things they add, and this is something I'd like to see implemented sometime,
because most of the time duringa firefight it's really hard to tell who's shooting and where, so you get hit 10 times and die in a corner while crying for help as marines step all over your dying corpse. A LOT of marine casualties are because of accidental friendly fire. Just consider adding this, or something like it, in the future please.
Also the only reason I mentioned Baystation12 is because I think you guys can add this just by merging their code in github or something. So don't tell me about the rules just because I mentioned bay you geeks it's not fair