Aliens too OP!!!
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Aliens too OP!!!
I for one think aliens are way to OP. you guys should really lower there abilitys and shit because its starting to really piss me off when ill be with a squad or something and a fucking runner will just tackle me (by the way when they tackle you you pretty much are dead unless someone gets you up) and slap on a stupid crab and drag me away.
This will benifit the server as a whole by makeing the game more fair and making it more fun!
This will also benifit because it will make it so you have longer play times and a lot more fun rounds! Also for some people it will make it so they dont fucking rage quit!!!
All you guys really have to do is for on i think the aliens should be able to tackle you yes, but you should be able to get up quicker. Also with the crabs you should be able to walk with them on your face but keep the blind effect because thats fine its just with a crab if they get on you you can move or do anything until they dead. One of the things that makes me the most mad about is that the aliens get fucking night vision and can see through there whole nests which for one doesnt even make sence and it makes it so hard to even escape if you already got captured.
Thank you! Please look at this and i know its a big thing to ask for but id really like it if you guys atleast change some of it.
This will benifit the server as a whole by makeing the game more fair and making it more fun!
This will also benifit because it will make it so you have longer play times and a lot more fun rounds! Also for some people it will make it so they dont fucking rage quit!!!
All you guys really have to do is for on i think the aliens should be able to tackle you yes, but you should be able to get up quicker. Also with the crabs you should be able to walk with them on your face but keep the blind effect because thats fine its just with a crab if they get on you you can move or do anything until they dead. One of the things that makes me the most mad about is that the aliens get fucking night vision and can see through there whole nests which for one doesnt even make sence and it makes it so hard to even escape if you already got captured.
Thank you! Please look at this and i know its a big thing to ask for but id really like it if you guys atleast change some of it.
- Dreviore
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
If you stay with your squad, and stop ramboing you won't get pulled off.
Low level aliens are easy countered by staying with your squad.
And lorewise, the facehugger knocks you out. If you allow a marine to immediately run off after getting facehugged, there's absolutely no opportunity for an alien to drag you back to the hive.
Low level aliens are easy countered by staying with your squad.
And lorewise, the facehugger knocks you out. If you allow a marine to immediately run off after getting facehugged, there's absolutely no opportunity for an alien to drag you back to the hive.
Last edited by Dreviore on 24 Aug 2015, 13:31, edited 1 time in total.
- Artyom
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- Lord Lag
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
It is fine as it is, in my opinion. Runners are significantly slowed down trying to drag you, and if your sticking closely with your squad, In my experience, you will 9/10 times be rescued almost immediately, and the runner will be filled with lead.
- UnknownMurder
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- Feweh
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
If you stay with youre squad like you should be youll be fine.
Sounds like youre ramboing too much
Sounds like youre ramboing too much
- coroneljones
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!

I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

- Jeser
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
Let me tell you one secret.
I play as marine almost always. Cause I xenophobe and I hate those scary and ugly as fuck pieces of space bear's shit!! ARGH, I wanna kill them all!! And I found out, that right now, marines are more OP, than aliens. Much more. Single decent squad can easily prove this. Why marines don't cynically fuck aliens every round? Well, balance is kept by those incompetent and stupid marines, who:
I play as marine almost always. Cause I xenophobe and I hate those scary and ugly as fuck pieces of space bear's shit!! ARGH, I wanna kill them all!! And I found out, that right now, marines are more OP, than aliens. Much more. Single decent squad can easily prove this. Why marines don't cynically fuck aliens every round? Well, balance is kept by those incompetent and stupid marines, who:
- Give shitty orders. Yes, incompetent high command is much worse, than incompetent half of squad, believe me. I want whitelist it at all (Actually, I wanna whitelist all humans, except survivors, but nobody likes my brilliant idea
- Shitty SLs. Well, squad without SL is a bunch of sheeps with RPG surrounded by pack of wolfs. Seems, that they can shoot from RPG and scary wolfs, bu-u-ut more likely they will shoot themselves and wolfs will get on dinner fresh-baked delicious meat.
- And the last, but not the least important thing - total incompetence of Sulaco personnel. Sulaco doctors, who can't in surgery, RO, that don't know how to make more points (and didn't even read my guide), CE and CT, who causes pandemic balding of Sulaco crew, MPs who use flash, throw flashbang, shoot in taser and after that harm batoning marine for saying "Fuck you". In the middle of Briefing, so half of marines get perma blindness. And of course, marines themselves. Friendly fire and aiming in the head, engineers don't know, how to set up FoB and medics, who don't know what is Bicardine and what Kelotane for. Rembos also, of course.
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
Marines are a marine's worst enemy. I think that it is pretty balanced as it is. The fact that aliens and marine teams are challenging is the overall appeal of the game.
- Jack McIntyre
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
Yea to be honest I used to say aliens were op, until I played longer the that crusher that always seemed to kill me became oh you want to charge, alright, but you run of steam or hit something and I am going to flank and fill your ass full of lead, the aliens who you think are always out to kill you, when you are around marines, even when they are trigger happy will drive that alien away to save your sorry ass. Over ally I do actually think it is balanced, marines would just need to get more experienced and I think that will come with time as we pick up new tricks and tips.
- Dyne
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Re: Aliens too OP!!!
If your engineer is good you have walls, mines, guns.Dreviore wrote:If you stay with your squad, and stop ramboing you won't get pulled off.
If your BO/RO is awake you get resupplied with goodies.
If your SL is decent you have fallback and rally points.
If your CO is not drunk you get some coordination with other squads.
In other words- git gud, original author.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes
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