Spit is pure crap
- Kitty2.0
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Spit is pure crap
Summary: The spitter miss chance has been surverely messed up and i think i speak for everyone thats not all marine in the head when i say spitters shouldnt need to spit fifty times before they actually make contact with something.I mean a spitter's spit already has a cool down while marines have 30+bullets in his chamber and it takes less then 5 seconds to reload so i think the spitters should have way less of a miss chance cause its just logically unfair
Benefits :Well for one it will make it so people dont want to just go runner at game start and die in the next 5 mins to a decked out survivor
Details :it works cause of the delay spitters have should counter out the misschance by far
Implementation :NA
Benefits :Well for one it will make it so people dont want to just go runner at game start and die in the next 5 mins to a decked out survivor
Details :it works cause of the delay spitters have should counter out the misschance by far
Implementation :NA
- Vinny
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Agreed. I mean carriers never miss but they can down a marine with a broken or missing helmet for quite awhile and another marine needs to take the alien off basically taking two marines out of the fight for a little. Another tier three alien, the praetorian, can miss and if it does hit will only down one for a while or burn them. +1.

- Dyne
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Now spit has a decent chance of hitting, more or less same as a rifle.
I play as spitter caste quite often, and its a simple tactical offset- dont be alone.
And you are NOT there to hunt survivors in the first place.
Spitter and upper tiers can engage at long ranges, so comparing with runners (who also have a cooldown which actually locks them in place after pouncing)
is untrue.
-1 from me.
I play as spitter caste quite often, and its a simple tactical offset- dont be alone.
And you are NOT there to hunt survivors in the first place.
Spitter and upper tiers can engage at long ranges, so comparing with runners (who also have a cooldown which actually locks them in place after pouncing)
is untrue.
-1 from me.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes
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Re: Spit is pure crap
+1, the recharge kills you most times, since you're about less useful than a drone while recharging (which takes a while) and the whole point of spitters is long range combat which you almost never hit either way, so most times you're standing there waiting to recharge and being useless.
not to mention spitters are slow cuz theyre designed to defend the hive and when you've got a marine you're spitting right NEXT to you and it still manages to miss most times, there's really no use for them as aliens besides melting things.
not to mention spitters are slow cuz theyre designed to defend the hive and when you've got a marine you're spitting right NEXT to you and it still manages to miss most times, there's really no use for them as aliens besides melting things.
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Dyne is full of shit. I'm ingame testing it right now, spit misses like 80% of the time when you're ADJACENT to someone. Beyond 4 tiles I've never seen it hit yet. Fix this.
- Dyne
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Wow, rude.
Anecdotal evidence, but seen spitters hit from six spaces away, today, pretty precise and timely.
Maybe get good and don't rely on single spits?
Anecdotal evidence, but seen spitters hit from six spaces away, today, pretty precise and timely.
Maybe get good and don't rely on single spits?
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes
- Kitty2.0
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Dyne seems like hes kinda marine crazy and was probably one of the people who gave spitters a miss chance in the firstplace
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Agreed, if you're anything less than tier 3 you'll have a hard time, as marines can just rush your slow ass while it's recharging.
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Re: Spit is pure crap
He's one of those dudes who's a 'career marine' and fanatically tries to downplay every alien disadvantage.Kitty2.0 wrote:Dyne seems like hes kinda marine crazy and was probably one of the people who gave spitters a miss chance in the firstplace
- Abbysynth
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Re: Spit is pure crap
I should point out, spit takes into account which body part you are aiming for. If you aim for chest, you will miss much less often than vs. head or hands.
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Re: Spit is pure crap
I've spat five times on a row only to miss the same marine while aiming for the chest, and horribly dying from a marine rush because everyone knows sentinels/spitters can't hit for shit now. This just makes the sentinel caste a pain in the ass.Abbysynth wrote:I should point out, spit takes into account which body part you are aiming for. If you aim for chest, you will miss much less often than vs. head or hands.
- Dyne
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Re: Spit is pure crap
I play aliens roughly 1/3 of the times, and yes, I advocated the spitters caste miss chance.Kitty2.0 wrote:Dyne seems like hes kinda marine crazy and was probably one of the people who gave spitters a miss chance in the firstplace
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Please get ingame and test it, it is literally broken. Aim at the chest and try spitting 10 times in a row at someone who's 1 tile away from you.Abbysynth wrote:I should point out, spit takes into account which body part you are aiming for. If you aim for chest, you will miss much less often than vs. head or hands.
Spit having a miss chance at all is idiotic given the huge cooldown on spit, but for it to be this big is just a joke. All spit castes are worthless right now because of this.
- UnknownMurder
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Re: Spit is pure crap
This has gotten my attention when I was playing as a Sentinel. It kept missing like estimation of 2/3 of my spits. This is why I resorted to being only a Runner or Queen otherwise a dictates.

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Re: Spit is pure crap
I'll also point out that giving spit said missing chance is guaranteed death for sentinels/spitters, as they can be easily outrunned.
- TR-BlackDragon
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Re: Spit is pure crap
So here we are I've heard alot of people talking about it so I figured I throw up a post to see what everyone thinks about it. So I'm sure most of you have noticed the high miss chance for the aliens ranged attackers mixed with their slow rate of fire no?. In essence you have a 33.33333333 chance of hitting give or take. I personally think if the miss rate is to remain the the fire rate should increase to balance that cause at this point I'm seeing sentinals and sitters mostly just resting in the hive doing nothing and not even responding. And have seen more then a few almost die trying to maintain the marine hosts cause the stun from the off chance spit hits or they use disarm to knock them down half the time the marine stands right back up. I think a 1 in three chance of missing would be fine bit that 2 out of 3 is just a very high miss chance and makes the first two tiers of the cast useless and I'm not sure if the miss ratio effects Pretorians or not. If so then essentially only boilers are useful
- Feweh
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Needs a bit of a boost... missing far too much
- Dyne
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Well, spitters and some hunters just took out a squad on landing.
Some missed, but massed spit in closed quarters did very well.
Just dont expect a spitter to do much alone in offence, have at least one other runner/hunter/someone nearby- and you are peachy.
Some missed, but massed spit in closed quarters did very well.
Just dont expect a spitter to do much alone in offence, have at least one other runner/hunter/someone nearby- and you are peachy.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes
- coroneljones
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Re: Spit is pure crap
Actually spit seems better now,most aka 90 percent of my spits hit something
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide