Supply Shuttle Console can get 'locked up'

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Supply Shuttle Console can get 'locked up'

Post by Arachnidnexus » 02 Nov 2015, 06:49

Bug Description:
Accepting an order twice from the supply shuttle console causes an error to display and prevent you from doing any further actions with that console.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Order something, approve the request as a CT, clicking the approve twice rapidly.
2. Lag a bit, get this error message window when trying to use that console: Image
3. Use the shuttle console in the other office since you can't do anything with that console anymore

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Re: Supply Shuttle Console can get 'locked up'

Post by sicktrigger » 02 Nov 2015, 06:57

just tried this out and can confirm

screwdrivering it twice will fix the console
So this is what cluwning feels like?

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Re: Supply Shuttle Console can get 'locked up'

Post by Rahlzel » 15 Feb 2016, 03:55

Just tested. I can't duplicate it, but I can't click twice fast enough. The order goes through. Is this still an issue?

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Re: Supply Shuttle Console can get 'locked up'

Post by Rahlzel » 15 Feb 2016, 13:41

Nevermind. I found the problem and I have a fix for it. Moving.
