unanimous crew mutiny rules.

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Siserith Vassada
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unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by Siserith Vassada » 01 Dec 2015, 22:54

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): if a great majority of the crew decideds to either be neutral or go against a shit commander/bridge crew and it goes peacefully without shooting of leathals than admin intervention should not happen

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):less stupidly like what is happenig nright now

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):less stupidity

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):rule changes and talk with admins and mods to avoid chaos.

today an issue happend where the commander gave no breifing and there were survivors screaming for help. 80% of the marines went to the shuttle and went down despite the eo's complains against this. admins got involved and told people to go back to breifing where everyone was promptly sent back to the shuttle. later bravo sqaud mutinited against the shit commander and command got their butts in a twist even with the entire crew except for the mp's mutinying agaisnt the commander

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by SkyeAuroline » 01 Dec 2015, 22:55

+1, was involved. XO completely refused to brief, not just neglected to.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by apophis775 » 01 Dec 2015, 23:11

Here's the KEY MISTAKE you made in the mutiny.

You held the XO at gunpoint, standing next to the communications relay. He was just feeding command information about the mutiny.

He even requested that since the ship was lost, the engines be overloaded.

Next person to message? Xur, one of the people known to be a mutineer. CC basically got an EXACT bead on him, and shot him.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by Siserith Vassada » 01 Dec 2015, 23:17

hey i wasant really involved in the mutiny.. all i did was ignore him and tell people to get in the shuttle...

then centcom sent a message to kill me on sight...

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by apophis775 » 02 Dec 2015, 00:28

Anyone on the bridge when he said that mutineers took over the bridge, was tagged as an Antag.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by Arachnidnexus » 02 Dec 2015, 06:42

- 1 On this. Even in admin-sanctioned mutinies there's usually too much murderboning for my tastes. Hell, I've even seen an ADMIN-LED mutiny degenerate into very casual killing of neutral marines.

Allowing players a rule to mutiny at any time seems like a poor idea; especially since in your case the MPs disagreed which means that it was not unanimous. Unless you argue that MPs are part of command and therefore don't count as part of the crew. In which case what happens if the doctors disagree with the mutiny since they're outside the command chain? What if the CT is staunchly loyal despite the rest of the crew being against the XO?

I'd much rather leave staff with the final say on whether a mutiny is allowed so that people can't just use poor reasons to justify mutiny during times without staff and then claim they were doing it under this proposed mutiny rule. That seems like a lot of wasted time digging through logs and making judgment calls on what exactly 'unanimous' means.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by apophis775 » 02 Dec 2015, 17:49

I'm not really sure what to do about this.

I know there was a BUNCH of salt, but at the same time the XO was communicating with CentCom for the duration because noone pulled him away from the comms console. Even with guns on him, he was sending his reports.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by Jack McIntyre » 02 Dec 2015, 20:23

If I am captured by the enemy and I don't know if I am going to live or not, and I happen to be by something I can send messages to higher ups about I am going to take the chance to do it. Guns or not, if they don't see what you are doing, its their own fault. Besides how else do you think you can get back at them even if they kill ya. If would get captured as a soldier and the enemy leaves me with a radio, I am going to call for backup, sure they may kill me, but I can be damn sure my comrades coming to get me back are going to make them pay for it. So I am going to say -1 really. Munities are risky.

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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 02 Dec 2015, 23:21

NO, dear god, NO.

I KNOW from first hand experience that marines can not handle mutiny...

I KNOW because I took part in one, where SAS was even involved that was nothing but extreme murder bone and salt. I killed the moron XO who was flinging our squads at aliens like they were useless pawns and I went on with my mission with my squad, while I had a whole goddamn civil war breaking out among the Sulaco.
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Re: unanimous crew mutiny rules.

Post by apophis775 » 04 Dec 2015, 17:12

Anywho, Denied.
