Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

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Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by SkyeAuroline » 03 Dec 2015, 22:45

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Colonial Marines brought the M4RA Battle Rifle into Aliens canon. It's a higher-caliber rifle, a step between the scout rifle and the M41A. I feel like it'd be a good fit to have as a squad leader weapon, to help distinguish them slightly and make them more important to the squad than just "the guy who barks orders and gets ignored 100% of the time". It'd also feed into a suggestion that Focks and I are working on, which will get posted later, about marine loadouts.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
* Better weapon variety on the ground.
* Offers the squad leader a distinguishing weapon.
* Fully canon already, and one of the few weapons in the Colonial Marines' arsenal we're still missing.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Does the Squad Leader get a vending machine? If so, drop it (and its relevant magazines) in the machine. One rifle, maybe... five, six magazines?

Statistics talking here. I'm going to assume that the numbers I have are correct, and the M41A does 40 damage per shot while the revolver does 60.

* Fifteen round capacity. This is obvious; it's already listed.
* Damage value circa 60 to 65. The revolver shouldn't be more viable than a battle rifle at dealing damage. I'd like for it to be higher, honestly, but I don't think Apophis would support that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
* Fire rate should be low enough that the fire cap is easily reached, but high enough to make it useful. This isn't a shotgun, it's not manually operated. It doesn't need to be incredibly slow. It should still seem like a semi-automatic rifle (compared to the M41A which is SUPPOSED to be automatic), and it's gonna need either a mid-level fire rate or significantly higher damage than I listed above.
* High accuracy. It's not a sniper, it won't be a guaranteed hit on every shot or something. But the point is to be a very accurate T1 remover/T2+ damager, not to spray high caliber rounds all over the place. For balance's sake, preclude top-mounted accessories so it doesn't BECOME a guaranteed-hit weapon, but you'd have to make the accuracy very good for this to be viable. Sprite it with the standard 2x scope on it at that point, or the red dot we already have.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

I kind of rolled this in with the Details category.

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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by Meunahlux » 03 Dec 2015, 22:55

I like it.

Adds variation to the marines while being usefull if the leader has any aim, not to mention it's a generally sexy gat.

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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by Releasing » 03 Dec 2015, 23:02

+1 so long as it remains an SL weapon and does less damage than any of the spec weapons (besides smartgun?), and would make SL have something more interesting than just OBs and the SL leader helm. A new weapon would be very interesting to see in game.

The damage values and details for the gun look very nice too, it's different from the guns we already have which is a bonus.
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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by TortoiseGaming » 03 Dec 2015, 23:10

Seems within cannon/lore whatever. I would use it as a SL more than the m41a rifle.
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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by Anewbe » 04 Dec 2015, 00:55

Seems like a good addition to me, like the way the image looks, too.

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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Dec 2015, 04:02

Not really keen on this being added for a few reasons..

a) It seems like a straight upgrade of the shotgun with more range. You're proposing it to deal a lot of damage, have a lot of accuracy, more range and have a larger ammo capacity.
b) It will completely sterilize the Squad Leader role of weapon diversity. Squad leaders already have a singular set of armor that all of them wear. Giving them this weapon will only further that.
c) It occupies a very similar role to the M42c in function.
d) Giving Squad Leaders a long-ranged exclusive weapon will encourage them to lead from behind. Having a designated marksmen lead a squad is not a great idea.
e) It is not a very well known weapon at all. It's role in Aliens: Colonial Marines is very minimal. It has a near non-existent lore presence.
f) We will get players who start playing Squad Leader to get this gun.

Really not feeling it. -1 from me.

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Re: Addition of the M4RA Battle Rifle.

Post by apophis775 » 04 Dec 2015, 05:17


We are not adding new guns. I've added it to the "list of things I will automatically deny" list.

We'll add guns when we get inspired or thing a gun is needed.
