Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

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Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by ForcefulCJS » 06 Dec 2015, 05:31

Summary: Keeping marines alive, safe, and under control while infested is one of the worst experiences that a video game can possibly create.


Xenos become less of a chore to play. Babysitting is not fun and people fight over who HAS to play queen since nobody wants to play the role that babysits both Xenos AND Hosts.

The amount of carnage that an escape and infested marine can cause it unlimited. Marines can bring in SADARs, Orbital Beacons, Etc. and for roleplay reasons we can't react to any of that stuff. Twice in two days a squad leader dropped an orbital beacon and killed themselves and the 4 other hosts we had captured along with two of our own. Suicide is a much more common problem and the fact is many castes simply cannot contain an armed infested marine since spit/pounce/tackle are your only options and they last less than the time it takes to open a nest door and drag them back inside, so you end up needing a small team to contain a single escaped host. By enabling rebuckling we keep the spirit of having xenos maintain watch of the hosts without the absolute headache of having a marine get loose and empty a mine box in and around their nest and then camp their corner with a shotgun, or wiping out the entire host group with an orbital beacon, or busting out a SADAR and assassinating your queen.


1) Remove the cancer that is unbuckle immunity, if one marine gets out and cuts open the doors to his captured comrades, those comrades are now buckle immune and the xenos have to endure an excruciating experience of trying to stop a fully loaded marine who can't be facehugged or buckled to a nest. Either you have to risk killing them with slashes or sit there and do the RNG tackle spam while they unload bullets into your face.

2) But that means xenos can rebuckle people OH NO! Yea that's how /tg/ does it and its perfectly fine. It rewards aliens who are vigilante about keeping their hosts intact and punishes those who just leave their hosts unattended. Marines do NOT need to get a 3rd, 4th, and 5th chance to survive. After they've already been dumb enough to get facehugged AND captured. If marines really want a rescue they can still yell into their radio, otherwise I see no reason why they get a guaranteed 1-2 escape attempts, its silly.

3) Make suicide harder and make inspecting/stabilizing hosts more effective. Hivelords/Queens should have a way to keep dying hosts alive. Inspection should tell you how close a host is to freeing themselves (WHY ISNT THIS ALREADY A THING?). And regular xenos shouldn't be forced to guess if a host is alive or dead, I mean I can see their heat through 5 reinforced walls, I should be able to see if their body is still warm or cold right? Marines using guns on themselves shouldn't be possible unless they're already in terrible pain. Standing up in the first stages of infestation and blowing your brains out is something that's currently almost impossible for xenos to prevent, it can be done in a split second after standing and its just a shit tactic that denies and host that xenos desperately need since marines start with a numbers advantage AND get a virtual monopoly on dozens on latejoiners.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by SkyeAuroline » 06 Dec 2015, 05:38

How many times have you posted complaint/rant threads about xenos today?

Still a -1.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by coroneljones » 06 Dec 2015, 06:03

You just copypasted the old denied post with a new title
And try to reduce the salt
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by Azmodan412 » 06 Dec 2015, 06:41

Its not really nightmarish, as it is the sentinel caste's JOB to guard hosts. Why not be a dick and rest in a door while the hosts are struggling to get free. Once one does, tackle em down and rebuckle them. With enough dilligence, the buckle immunity can be bypassed. I agree with you on the third point, I'd actually LIKE to know how close they are to getting free if they are ripping themselves out of a resin nest. This is just my two cents and I can't show support in light of Coronel's evidence.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by TopHatPenguin » 06 Dec 2015, 06:56

The sentinels,spitters and praetorians (If the hive isn't under attack or the aliens aren't assaulting a heavily fortified area.) jobs are to guard the infected hosts.

On a side note if you aren't going to keep ya hosts in check then yes they will cause carnage and probably kill a few aliens as well, also suicide can be stopped fairly easily if you have a good nest setup and some sentinels or any other xeno caste there and guarding the marine hosts.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by Arachnidnexus » 06 Dec 2015, 07:05

Not a big fan of the sentinel line and the current nesting/guarding gameplay in general, but it's not too hard to keep infested marines down with diligent enough sentinels and claustrophobic nesting.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by ForcefulCJS » 06 Dec 2015, 07:08

Azmodan412 wrote:Its not really nightmarish, as it is the sentinel caste's JOB to guard hosts. Why not be a dick and rest in a door while the hosts are struggling to get free. Once one does, tackle em down and rebuckle them. With enough dilligence, the buckle immunity can be bypassed. I agree with you on the third point, I'd actually LIKE to know how close they are to getting free if they are ripping themselves out of a resin nest. This is just my two cents and I can't show support in light of Coronel's evidence.
Marines outnumber Xenos something akin to 50:8. The xenos will NEVER have enough to watch each host, they will have to split their attention between multiple hosts while trying to guess which one might get free first. If one gets free and shoots/cuts out the door and runs then even the sentinel caste is pretty useless. Neurotoxin only lasts a few seconds, less than it takes to drag and buckle.

Like I said in the last thread I watched one freed marine murder THREE spitters because once you get to move free its absurdly easy to dodge spit... like strafing perpendicular to a spitter/sentinel guarantees that they can't hit you. Once the spit is on cooldown the marine has a free chance to just charge you and gun you down.

Also while the first two suggestions were pasted I cut the suggestion that actually got implemented and cut the entire rant and offensive language out. This is now purely about the ideas and getting the small fraction of xeno players to get a decent QOL improvement over the rancor of the marine majority who have nothing to gain from this.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by ForcefulCJS » 06 Dec 2015, 07:21

Arachnidnexus wrote:Not a big fan of the sentinel line and the current nesting/guarding gameplay in general, but it's not too hard to keep infested marines down with diligent enough sentinels and claustrophobic nesting.
Yea I tried claustrophobic nesting earlier. Went around the corner to grab more facehuggers and in the 30 seconds I was gone a SL planted an orbital beacon and killed every host we had captured along with a sentinel and our queen who went in to try and tackle her back down once they heard noises.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 06 Dec 2015, 11:23

So, don't put all your nests next to eachother? Have 2x2 nest rooms spread out amongst the hive?

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by Jack McIntyre » 06 Dec 2015, 13:15

Yea -1 yet again. Also as Coronel said forceful, cut it down a bit. I told you play the game a bit more and get to know the community more as well as learn some of the tips and tricks of the server.

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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by monkeysfist101 » 06 Dec 2015, 13:58

This is a carbon copy of the thread that was just denied.
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Re: Make infesting marines less NIGHTMARISH

Post by apophis775 » 06 Dec 2015, 17:43

Denied. I already did an improvement to the bursting system last night before you made this topic.
