Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Allow Xenos to know EXACTLY how much plasma they have at a glance without needing to change tabs.

This is an older screenshot, but the only one I can find. As you can see, the plasma amount is labeled on the counter '35'.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): tgcode Xenos have a a similar HUD, but their Xeno readout shows exactly how much plasma you have at any given time. The bubble would still fill up according to full you plasma pool is, but would also have a number overlain ontop of it (or next to it) with the exact plasma info. This allows players to see how much plasma they have without having to swap between their status page and alien abilities page.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): A secondary bubble could also be added for progress(larva) and evolution(T1/T2 aliens). This could probably be a flat % rather then an actual amount (48% rather than 241/500 for example) as it would save space and give the same info.