"Stasis interrupted" Gamemode/Map

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"Stasis interrupted" Gamemode/Map

Post by Tristan63 » 17 Jan 2016, 01:06

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):"You wake up surrounded by a thick fog and haze, the smell of burning fuel and flesh all around you. You look up and see you aren't alone and decide to get up and do something productive." THis was mentioned earlier in a different way but this variant would have everyone sleeping in cryo tubes (Not being able to get out of course) and a stasis interruption occurs ejecting all marines in their pods to an EEV with randomly selected squad mates, then being teleported to a random EEV on the map with the squad the coding chose. They would wake up hungry wanting food, and with minimal weaponry and arms they would have to find some in the EEV. And from then on they realize they aren't alone on this world. Marines can meet up with different squads and form their own "Tribes" so to speak and the endgoal isn't xenomorph destruction but with a vote generated by the staff. Would be a HIGH RP game mode and wouldn't happen alot and when it does I think APOP should be there. Random injuries including dismemberment may be generated.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Add a fun scenario that will challenge a true player, and make a HIGH RP game mode instead of just shooting random 2d aliums

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Could work as a fire or something starting around your cryotubes on the sulaco, then all of a sudden you are teleported to an EEV on the ground and a short prompt would appear telling you of OOC RP info.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):No clue, probably would require a fuckton of coding and time.

"Why don't we all build a fire and sing some campfire songs EH?"

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Re: "Stasis interrupted" Gamemode/Map

Post by Seehund » 17 Jan 2016, 04:22

I fear this would require too much coding for what it'll bring;

This... survival gamemode doesn't seem entirely paced, and there's one thought I can't help: Everyone will stockpile guns, sit around the fire and do nothing.

Oh, also, from this thread:
Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
New Guns (Seriously, stop. When we get ideas, we make new guns. We are not going to make the super-death gun you want)
Janitor job (Nope never, be a maintenance technician)
Androids (we are working on it)
Predator changes (we are working on it)
Game Modes (we are working on it, and there is a discussion sticky)
Working APC (won't happen)
Clowns/Morale Officers or anything "entertainment" related that illudes to a clown. (You WILL get a week-long forum ban, clowns are never going to be in CM)
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
