Being able to sell xenomorphs in the cargo shuttle for points
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
The marines will recover the dead bodies of the xenomorphs for points, in the movie of Aliens (1986) the researcher talks about how a single specimen of a facehugger can be sell for millions of dollars, which means that is lore based.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Will help the cargo technicians a way to aquire points by selling the dead (or alive) bodies of a xenomorph, a dead face hugger can be would give 2 points, a larva 5, a T1 xeno 10, a T2 xeno 15, a T3 xeno 30, and the Queen 60 points
, also, if you capture a xeno that is alive and you send it in the shuttle, value will increase by two or three times, to capture aliens you will need a collar that can be made in r&d and it will work like handcuffs and legcuffs to xenos, like it was before with the handcuffs
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
For the collar should be something like this
Code: Select all
name = "Xenomorph Collar"
id = "xeno_collar"
req_tech = list(TECH_COMBAT = 3, TECH_BIO = 9)
build_path = /obj/item/weapon/handcuff/xeno_collar
For selling the xenos i think that by just making the dead xenos into items instead of mobs and then adding the dead mobs into the cargo code should be enough to be able to sell them for points.
Code: Select all
name = "Runner crate"
contains = list (/obj/item/(and from this point i don't know how it will be made))
cost = 10
containertype = /obj/structure/closet/crate
containername = "Runner Crate"
group = "Science"