Alien Nerf Suggestions
- spheretech
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Alien Nerf Suggestions
Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
These are my suggestions for the IMO currently imbalanced aliens when compared to marines.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Balance is good.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Prepare for a wall of text.
After playing many, many rounds in the current "patch" I've noticed that some buffed aliens, and some new aliens are too strong.
NOTE: I don't want ALL of these in the game, they are just suggestions. Marine lives are far more valuable than alien lives, yet they are so fragile and can't respawn.
I'm pretty sure most players will agree that crushers are ridiculous atm. First, the things crushers can do. It's no joke that one crusher can literally demolish a marine base even with reinforced walls by itself. Now, I get that it has a big head and can charge, but there is virtually no penalty to repeatedly charging over and over again into marine lines and simply backing off with your head facing them without any danger whatsoever. No danger because it doesn't take a genius to simply face the enemy and deflect 90% of the damage. Crushers are virtually immune to stuns. The only real strong thing marines have against aliens is explosives - not because of the damage, but because of the stun. All other aliens can step on mines, be grenaded or blown up with a sadar, which means they are basically dead without help. However, all these weapons have very limited ammo which will be depleted by the late game (yes, marines have no late game, and get weaker when aliens only get t3 spam, but lets talk about that later). So this only way to stun aliens, crushers are completely immune to it, it's insane. They are UNSTOPPABLE. One hit from a crushers charge will break your ribs and pretty much guarantee your death without going to sulaco for surgery (which will take 30+ mins usually). I've seen a crusher instakill a marine with the charge. The charge which is a basically normal movement for crushers. There is a charge toggle button, but considering how slow the plasma depletes I personally never feel the need to use it, and on weeds, you can completely ignore it. Then we have the AOE stomp, which can pretty much end the marines if other aliens follow. If a crusher charges into your lines, stomps, hits someone, when everyone gets up a friendly is bound to get hit by friendly fire. Every time. So to recap.
Crusher Charging - Activating this ability needs to have an actual impact on the crushers gameplay. This could be done by adding a cooldown for it, making it an on-click ability, or increasing the plasma cost by alot. There is no risk in keeping this on at the moment. It also gives you a massive speed advantage over the marines, making it impossible to keep up and chase a crusher after a stomp.
Crushers can destroy defenses with ease, tables, turrets, grilles, walls, you name it - and without real penalty. This makes everything besides the very expensive plasteel barricades useless against them, since they just plow through. Since they are basically stun immune, this could be changed by draining their health as they destroy things, or perhaps lowering the stun threshold like the reinforced walls do to make smashing into weaker things also have a chance to stun you.
Crusher Stomp - The squad killer ability. The AOE is simply too large. The cooldown is not short, not long but doesn't really matter since all it takes is one stomp. I would suggest lowering the AOE of the ability to maybe 3x3 (not sure how big it is atm). Imo the ability is ridiculous, it makes no sense that a "stomp" STUNS everything around you, it really makes no sense. Crushers did not need this ability and I wouldn't complain if it was even completely removed, but some kind of nerf would be alright aswell.
Crusher Explosion Immunity - It's fine that they resist explosion damage from sadars, grenades, mines. (Don't even get me started on AP sadar vs crusher, it's a horrible waste of ammo and very hard to land a direct hit, but even that does not kill it) but they should not resist the STUN. There is no counter to crushers. And before you say "knife them" or "shoot their flank", it's NOT that simple. Attempting to knife a crusher is very dangerous, you will get burned by it's blood and risk being in stomp AND rackle range, then get dragged off. I'm pretty sure most marines actually try to shoot it's sides, but if you get a chance to shoot a crusher from the side, chances are it's in middle of your squad. You will be shot or will shoot teamates, especially with burst fire (burst fire being the only way to actually kill it fast enough before it retreats too far). Removing the STUN immunity but not explosion damage immunity would make them very much more balanced and counterable.
And again, putting ALL of these in would perhaps make crushers underpowered, they are just suggestions for the final product.
With ravagers, what used to be the case was, if you let it get close enough, you will die. Ravagers got a huge speed buff, making them move maybe as fast as hunters. This made them a ridiculously strong poking machine that can easily charge into a marine (this often breaks bones) and disengage without the marines having any chance of following it. The speed is just insane. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with one. Lately I keep seeing ravagers simply going behind lines, and due to their speed being able to easily pick off marines from the back, without real risk because of the disengaging power. Not to mention a ravagers charge/basic hit can pretty much instantly disable a marine by breaking bones.
Ravager Speed - Simply, make them slower. Somewhere between praetorian and hunter speed, but closer to praetorian. They already have a gap closer charge.
Carriers are pretty much "cancer" for most marine players. That's obviously because of their ability to easily disable marines with homing huggers, sometimes even squads, slowly destroying all the helmets and throw spamming. You'd think it takes skill to actually do a ranged attack, but it doesn't. You only have to REMOTELY land the hugger near a marine and it will automatically leap onto his face. They are also very fast, if not faster than marines. 9 out of 10 times I was not able to chase a carrier for the kill (which in itself is dangerous).
Carrier Hugger Throw - Making carriers not able to carry 8 but only 6 huggers or decreasing speed would somewhat be a nerf, but I'd suggest making the huggers stop homing. Basically, if it's not a direct hit on a marine, the hugger will simply be stunned on the floor for a few seconds. This would make them more skill oriented and not just right click=win.
If you want something in general, here it is. Either buff marines from fragile things that died in 2 hits to internal injuries (not that simple) or make regular aliens be able to carry only one hugger. It's very easy for any alien to simply throw a hugger next to a marine twice to take them out of the game. I did this and it really feels dirty. Simply go runner, grab two huggers, repeatedly pass through marine lines not even directly hitting them with huggers because they home onto their heads from 1 tile away, or with a lone marine, simply do it twice and its over for them. Carriers are there for a reason - to carry huggers ofcourse, they should be the infection platform. Marines soloing in the jungle is basically suicide, yet an alien can very easily win any marine in a 1v1 fight, simply by having two huggers. I really think this could change alien gameplay to be more team oriented instead of just grab two huggers and run next to marine.
Another thing is the amount of alien stuns. Leap, stomp, queen roar and TACKLE. Tackle which is easily spammed and can keep a marine down for a long time. I've been tackled repeatedly by a DRONE. Therefor consider removing the tackle from castes like carriers, drones, hivelords etc - the non combat ones, or reducing it's proc chance. Marines can't just go on disarm intent and condemn an alien to death after one lucky click.
And the last thing, acid. Why is this even in the game? What's the point? Punishing robust marines for using their knife? The acid splatter takes you to orange health and it happens in totally random occasions. A runner passes next to you, gets hit, yet you almost die from it's PASSIVE ability and it being bad for getting hit.
If you ask me, stuns are the most dishonorable thing in this game. Not having the chance to fight back is extremely frustrating and NOT FUN. CM would be god tier if it involved only skill powered pvp action with fighting to the death. That's the dream, but I doubt this will ever happen.
I am not writing this in rage and salt after a round. I've wanted to get this off my mind for a while now. As a marine, nobody wants to be just a peon in an army, useless by himself. People want to have an impact on the game. Yet in all these ways I've stated it's extremely easy for an alien to end your round.
Feel free to post about anything that could balance the game better than this.
These are my suggestions for the IMO currently imbalanced aliens when compared to marines.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Balance is good.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Prepare for a wall of text.
After playing many, many rounds in the current "patch" I've noticed that some buffed aliens, and some new aliens are too strong.
NOTE: I don't want ALL of these in the game, they are just suggestions. Marine lives are far more valuable than alien lives, yet they are so fragile and can't respawn.
I'm pretty sure most players will agree that crushers are ridiculous atm. First, the things crushers can do. It's no joke that one crusher can literally demolish a marine base even with reinforced walls by itself. Now, I get that it has a big head and can charge, but there is virtually no penalty to repeatedly charging over and over again into marine lines and simply backing off with your head facing them without any danger whatsoever. No danger because it doesn't take a genius to simply face the enemy and deflect 90% of the damage. Crushers are virtually immune to stuns. The only real strong thing marines have against aliens is explosives - not because of the damage, but because of the stun. All other aliens can step on mines, be grenaded or blown up with a sadar, which means they are basically dead without help. However, all these weapons have very limited ammo which will be depleted by the late game (yes, marines have no late game, and get weaker when aliens only get t3 spam, but lets talk about that later). So this only way to stun aliens, crushers are completely immune to it, it's insane. They are UNSTOPPABLE. One hit from a crushers charge will break your ribs and pretty much guarantee your death without going to sulaco for surgery (which will take 30+ mins usually). I've seen a crusher instakill a marine with the charge. The charge which is a basically normal movement for crushers. There is a charge toggle button, but considering how slow the plasma depletes I personally never feel the need to use it, and on weeds, you can completely ignore it. Then we have the AOE stomp, which can pretty much end the marines if other aliens follow. If a crusher charges into your lines, stomps, hits someone, when everyone gets up a friendly is bound to get hit by friendly fire. Every time. So to recap.
Crusher Charging - Activating this ability needs to have an actual impact on the crushers gameplay. This could be done by adding a cooldown for it, making it an on-click ability, or increasing the plasma cost by alot. There is no risk in keeping this on at the moment. It also gives you a massive speed advantage over the marines, making it impossible to keep up and chase a crusher after a stomp.
Crushers can destroy defenses with ease, tables, turrets, grilles, walls, you name it - and without real penalty. This makes everything besides the very expensive plasteel barricades useless against them, since they just plow through. Since they are basically stun immune, this could be changed by draining their health as they destroy things, or perhaps lowering the stun threshold like the reinforced walls do to make smashing into weaker things also have a chance to stun you.
Crusher Stomp - The squad killer ability. The AOE is simply too large. The cooldown is not short, not long but doesn't really matter since all it takes is one stomp. I would suggest lowering the AOE of the ability to maybe 3x3 (not sure how big it is atm). Imo the ability is ridiculous, it makes no sense that a "stomp" STUNS everything around you, it really makes no sense. Crushers did not need this ability and I wouldn't complain if it was even completely removed, but some kind of nerf would be alright aswell.
Crusher Explosion Immunity - It's fine that they resist explosion damage from sadars, grenades, mines. (Don't even get me started on AP sadar vs crusher, it's a horrible waste of ammo and very hard to land a direct hit, but even that does not kill it) but they should not resist the STUN. There is no counter to crushers. And before you say "knife them" or "shoot their flank", it's NOT that simple. Attempting to knife a crusher is very dangerous, you will get burned by it's blood and risk being in stomp AND rackle range, then get dragged off. I'm pretty sure most marines actually try to shoot it's sides, but if you get a chance to shoot a crusher from the side, chances are it's in middle of your squad. You will be shot or will shoot teamates, especially with burst fire (burst fire being the only way to actually kill it fast enough before it retreats too far). Removing the STUN immunity but not explosion damage immunity would make them very much more balanced and counterable.
And again, putting ALL of these in would perhaps make crushers underpowered, they are just suggestions for the final product.
With ravagers, what used to be the case was, if you let it get close enough, you will die. Ravagers got a huge speed buff, making them move maybe as fast as hunters. This made them a ridiculously strong poking machine that can easily charge into a marine (this often breaks bones) and disengage without the marines having any chance of following it. The speed is just insane. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with one. Lately I keep seeing ravagers simply going behind lines, and due to their speed being able to easily pick off marines from the back, without real risk because of the disengaging power. Not to mention a ravagers charge/basic hit can pretty much instantly disable a marine by breaking bones.
Ravager Speed - Simply, make them slower. Somewhere between praetorian and hunter speed, but closer to praetorian. They already have a gap closer charge.
Carriers are pretty much "cancer" for most marine players. That's obviously because of their ability to easily disable marines with homing huggers, sometimes even squads, slowly destroying all the helmets and throw spamming. You'd think it takes skill to actually do a ranged attack, but it doesn't. You only have to REMOTELY land the hugger near a marine and it will automatically leap onto his face. They are also very fast, if not faster than marines. 9 out of 10 times I was not able to chase a carrier for the kill (which in itself is dangerous).
Carrier Hugger Throw - Making carriers not able to carry 8 but only 6 huggers or decreasing speed would somewhat be a nerf, but I'd suggest making the huggers stop homing. Basically, if it's not a direct hit on a marine, the hugger will simply be stunned on the floor for a few seconds. This would make them more skill oriented and not just right click=win.
If you want something in general, here it is. Either buff marines from fragile things that died in 2 hits to internal injuries (not that simple) or make regular aliens be able to carry only one hugger. It's very easy for any alien to simply throw a hugger next to a marine twice to take them out of the game. I did this and it really feels dirty. Simply go runner, grab two huggers, repeatedly pass through marine lines not even directly hitting them with huggers because they home onto their heads from 1 tile away, or with a lone marine, simply do it twice and its over for them. Carriers are there for a reason - to carry huggers ofcourse, they should be the infection platform. Marines soloing in the jungle is basically suicide, yet an alien can very easily win any marine in a 1v1 fight, simply by having two huggers. I really think this could change alien gameplay to be more team oriented instead of just grab two huggers and run next to marine.
Another thing is the amount of alien stuns. Leap, stomp, queen roar and TACKLE. Tackle which is easily spammed and can keep a marine down for a long time. I've been tackled repeatedly by a DRONE. Therefor consider removing the tackle from castes like carriers, drones, hivelords etc - the non combat ones, or reducing it's proc chance. Marines can't just go on disarm intent and condemn an alien to death after one lucky click.
And the last thing, acid. Why is this even in the game? What's the point? Punishing robust marines for using their knife? The acid splatter takes you to orange health and it happens in totally random occasions. A runner passes next to you, gets hit, yet you almost die from it's PASSIVE ability and it being bad for getting hit.
If you ask me, stuns are the most dishonorable thing in this game. Not having the chance to fight back is extremely frustrating and NOT FUN. CM would be god tier if it involved only skill powered pvp action with fighting to the death. That's the dream, but I doubt this will ever happen.
I am not writing this in rage and salt after a round. I've wanted to get this off my mind for a while now. As a marine, nobody wants to be just a peon in an army, useless by himself. People want to have an impact on the game. Yet in all these ways I've stated it's extremely easy for an alien to end your round.
Feel free to post about anything that could balance the game better than this.

- LordeKilly
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Aliens need a buff, I've killed ravagers and crushers with knives before, carriers are the only things that need to be dialed down. The sheer amount of "fuck you, instant ko" is pretty shite.

- Azmodan412
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
1. Crushers
I would like to point out that you are being run into by an alien weighing over one ton. Yes, lets nerf the crusher's charge because it does the SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE as being hit by a car in real life. The stomp is explainable. A giant bony crest being bashed into the ground can and will knock people off their feet. Crushers are stunned by hitting something too hard so capitalize on that like a tactical person.
Aliens vs Predator Wiki:
Its most notable features are its large head crest, which is said to be completely bulletproof, and its habit of charging its prey to inflict massive blunt force trauma. It acts as something of a heavy unit for the Xenomorphs, able to engage even armored vehicles with some success.
The Crusher's head is topped with a thick, bony crest, larger even than on some Queens, that it lowers into a vertical position before charging its target like a bull. This crest is incredibly strong, hardy enough to repel most forms of gunfire (including even the M56 Smartgun), and when lowered into the charging position it effectively shields the Crusher's more vulnerable body from frontal damage.[1] The force that the Crusher can impart with its charging attack is tremendous, enough even to propel an M577 APC sideways some distance, or throw an individual Marine several meters through the air.[1]
However, this unique mode of assault renders the Xenomorph virtually blind whilst charging, meaning it is often unable to alter its course should its target move out of the line of attack. Furthermore, if an aggressor is agile enough to sidestep around a charging Crusher, its less resilient body will subsequently be exposed and left vulnerable. Even so, the creature is still incredibly tough, able to soak up significant amounts of damage before succumbing.
2. Ravagers
Ravagers are the hit and run units, they are NOT the elite force of the xeno hive. Why would a fast tier of xenos evolve into something slower than they are? Think about it logically: Fast, fast, slow (wtf?!)
3. Carriers
Nonsensical nerf. Each carrier can only hold-throw 6 but smart ones carry two in the hands as well. This means they have more ammo. Also click-2-win is the marine's tactic. Throughout ALL xeno lore/movies, facehuggers were homing and they will stay homing. The home only is adjacent though and try hitting a running marine with something ranged. Good luck.
4. Aliens in general
Buff marines? You have all these fancy toys: SADAR, Smart gun, Mines, Magnetic harnesses. Why would marines be soloing anyway? In the movies, the best marines stay in an organized amoeba. Xenos are ALREADY team oriented. Their hunting castes are wet tissues, their guarding castes and building castes aren't much different. Amount of alien stuns? Bitch please. Here is a list.
Leap: Xeno can't MOVE for a good 3-4 seconds so use that to your advantage.
Stomp: Hope you have good backup against a ton+ monster of xeno proportions.
Queen Roar: Negate this with ear muffs. Simple.
Tackle: Down for at most a second. Also, ever heard of Specimen 6? Drone that tackled successfully?
Okay, acid. Their fucking blood is molecular acid, according to the xeno movies. Why wouldn't they be able to utilize it as a weapon? Oh and that is pain-orange, not actual orange. You see, there are two separate things for marines. Paincrit and hardcrit. Learn them, live them, love them. Stuns are the most dishonorable things? Talk to the SADAR users, mine users, g-launcher users, grenade throwers, and fuel-tank users. Why do you think people don't play xeno? The stuns. Why do you think people don't WANT to play xeno? They want to be the good guys and rambo the hive, sealing their name into the Hall of Heroes, dining at Odin's table.
And let me be the first to say: Oh look, another xeno nerf post.
I would like to point out that you are being run into by an alien weighing over one ton. Yes, lets nerf the crusher's charge because it does the SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE as being hit by a car in real life. The stomp is explainable. A giant bony crest being bashed into the ground can and will knock people off their feet. Crushers are stunned by hitting something too hard so capitalize on that like a tactical person.
Aliens vs Predator Wiki:
Its most notable features are its large head crest, which is said to be completely bulletproof, and its habit of charging its prey to inflict massive blunt force trauma. It acts as something of a heavy unit for the Xenomorphs, able to engage even armored vehicles with some success.
The Crusher's head is topped with a thick, bony crest, larger even than on some Queens, that it lowers into a vertical position before charging its target like a bull. This crest is incredibly strong, hardy enough to repel most forms of gunfire (including even the M56 Smartgun), and when lowered into the charging position it effectively shields the Crusher's more vulnerable body from frontal damage.[1] The force that the Crusher can impart with its charging attack is tremendous, enough even to propel an M577 APC sideways some distance, or throw an individual Marine several meters through the air.[1]
However, this unique mode of assault renders the Xenomorph virtually blind whilst charging, meaning it is often unable to alter its course should its target move out of the line of attack. Furthermore, if an aggressor is agile enough to sidestep around a charging Crusher, its less resilient body will subsequently be exposed and left vulnerable. Even so, the creature is still incredibly tough, able to soak up significant amounts of damage before succumbing.
2. Ravagers
Ravagers are the hit and run units, they are NOT the elite force of the xeno hive. Why would a fast tier of xenos evolve into something slower than they are? Think about it logically: Fast, fast, slow (wtf?!)
3. Carriers
Nonsensical nerf. Each carrier can only hold-throw 6 but smart ones carry two in the hands as well. This means they have more ammo. Also click-2-win is the marine's tactic. Throughout ALL xeno lore/movies, facehuggers were homing and they will stay homing. The home only is adjacent though and try hitting a running marine with something ranged. Good luck.
4. Aliens in general
Buff marines? You have all these fancy toys: SADAR, Smart gun, Mines, Magnetic harnesses. Why would marines be soloing anyway? In the movies, the best marines stay in an organized amoeba. Xenos are ALREADY team oriented. Their hunting castes are wet tissues, their guarding castes and building castes aren't much different. Amount of alien stuns? Bitch please. Here is a list.
Leap: Xeno can't MOVE for a good 3-4 seconds so use that to your advantage.
Stomp: Hope you have good backup against a ton+ monster of xeno proportions.
Queen Roar: Negate this with ear muffs. Simple.
Tackle: Down for at most a second. Also, ever heard of Specimen 6? Drone that tackled successfully?
Okay, acid. Their fucking blood is molecular acid, according to the xeno movies. Why wouldn't they be able to utilize it as a weapon? Oh and that is pain-orange, not actual orange. You see, there are two separate things for marines. Paincrit and hardcrit. Learn them, live them, love them. Stuns are the most dishonorable things? Talk to the SADAR users, mine users, g-launcher users, grenade throwers, and fuel-tank users. Why do you think people don't play xeno? The stuns. Why do you think people don't WANT to play xeno? They want to be the good guys and rambo the hive, sealing their name into the Hall of Heroes, dining at Odin's table.
And let me be the first to say: Oh look, another xeno nerf post.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2
43 Xenos and counting.
Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1
- spheretech
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
I read what you said, but I can give you the answer to all that. Fun over lore. Nobody gives a damn if the crusher is "bulletproof" if it's no fun in the GAME. Yes. Game, we are playing a game. And as is we are remarkably accurate in terms of lore, we don't need to be 100% on point.Azmodan412 wrote:1. Crushers
I would like to point out that you are being run into by an alien weighing over one ton. Yes, lets nerf the crusher's charge because it does the SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE as being hit by a car in real life. The stomp is explainable. A giant bony crest being bashed into the ground can and will knock people off their feet. Crushers are stunned by hitting something too hard so capitalize on that like a tactical person.
Aliens vs Predator Wiki:
Its most notable features are its large head crest, which is said to be completely bulletproof, and its habit of charging its prey to inflict massive blunt force trauma. It acts as something of a heavy unit for the Xenomorphs, able to engage even armored vehicles with some success.
The Crusher's head is topped with a thick, bony crest, larger even than on some Queens, that it lowers into a vertical position before charging its target like a bull. This crest is incredibly strong, hardy enough to repel most forms of gunfire (including even the M56 Smartgun), and when lowered into the charging position it effectively shields the Crusher's more vulnerable body from frontal damage.[1] The force that the Crusher can impart with its charging attack is tremendous, enough even to propel an M577 APC sideways some distance, or throw an individual Marine several meters through the air.[1]
However, this unique mode of assault renders the Xenomorph virtually blind whilst charging, meaning it is often unable to alter its course should its target move out of the line of attack. Furthermore, if an aggressor is agile enough to sidestep around a charging Crusher, its less resilient body will subsequently be exposed and left vulnerable. Even so, the creature is still incredibly tough, able to soak up significant amounts of damage before succumbing.
2. Ravagers
Ravagers are the hit and run units, they are NOT the elite force of the xeno hive. Why would a fast tier of xenos evolve into something slower than they are? Think about it logically: Fast, fast, slow (wtf?!)
3. Carriers
Nonsensical nerf. Each carrier can only hold-throw 6 but smart ones carry two in the hands as well. This means they have more ammo. Also click-2-win is the marine's tactic. Throughout ALL xeno lore/movies, facehuggers were homing and they will stay homing. The home only is adjacent though and try hitting a running marine with something ranged. Good luck.
4. Aliens in general
Buff marines? You have all these fancy toys: SADAR, Smart gun, Mines, Magnetic harnesses. Why would marines be soloing anyway? In the movies, the best marines stay in an organized amoeba. Xenos are ALREADY team oriented. Their hunting castes are wet tissues, their guarding castes and building castes aren't much different. Amount of alien stuns? Bitch please. Here is a list.
Leap: Xeno can't MOVE for a good 3-4 seconds so use that to your advantage.
Stomp: Hope you have good backup against a ton+ monster of xeno proportions.
Queen Roar: Negate this with ear muffs. Simple.
Tackle: Down for at most a second. Also, ever heard of Specimen 6? Drone that tackled successfully?
Okay, acid. Their fucking blood is molecular acid, according to the xeno movies. Why wouldn't they be able to utilize it as a weapon? Oh and that is pain-orange, not actual orange. You see, there are two separate things for marines. Paincrit and hardcrit. Learn them, live them, love them. Stuns are the most dishonorable things? Talk to the SADAR users, mine users, g-launcher users, grenade throwers, and fuel-tank users. Why do you think people don't play xeno? The stuns. Why do you think people don't WANT to play xeno? They want to be the good guys and rambo the hive, sealing their name into the Hall of Heroes, dining at Odin's table.
And let me be the first to say: Oh look, another xeno nerf post.

- spheretech
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
And I'd like to know are you an alien or marine player, we need unbiased opinions from both sides. Obviously if I play alien I want them to be stronger so it's more fun for me. (Sorry for double post)spheretech wrote: I read what you said, but I can give you the answer to all that. Fun over lore. Nobody gives a damn if the crusher is "bulletproof" if it's no fun in the GAME. Yes. Game, we are playing a game. And as is we are remarkably accurate in terms of lore, we don't need to be 100% on point.

- Azmodan412
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
I am a xeno player primarily. Also, round deadchat complains that the crusher is *nigh* bullet proof because they shoot at the front.
Edit: I am not drawing 100% from lore. I am drawing from my actual experience on the server playing each caste.
Edit: I am not drawing 100% from lore. I am drawing from my actual experience on the server playing each caste.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2
43 Xenos and counting.
Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1
- Sadokist
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
yea fuk zis nonsense ban xenos
- forwardslashN
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
You should play alien sometime.spheretech wrote:As a marine, nobody wants to be just a peon in an army, useless by himself

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
- Edgelord
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Do you know why they call it an army? or A corps? Because you need to do shit by the numbers. This thread is too salty, and carries an undeniable marine bias.\N wrote:-1 You should play alien sometime.
Dayton 'Day' Mann
"That wiggling sensation you feel in your ass is Weyland-Yutani's fingers working you like a puppet."

"That wiggling sensation you feel in your ass is Weyland-Yutani's fingers working you like a puppet."

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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
I'm laughing
reducing the carrier 8 hugger cap to 6?its already 6,they already got a health nerf
Crusher having 3v3 stomp range?its 2x2(But if you add some lag the range goe haywire)
reducing the carrier 8 hugger cap to 6?its already 6,they already got a health nerf
Crusher having 3v3 stomp range?its 2x2(But if you add some lag the range goe haywire)
Last edited by MauroVega on 06 Mar 2016, 14:03, edited 1 time in total.
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
What happens when marine RP collides with standard RP
Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga

- Mitchs98
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
+1 for one or two of the suggestions, honestly. Crusher AOE needs to be nerfed down slightly, that shit can go through WALLS. Other than that, I'm fine with everything else as is. Maybe perhaps raise the plasma cost of a Crusher charging a smidge. It's ridiculous that it can do it repeatedly without any form of drawback imo. Other than that..the aliens are easy enough to deal with if you have competent people attacking and helping.
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
+1 on Mostly crusher things, neutral on ravager speed, carrier is somewhat +1, the rest neutral, i think crusher and carrier need a serious nerf, as they are currently a curb-stomp battle, very hard to win against no matter what, as they require not that much things to do in order to win, there is almost no downsides for them expect the very ones that affect them too little
Oh and also
Oh and also
If i am not wrong, there is a rule or a statement that apop made that if you are downvoting or upvoting, to include a reason as to why.MauroVega wrote:I'm laughing
- spheretech
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Implementing all of this would be crazy ofcourse, but I'm not alone in thinking there needs to be some balance tweaking before a major update again. Just test the waters, I don't think players would mind trying nerfs/buffs on trial first.

- Halinder
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Personally I think increasing crusher plasma charge costs is a really good idea. It'll at least guarantee that they can't run in without some form of weed/plasma donation support, and it makes their ability to zip away from combat the exception instead of the rule. ... 2fa13b.png
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
- Kryfrac
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
-1 A decently put together team of marines of a reasonably populated round can easily reach marine victory.
Aliens are fine the way they are, I've seen a ravager killed by a lone man with a knife.
Crushers are slightly OP but if they hit something hard and go down, They are easy to kill.
Aliens are fine the way they are, I've seen a ravager killed by a lone man with a knife.
Crushers are slightly OP but if they hit something hard and go down, They are easy to kill.
My Avatar is GlItChY.
Thequeenis so damn cute.
So is theHivelord
The Hivelord likes to rest with me.

Help, I'm addicted to Xenos.
Once a hivelord, Always a hivelord, Unless I'm queen, As I am above, But even then, I still rest with hivelords.
Also known as Charlotte "Midnight" Onyx
So, I'm finally keeping track of how many rounds I have played.
Rants, Wtfs and Etc.
Thequeenis so damn cute.
So is theHivelord
The Hivelord likes to rest with me.

Help, I'm addicted to Xenos.
Once a hivelord, Always a hivelord, Unless I'm queen, As I am above, But even then, I still rest with hivelords.
Also known as Charlotte "Midnight" Onyx
So, I'm finally keeping track of how many rounds I have played.
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- Boltersam
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
The crushers are the tanks of the aliens, they're supposed to be able to take the hits.
You mentioned something about fun over lore? You specifically mean marine fun, because xenomorphs are hard to play, are SLOWER than the marines, easily gunned down, and as a bonus, they give you a SENTRY to do your job for you while you play cards.
Ravager: they are the hit and run, this is what they do, not to mention it's not hard to kill them.
Carrier: see, there's a cooldown after hugger throw, if you're being turtly dumbasses and don't kill it while it's weak, and it slowly, painfully wears down your team, it's your own fault, now, isn't it?
Stuns: would you rather we used our high damage impale attack and spammed it until u died? We have stuns because we want more hosts, we're forced to be none lethal until the Sulaco attack.
People don't play xeno because it's weak, you die easily, and nobody knows it's you if you do something cool.
I'm a xeno player, and I've begun to stop playing CM altogether, because it's just not FUN. Playing marine is too easy, turtling is boring, and playing Alien is dull, we have none of the gimmicks of marines, we're easily killed by people who know their shit and aren't sitting on a deck chair with a sentry beside them.
Can you not tell? -1.
You mentioned something about fun over lore? You specifically mean marine fun, because xenomorphs are hard to play, are SLOWER than the marines, easily gunned down, and as a bonus, they give you a SENTRY to do your job for you while you play cards.
Ravager: they are the hit and run, this is what they do, not to mention it's not hard to kill them.
Carrier: see, there's a cooldown after hugger throw, if you're being turtly dumbasses and don't kill it while it's weak, and it slowly, painfully wears down your team, it's your own fault, now, isn't it?
Stuns: would you rather we used our high damage impale attack and spammed it until u died? We have stuns because we want more hosts, we're forced to be none lethal until the Sulaco attack.
People don't play xeno because it's weak, you die easily, and nobody knows it's you if you do something cool.
I'm a xeno player, and I've begun to stop playing CM altogether, because it's just not FUN. Playing marine is too easy, turtling is boring, and playing Alien is dull, we have none of the gimmicks of marines, we're easily killed by people who know their shit and aren't sitting on a deck chair with a sentry beside them.
Can you not tell? -1.
- ParadoxSpace
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
ITT: Upset marine players
- Arachnidnexus
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
I almost always play aliens these days, and I'd be fine with slight nerfs to Crushers. The removal of self-stun and an increase in their melee damage really pushed them over the edge in my opinion. I think making a "Charge" a decision and a bigger plasma commitment would give them more counterplay.
Carriers are still pretty toxic, and a nerf down to 4 huggers carried and 2 in hands would probably be a good change. Because for people who never play Carrier, the hugger cap on Carriers is 8 (6 on back and 2 in hands). The direct hit only huggers would nerf Carriers a lot in my opinion and might make them entirely useless.
I'm not sure Ravagers need a nerf. They're still susceptible to explosives and do not have the armor to let them tank all that much in my experience. Maybe reducing their fire immunity to fire resistance would make flaming them less of a weird trap for new players? I think they're much more balanced than Carrier and Crusher at the moment, though.
Carriers are still pretty toxic, and a nerf down to 4 huggers carried and 2 in hands would probably be a good change. Because for people who never play Carrier, the hugger cap on Carriers is 8 (6 on back and 2 in hands). The direct hit only huggers would nerf Carriers a lot in my opinion and might make them entirely useless.
I'm not sure Ravagers need a nerf. They're still susceptible to explosives and do not have the armor to let them tank all that much in my experience. Maybe reducing their fire immunity to fire resistance would make flaming them less of a weird trap for new players? I think they're much more balanced than Carrier and Crusher at the moment, though.
- Derpislav
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
First off, if that really matters that much to you:
I'm a marine-only player.
Xenos don't need a nerf, they need a shift. From facehuggers to actual xenos. Simply remove carrying facehuggers from all castes but carriers and instead give them the ability to put a marine in a strong grab, which takes some time to apply and slows them down (less than current drag, though), but doesn't mean a death sentence to the alien like devouring. That means single ramborines will be very easily picked off while these who are not retarded enough to go alone not only won't be hurt by this change, they will benefit from it. To compensate for that, buff T1-T2 and underrepresented T3s a lot. (Hivelord, for once, is a drone but slower and even more shit, boilers die faster than runners, Praetorian isn't really an upgrade to a spitter/same deal as Hivelord...)
1. Crushers are fine as they are, minus their tackle duration (longest bar the queen if I'm not mistaken, and I have to agree, it's stupidly strong mixed with their general beefiness and stomp) which shouldn't be their strong point, and stomp chainability (but let's be honest, ANY T3 ability chained is as strong. Ever been charged by 3 ravagers/hit by 3 acid bombards?) which is basically what you get when you allow the aliens to live long enough and get organized enough to pull it off.
Charging? Dude. It can only be done in a straight line. If you didn't sidestep, you deserved it.
2. Don't touch my ravagers. I really enjoy fighting them. They're balanced for a T3. (Remember what Bath's guide to them was titled as? "Che Guevara simulator.")
3. Yes, carriers are cancer, but you're completely wrong about the facehuggers. If the carrier doesn't land a direct hit (very dangerous for him to attempt) or a stupid teammate doesn't push you, the huggers are just there on the ground for you to smack. They only jump when you move, and with good reflexes you can approach a hugger and kill it before it jumps. "It would make it more skill-oriented"? It already is. The only reason bad carrier players succeed is the lack of skill from marines.
That said, competent carriers are everything that's wrong with this world. But extremely rare. I'm the main activist of "remove carrier" and even I have depleted several fully-loaded carriers of their huggers by not flailing around wildly.
3. Dying from internal injuries in two hits? More like 7 hits. And that's only assuming your medic is absent. When it comes to any wounds besides broken chest, marines are really damn tanky when you apply real-world logic. A "fragile" marine is only stopped by injuries so numerous or grievous he's a literal piece of minced meat, everything else is merely a setback/lethal after such a long time you can walk to the other side of the map, smoke a cig, lie down and only then die. And you're informed of it when your chest breaks, so simply stop moving and ask someone to drag you to safety. Main source of chest-breaking is friendly fire anyways.
Dropping huggers (which aren't homing, again) by marines work only on these who panic and don't know how to deal with that.
Did you seriously complain about being able to easily take down a lone marine. Are you for real outraged that the perfect predator which does nothing but kill and terrorize for 99% of the movies in which it's included is able to 1v1 a rambo?
Tackle is very unreliable for 1v1, having a high fail chance for other castes than these supposed to be good at tackling. And even if you're tackled once, you won't get any significant damage during the time you're down (unless it was a Crusher tackle, or you allowed a hunter/ravager close enough) and when you get back up, you're free to pull out your magstrap'd rifle/30 sidearms/pick up your weapon because you were smart and alt-clicked the tile you've dropped it on.
I can't find an argument to defend acid spatters, but I don't mind them, I even like them in a way.
"Nobody wants to be a peon in the army" - meantime aliens still don't have OOC recognition... And both marines and aliens are very weak on their own. If by you want to be something more than yet one cog in the machine of war, you have two options: get ungodly robust to actually pull off soloing shit (good luck when the entire server is built around punishing rambos), or engage in RP and create a story. Be remembered for who you were, not for how many queens you knifed.
Yes, I sound like an angry dick in the above text. No, I'm not sorry.
I'm a marine-only player.
Xenos don't need a nerf, they need a shift. From facehuggers to actual xenos. Simply remove carrying facehuggers from all castes but carriers and instead give them the ability to put a marine in a strong grab, which takes some time to apply and slows them down (less than current drag, though), but doesn't mean a death sentence to the alien like devouring. That means single ramborines will be very easily picked off while these who are not retarded enough to go alone not only won't be hurt by this change, they will benefit from it. To compensate for that, buff T1-T2 and underrepresented T3s a lot. (Hivelord, for once, is a drone but slower and even more shit, boilers die faster than runners, Praetorian isn't really an upgrade to a spitter/same deal as Hivelord...)
1. Crushers are fine as they are, minus their tackle duration (longest bar the queen if I'm not mistaken, and I have to agree, it's stupidly strong mixed with their general beefiness and stomp) which shouldn't be their strong point, and stomp chainability (but let's be honest, ANY T3 ability chained is as strong. Ever been charged by 3 ravagers/hit by 3 acid bombards?) which is basically what you get when you allow the aliens to live long enough and get organized enough to pull it off.
Charging? Dude. It can only be done in a straight line. If you didn't sidestep, you deserved it.
2. Don't touch my ravagers. I really enjoy fighting them. They're balanced for a T3. (Remember what Bath's guide to them was titled as? "Che Guevara simulator.")
3. Yes, carriers are cancer, but you're completely wrong about the facehuggers. If the carrier doesn't land a direct hit (very dangerous for him to attempt) or a stupid teammate doesn't push you, the huggers are just there on the ground for you to smack. They only jump when you move, and with good reflexes you can approach a hugger and kill it before it jumps. "It would make it more skill-oriented"? It already is. The only reason bad carrier players succeed is the lack of skill from marines.
That said, competent carriers are everything that's wrong with this world. But extremely rare. I'm the main activist of "remove carrier" and even I have depleted several fully-loaded carriers of their huggers by not flailing around wildly.
3. Dying from internal injuries in two hits? More like 7 hits. And that's only assuming your medic is absent. When it comes to any wounds besides broken chest, marines are really damn tanky when you apply real-world logic. A "fragile" marine is only stopped by injuries so numerous or grievous he's a literal piece of minced meat, everything else is merely a setback/lethal after such a long time you can walk to the other side of the map, smoke a cig, lie down and only then die. And you're informed of it when your chest breaks, so simply stop moving and ask someone to drag you to safety. Main source of chest-breaking is friendly fire anyways.
Dropping huggers (which aren't homing, again) by marines work only on these who panic and don't know how to deal with that.
Did you seriously complain about being able to easily take down a lone marine. Are you for real outraged that the perfect predator which does nothing but kill and terrorize for 99% of the movies in which it's included is able to 1v1 a rambo?
Tackle is very unreliable for 1v1, having a high fail chance for other castes than these supposed to be good at tackling. And even if you're tackled once, you won't get any significant damage during the time you're down (unless it was a Crusher tackle, or you allowed a hunter/ravager close enough) and when you get back up, you're free to pull out your magstrap'd rifle/30 sidearms/pick up your weapon because you were smart and alt-clicked the tile you've dropped it on.
I can't find an argument to defend acid spatters, but I don't mind them, I even like them in a way.
"Nobody wants to be a peon in the army" - meantime aliens still don't have OOC recognition... And both marines and aliens are very weak on their own. If by you want to be something more than yet one cog in the machine of war, you have two options: get ungodly robust to actually pull off soloing shit (good luck when the entire server is built around punishing rambos), or engage in RP and create a story. Be remembered for who you were, not for how many queens you knifed.
Yes, I sound like an angry dick in the above text. No, I'm not sorry.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

- spheretech
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
I disagree. We always see the only aliens left alive on sulaco assault are crushers, and they usually win the game for the aliens. As a t3, if I had to choose from any of them, crusher would be an absolute no brainer. I would take 5 crushers over 10 ravagers.Derpislav wrote: 1. Crushers are fine as they are, minus their tackle duration (longest bar the queen if I'm not mistaken, and I have to agree, it's stupidly strong mixed with their general beefiness and stomp) which shouldn't be their strong point, and stomp chainability (but let's be honest, ANY T3 ability chained is as strong. Ever been charged by 3 ravagers/hit by 3 acid bombards?) which is basically what you get when you allow the aliens to live long enough and get organized enough to pull it off.
They are too fast.Derpislav wrote:2. Don't touch my ravagers. I really enjoy fighting them. They're balanced for a T3.
You don't need to be a good player to use hugger marines with a carrier. Saying "just don't move" is like saying "just don't get hit by the sadar", it's a bad argument. You are moving 90% of the time. A still marine is a dead marine (neurotoxin, crushers, leaps etc).Derpislav wrote: 3. Yes, carriers are cancer, but you're completely wrong about the facehuggers. If the carrier doesn't land a direct hit (very dangerous for him to attempt) or a stupid teammate doesn't push you, the huggers are just there on the ground for you to smack. They only jump when you move, and with good reflexes you can approach a hugger and kill it before it jumps. "It would make it more skill-oriented"? It already is. The only reason bad carrier players succeed is the lack of skill from marines.
That said, competent carriers are everything that's wrong with this world. But extremely rare. I'm the main activist of "remove carrier" and even I have depleted several fully-loaded carriers of their huggers by not flailing around wildly.
Aliens often aim for the chest as default or the head which isn't much better. I am not pulling it of my arse saying that aliens can break your bones including chest in one hit. I've had it happen before. Chest and head fractures basically end you because of blurred vision, unconsciousness and pure damage from moving bones. Aliens can one shot your chest. Easily.Derpislav wrote:3. Dying from internal injuries in two hits? More like 7 hits.
Dropping huggers does not work, I thought you knew this. You THROW a hugger next to a marine, even if he does not move it will home to his face.Derpislav wrote:Dropping huggers (which aren't homing, again) by marines work only on these who panic and don't know how to deal with that.
Derpislav wrote:Are you for real outraged that the perfect predator which does nothing but kill and terrorize for 99% of the movies in which it's included is able to 1v1 a rambo?
Fun over lore.
How many times have you played alien? Because tackling is a ridiculously strong way of engaging a fight. Not only does it cause the marine to DROP his main weapon, but it can be spammed to easily stun you for 10+ seconds which is MORE than enough to drag you far, far from your lines where you are basically screwed. And this is implying that you somehow didn't immediately get facehugged twice after being tackled.Derpislav wrote:Tackle is very unreliable for 1v1, having a high fail chance for other castes than these supposed to be good at tackling. And even if you're tackled once, you won't get any significant damage during the time you're down (unless it was a Crusher tackle, or you allowed a hunter/ravager close enough) and when you get back up, you're free to pull out your magstrap'd rifle/30 sidearms/pick up your weapon because you were smart and alt-clicked the tile you've dropped it on.
Yes, it's not a very big issue, just imo an unnecessary hinderance for robust melee marines. (This hurts you for trying to counter crushers)Derpislav wrote:I can't find an argument to defend acid spatters, but I don't mind them, I even like them in a way.
[quote="Derpislav]"Nobody wants to be a peon in the army" - meantime aliens still don't have OOC recognition... And both marines and aliens are very weak on their own. If by you want to be something more than yet one cog in the machine of war, you have two options: get ungodly robust to actually pull off soloing shit (good luck when the entire server is built around punishing rambos), or engage in RP and create a story. Be remembered for who you were, not for how many queens you knifed.[/quote]
Aliens are much much better in "ramboing". They see you through walls and have a few tile general sight advantage because the jungle is dark, always giving them the element of surprise and making escapes easy. Lately we've been seeing ravagers (with their ridiculous speed) soloing groups of marines by charging, instantly breaking a bone and simply running away, because the damage is done and it's enough. Not gonna go into detail, but aliens are obviously better for robust solo players - When marines get shut down by a simple two huggers from an alien.
My perfect version of a pvp action server would be an equal deathmatch of two equal races. Marines Vs Marines on an open plain perhaps. Would be much easier to balance than aliens. But thats not gonna happen.

- Azmodan412
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Funny thing here, this is a medium RP server, not a pvp action server primarily.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2
43 Xenos and counting.
Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1
- forwardslashN
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Yes, that. That is my biggest problem with the way xenos are now, aside from nesting being an absolute nightmare, is that carrying huggers is really lame. It is far too easy to disable marines, and I never feel like an actual alien until I hit tier three. Because at tier three you get some actual abilities that don't rely on carrying huggers.Derpislav wrote: Xenos don't need a nerf, they need a shift. From facehuggers to actual xenos.

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
- Jen_Llama
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
Replace all marines and xenos with npcs and then open a gambling service.
holla holla get jelly

holla holla get jelly

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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
To add to that, if more skills and abilities were given to the lower tiers, maybe even some of the very harsh nerfs could be taken down a notch. I mean I understand runners being weak, but 3 shots and you are dead not to mention how shots don't miss them nowadays. Any time someone shot at me, the hit landed almost like there is no dodge percentage.\N wrote: Yes, that. That is my biggest problem with the way xenos are now, aside from nesting being an absolute nightmare, is that carrying huggers is really lame. It is far too easy to disable marines, and I never feel like an actual alien until I hit tier three. Because at tier three you get some actual abilities that don't rely on carrying huggers.
- Tristan63
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Re: Alien Nerf Suggestions
-1 Aliens deserve their own buffs, we get explosives, actual command chain, good cover, and a ship. Fair in my opinon.
Don't turn around
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