14 Predator Bugs, 6 Fixed (4/24/2016)

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14 Predator Bugs, 6 Fixed (4/24/2016)

Post by Gelonvia » 24 Mar 2016, 20:11

Bug Description:
This bug we will start with is a Predator bug where if you get Decapitated while Cloaking then your head Appears after being removed from your body, however your corpse remains invisible indefinitely for the remainder of the round.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Turn Transparent
2. Have enemy Decapitate you.
3. Watch as head turns visible and rolls away, but your helmet disappears and your corpse remains transparent.

Bug Description: Fixed
When you spawn at first on the Predator Ship, you will find a single Alien Artifact in the trophy room. The Alien Artifact will randomly generate an effect which has been everything from spilling out plasma into the room, to irradiating everyone on the shuttle. Or even randomly teleporting you after every 10 seconds into space, or other random areas.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Randomly generate map.
2. Spawn as Predator.
3. Watch as some random times the Alien Artifact will have a random effect.

Bug Description: Fixed
Predators no longer have a set limit of amount of Preds on a single round. The previous blocker has disappeared, and if you die as a Predator you can come back by just tapping the Join as Predator button a second time, which lets you die and respawn as many times as you want. Luckily no one has abused this yet due to White-listing being for those who are trustworthy and not random players.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Spawn as Predator.
2. Die as Predator.
3. reclick Spawn Button.

Bug Description: Fixed
Yautja Harpoon Gun is entirely bugged, for one it doesn't have a spot it can fit, that means it can't fit on the Armor storage like it should, or fit on your back. Add to that once you fill it with the 3 harpoons it doesn't really do anything damage wise, it's just a harpoon gun thats incredibly ineffective atm, if it had some damage that was more then the cannon then I would be up for seeing it be plausable, but right now it seems to be,
1: Less damage then a Spike Cannon
2: Doesn't have an auxiliary function that makes it unique like the Spike Cannon.
3: Cannot be reloaded due to a bug that prevents reloading it with any harpoons after you eject its magazine.
4: Doesn't have enough Ammo to even be considerable, as it only holds 3 harpoons that you have to recollect while the Cannons ammo is infinite.
5: Cannot be stored in the Yautja Pouch/Armor Storage/ Pocket Storage/Back Storage.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Eject Harpoon Gun Magazine, try to reload it with said Harpoons.
2. Damage testing and actual Combat Effectiveness needed during a stress test.
3. Try to place it even on any storage area, does not work.

Bug Description:
Yautja Cannon has infinit Alloy Spikes, now I am not sure if that is a bug, but what I do know is the Cannon is described as a weapon for long distance firing when the projectiles will not fire past your primary Line of Sight. So even if you do use the scope you can't even fire it out and have it reach the distance it needs which renders it as a waste of space on your back and as a glorified pair of Binoculars.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Hold Spike Cannon
2. Use Scope
3. Try to fire even at the extended distance.

Bug Description:

Yautja Crystals are coded to fix Eye-Damage, Organ Damage, Brain Damage, and all trauma types except bone damage. What I have encountered is that it doesn't fix Organ Damage as it should. It takes exactly 5 swipes from a Ravager on its own to give you around 38 Organ damage to multiple Organs at once, meaning from a Ravager alone you get a popped lung, liver failure, and heart failure. Now I have noticed it does slowly fix brain damage/organ damage/ eye damage, however its not fast enough to counter-act the amount you gain. Examples,

1: You get a liver damage of any kind, Yautja Crystal will treat the Toxins and Organ in Theory. But what happens instead is you have so much toxins in your body that your toxins are increasing your Livers Organ Damage, which produces even more Toxins Per Second then the Yautja Crystal Can remove, and thus the Raising Toxins that are poisoning your body are destroying your Liver even more making it ineffective and stall your inevitable death.

2: Your Lungs get popped because a Ravager Charged you once while you're at Full Health, or they simply slashed you twice while constantly stun spamming like most Aliens do. (And by most, I mean 47 out of 49 battles are Aliens who are Hugger Spamming, stun spamming, so you cannot fight. Thus leading to them bitch when the Plasma Caster is already Approved.) Your Lungs are now popped, your gasping for air and receiving increased Deprivation Damage. Because you cannot breath from your Popped Lung you gain Deprivation Damage, your inability to breath then increases your lung damage worse then the Yautja Crystal can treat your lungs and Deprivation Damage. And even if you treat the Dep Damage then you still cant breath due to you gasping for air which STILL worsens your Lungs Organ Damage worse then the Crystal can Repair it.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Give yourself a popped lung, try to head from where-ever you are to somewhere safe.
2. Use Yautja Crystal as you have to stand still for 30 minutes in an attempt to have it treat you while you gasp and pass out over and over in a constant period that makes hunting impossible.
3. Stress Test the effectiveness of a Yautja Crystals healing factors in an actual Combat Situation.

Bug Description:
Alright, so we used to have a display for how much charge was in our Yautja Batteries that actually stated a physical number such as 530/2000 charge left. This Display has disappeared now and there have been many attempts to check on said charge, but sadly the ineffective Battery Display in the Top Right which is just a Colored bar is broken on its own and really doesn't show how much of anything you have left, its just Chinese looking characters that glow red and are mashed together, it has no functional representation for how much battery you have left.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Click the Battery Bar, receive nothing effective.
2. Check status Display, receive nothing.
3. Cry because you don't have enough charge and have no place to tell before your Cloak runs out and the function was removed.
4. Head towards Bug Report and add that in with the other bugs.

Bug Description:
When you cloak as a Yautja you're still visible to Aliens in several ways, first thing to make note of is the Xeno's can see your cloaked body from behind walls which is INCREDIBLY easy to spot. Xeno's always come in packs and will have one sit behind a wall and constantly point at you making the function of cloaking redundant. In turn to couple with this Mechanical Bug previously stated it creates and adverse effect that Aliens can Toggle their Darkvision even without the need to hide behind a wall to see where you're at, a cloaking device which doesn't effectively cloak is entirely redundant. At this point with the abuse of this bug it might be smart to remove the outline that it leaves entirely when you cloak out sense it's being abused.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Spawn Predator then cloak.
2. Stand behind wall, stare at cloaked Predator and spam the point function.
3. Toggle Darkvision repeatedly over and over/ Make cloaking device stupidly useless.
4. Gape in awe at the ineffectiveness of the items provided due to abuse of mechanics.

[3/26/2016 Update]

Bug Description:
Right, this one we couldn't reproduce, but somehow it happened. While I was playing as a Predator I released my Smartdisk, turns out when it stopped attacking and I called it back it duplicated into two smartdisks, two on the ground. I had Ordukai double check on that to see if it was the other Yautja's but only they had my prints on them, and they both would recall to my commands. Afterwords I had Ordukai delete the spare and we were unable to recreate the task sense I didn't pay attention to the disk as it wasn't important on details at the moment.


Steps to reproduce:

Bug Description:
Yautja's occasionally do not Gib from self destruct, which is a literal nuke activating point blank. I have found this happens when Yautja's die from only moderate burns and Brute damage, or from Oxygen or Toxins. In order for the explosion to happen it needs to be severe conditioning. This as the example when a Yautja died and I activated their wrist detonator for them leading to only their legs exploding.


Steps to reproduce:
1. get Oxygen/Toxin damage.
2. Try to suicide bomb in critical.
3. Does not gib your corpse like the function is supposed to in order to preserve gear.

Bug Description: FIxed
Yautja Mines will snare over dead corpses if you pull them over the mines, afterwords the mine is nolonger retrievable making your mine wasted entirely. This really sucks to have random mines disappear because Yautja's are already limited on mines as it stands, we don't need a bug removing them permanently.


Steps to reproduce:
1. Drop armed Yautja Mine
2. Pull corpse over armed mine.
3. attempt to retrieve mine, making it impossible.

Bug Description: Fixed
Right, so that old bug of where you get a knife stuck in you and it reduces your maximum run speed? It still happening, it didn't get fixed. I was having a knife fight with a Marine as of 10:17pm CST on 3/26/2016, my body got bugged and now I have permanantly reduced running speed, that bug is starting handi-cap the heck out of Yautja's who already have tons of bugs.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Take out knife.
2. Stab self/Yank out object.
3. Watch as maximum speed is reduced to that of less then a Praetorian.

Bug Description:
When you are whitelisted as a Predator you will find that when you Observe you're supposed to get a message about it being a Predator Round sense it's very slim chance to ever get it. For some reason though it doesn't state that it's a Predator Round at the Title Screen when you first log in. What makes this such a pain in the fucking ass is some of us are not Staff who can spawn ourselves in to correct this mechanical issue and instead a ton of us have resorted to having to Observe every round which forfeits our round and have to wait another 2 hours. I was told to ask staff until this problem is corrected and right now that doesn't even work sense I get a reply 50% of the time of, "I don't know how to check." 2% of the time its, "I'm not allowed to tell you that." until I explain I am Whitelisted and still don't receive a response, and 48% of the time I do actually get told, "It's not a Predator Round." I would rather those of us who're whitelisted and want to play Marine or Survivor one round to not have to totally give it up in order to check if we even have gotten that 5% chance of a Pred Round. Literally not even obtained the round, just to /check/ it.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Log in
2. Stare at front Setup Screen as it doesn't state if it's a Predator Round.

[4/03/2016 Update]

Bug Description: Fixed
If a Predator is griefed, or simply bugged due to the many broken systems such as the Artifact inside the Shuttle that can irradiate you or kill you with simple ease, the Rejuvinate or "Heal" verb that Staff use actually will break the movement speed of Predators and make them run slower then a Spitter.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Get injured.
2. Use heal/rejuv verb.
3. Watch as you can no longer run efficiently.

Notable possible bugs, or just errors in coding/mechanics:

Right, so I have noticed that there is only 6 Yautja Mines in the Armory on the Yautja Ship, if we're allowed 4 people 1 Elder, 3 Standards, then that means that there is not enough to spread out between everyone. You would only have enough for 1 for two Yautja's, and the other two get two, but then have to in the end waste another two mines for the Yautja Lodge when they start up leaving everyone with 1 Yautja mine only. Which every time an Alien gets a Yautja mine attached they run away and Melt it.

This continues to my next notable Mechanic features. We have Yautja equipment which is unique and made of denser and stronger materials that is supposed to be made specifically with the Xenomorphs in mind. There is very minimal of these items, yet somehow every items, Mines/Masks/Armor/Weapons are all Meltable with even the weakest of Acids, yet even the Strongest of Acids such as Boiler Spit cannot melt inferior B18 Armor which Mechanically is not as exclusive as Yautja Equipment. That and with all the tackle spamming aliens do, its quite easy to loose your weapons with a single tackle spam, then melt of your items. It is as bad as the Hugger Spamming issue was, and still is now.

Certain Weapons are not Combat Effective. The Yautja Hunting Sword has weaker attack then the Glaive or Scythe, but it has the function for one handed, right? One handed is good right? Not at all. The Combi Stick is one handed, and it blocks spit, melee attacks, and bullets and only doing a little less damage. Overall your blocking more damage coming at you then the hunting sword can put out, and hell the Combi stick is one handed too AND fits in your pocket. The Yautja Hunting Sword is just a novelty item in all senses and not effective due to not having any special properties such as the Glaive, Scythe, or Combi-Stick. Glaive/Scythe being Heavy Damage while the Combi-Stick spares you from receiving damage while also being adaptive. The Hunting Sword though? Nothing makes it effective, the Whip aswell is terrible. Whip atleast fits in your Pouch, but cannot even fit on your Armor Storage. And the Sword fits on your back but is smaller then the Glaive and Scythe, but yet the glaive and scythe fit on your back AND your armor storage, so in all functionality it renders the Sword and Whip useless. The Combi-Stick fits in your pocket but for some reason cannot fit in your Armor Storage, which would make sense for it to be able to do. And TONS of Yautja items don't fit on your suit storage, or in your pockets. Such as the Following,

1. Yautja Mines
2. Yautja Smart Disk
3. Yautja Crystal
4. Lanterns
5. Health Analyzer
6. Trophy Rooms Katana
7. Yautja Harpoon Gun
8. Bastard Sword in Kitchen

But for some reason the following CAN fit in your suit storage on your Yautja Armor

1. Fireaxe
2. Glass Shard Spear

Suggestions: In order to make each weapon have a purpose, you might want to give the sword possibly a stun effect thats RNG based and very low, like, 5% chance. Might need stress testing, and give the whip the ability to attack 2 tiles away instead of the normal 1 thus giving you larger reach, it's a whip afterall, but it would have to have the damage equal to the weakest weapon which is the Combi-Stick.

Thank you for taking the time to read all the way through my bug report and hearing what I have to say!
Last edited by Gelonvia on 24 Apr 2016, 03:31, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Numerous Predator Bugs

Post by Moonloon » 26 Mar 2016, 09:34

Gelonvia wrote:Bug Description:
Bug Description:
When you cloak as a Yautja you're still visible to Aliens in several ways, first thing to make note of is the Xeno's can see your cloaked body from behind walls which is INCREDIBLY easy to spot. Xeno's always come in packs and will have one sit behind a wall and constantly point at you making the function of cloaking redundant. In turn to couple with this Mechanical Bug previously stated it creates and adverse effect that Aliens can Toggle their Darkvision even without the need to hide behind a wall to see where you're at, a cloaking device which doesn't effectively cloak is entirely redundant. At this point with the abuse of this bug it might be smart to remove the outline that it leaves entirely when you cloak out sense it's being abused.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Spawn Predator then cloak.
2. Stand behind wall, stare at cloaked Predator and spam the point function.
3. Toggle Darkvision repeatedly over and over/ Make cloaking device stupidly useless.
4. Gape in awe at the ineffectiveness of the items provided due to abuse of mechanics.
As a minor note, cloaking doesn't work against xenos at all in the lore, so it probably shouldn't work in the game either.

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Re: Numerous Predator Bugs

Post by outordinary » 29 Mar 2016, 19:42

Was just about to point that out, it really should only work on marines while we should see the outline even if we aren't behind a wall.

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Re: Numerous Predator Bugs

Post by Jack McIntyre » 29 Mar 2016, 20:19

I will admit that it used to be that xenos only got a general area you were not just your exact location which in all honesty was nice because it did give the cloak ability the ability to get away from murderbonery xenos. Sometimes I would bring a larva that popped that was unclaimed to the hive or near a entrance since I wanted hive to grow to hunt and when I did, while some xenos waved or would wait till I stopped dragging and walked away to claim it, some get all murderboney and attack me even though I am trying to help them, so I will admit just switch it back to the area. I get it lorewise it doesn't work, but i was also nice just gamewise.

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Re: 14 Predator Bugs (4/03/2016)

Post by Stivan34 » 23 Apr 2016, 17:26

Lorewise, xenos can see cloaked preds, I think that is intentional.
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Re: 14 Predator Bugs (4/03/2016)

Post by Gelonvia » 24 Apr 2016, 03:18

Xenos don't have eyes hun, they don't see anything, they simply listen for them, in each movie and in Lore they were spotted because they made the mistake of making a noise. However Celtic used a rock to toss it down a hallway in order to send a hunter in the opposite direction while the hunter was about to eat the main protagonist, afterwords he proceeded to gun it down blowing up its skull with a plasma caster shot.

AIRGO: Lore, read it. Cloaks do work on Aliens.

Note: Even if it didnt? We're talking game mechanics, and CM SS13 is not around Alien Lore, it's on it's own Lore as Apop has stated for him to control.

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Re: 14 Predator Bugs (4/03/2016)

Post by forwardslashN » 24 Apr 2016, 04:02

Gelonvia wrote: Xenos don't have eyes

Cloaks do work on Aliens.
Cloaks are a visual obfuscation. Why would they work on a creature with no eyes? Also, according at least to the wiki page, xenomorphs might have several different ways to detect potential hosts, and we don't actually know if its one or a combination of different methods. In the AvP games, aliens can see through the predator's cloak with pheromone based vision, so stealth is entirely useless when facing the aliens as a predator.
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Re: 14 Predator Bugs (4/03/2016)

Post by Gelonvia » 26 Apr 2016, 00:24

\N wrote: Cloaks are a visual obfuscation. Why would they work on a creature with no eyes? Also, according at least to the wiki page, xenomorphs might have several different ways to detect potential hosts, and we don't actually know if its one or a combination of different methods. In the AvP games, aliens can see through the predator's cloak with pheromone based vision, so stealth is entirely useless when facing the aliens as a predator.
Pheremones don't provide vision, and in those games those were Aliens of a certain type and Breed. Finally Cloaking /requires/ seeing, thus why when you have no eyes you can't see them. Literally the point why they don't see them, they don't have eyes to see /as the Wiki says and the Biology of them states/ from the AVP Handguide AND from CM SS13 Lore (Which btw, overall CMSS13 Lore over-rules all AVP Lore, its two entirely different things.)
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Re: 14 Predator Bugs (4/03/2016)

Post by forwardslashN » 26 Apr 2016, 00:37

Gelonvia wrote: Pheremones don't provide vision, and in those games those were Aliens of a certain type and Breed. Finally Cloaking /requires/ seeing, thus why when you have no eyes you can't see them. Literally the point why they don't see them, they don't have eyes to see /as the Wiki says and the Biology of them states/ from the AVP Handguide AND from CM SS13 Lore (Which btw, overall CMSS13 Lore over-rules all AVP Lore, its two entirely different things.)
I'm not exactly sure what you mean there. All I was saying is that cloaking is useless against aliens because they probably don't rely on their eyes to see. Hence, they must track hosts with some other method, pheromones being one of them (apparently). Unless you are saying xenomorphs cannot perceive predators at all, which is bewildering to me. Here is a wiki entry on the cloaking device, for reference: http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Cloak
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Re: 14 Predator Bugs, 6 Fixed (4/24/2016)

Post by forwardslashN » 25 Jul 2016, 00:07

I fixed this stuff, aside the smartdisk dupe. If anyone has more information on it, post it. Resolved for now.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
