Host Killing - Requests!~

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Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 27 Mar 2016, 12:52

Summary: Okay well I've been part of this community for awhile - just not focusing on the forums part of it - I've come to realize over the last few months that a lot of hosts tend to be killed by the aliens by mistake/accidentally. After being talked to by the admins more than once on the whole "host killing" topic, it seems that my excuse is almost always the same "I didn't realize that it was a host!" (this is truth!) but I got a few requests that'll hopefully change that (and not get me banned ;-;). I gotta few requests that I'd like to share to the community.

Request #1: Make a script (or something) so that the aliens simply cannot kill/harm hosts - only push them down.
Request #2: Make the alien infected icon bigger, or at least more noticeable so that we can actually see the damn thing. Kind of hard to see a lil' squiggly line - ESPECIALLY when you are in the heat of battle.
Request #3: Maybe update the Queen Command? y'know how the queen can permit slashing for humans? Maybe update the "PERMITTED" Command so that the aliens can slash anyone but the hosts. Simply pushes infected over instead of kill. (How to add it in game?)

Benefits: Makes it so the aliens won't kill anymore hosts - will be able to see the alien infected icon way better. Also the admin staff won't have to deal with the "Host Killing" problem anymore - so that's an upside! And will let the aliens hive grow a bit more because of the lack of death from the infected humans. Will make it better for RP, so we (the aliens) don't kill anymore hosts, doesn't seem like a thing that would happen in the actual lore, aliens killing the hosts for "not seeing that its a host"..

Details: Not really sure how it would work - but I hope its as easy as adding a few simple scripts - hopefully? Possibly just update the Queen Commands for it to work?

Lets just hope this gets reviewed and people like the idea, because I personally think it would be a good thing to have put into the game

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Azmodan412 » 27 Mar 2016, 13:02

T'would give hell for xenos assaulting the Sulaco where they shift into full murderbone. I see no problem with #2, but the other two just don't sit well with me. Basically you're gimping Ravagers and Crushers, whose sole job is to kill.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 27 Mar 2016, 13:05

Talked to a mod or two about that - apparently their /sole/ job isn't just to kill everything, but they wouldn't give anything else on it. Every time I got talked to for killing an infected (by accident of course!) it was either on a Rav or a Crusher. Still got chewed out for killing infected (I never mean to kill infected ;-;).

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Azmodan412 » 27 Mar 2016, 13:28

Ravs take off limbs with ease so accidental killing of bleeding out, crushers charge over infected hosts or smack right into them at high momentum, also accidentally killing them. Leave the guarding to the sentinel castes. Thats why they have neurotox.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 27 Mar 2016, 15:25

I'd be okay with number two here. Admittedly, I've also had times when I didn't notice the infected, and after I've mauled them a bit I'm like " that the fucking icon?". I've never actually ended up killing them (I'm always killed before then), but I have mauled them. So yea, I'd agree increase the icon size a bit. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Jack McIntyre » 27 Mar 2016, 15:33

It isn't that hard to not kill infected hosts, if you have a good alien part team then you will have sentinels to guard the hosts, again also why they have neurotoxin. However I also get how hard it can be, I usually play carrier, and usually staff are a bit lienent since sulaco is the last stand for the marines, but I will admit it is kinda of dumb when as staff you see people getting slash happy.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by forwardslashN » 27 Mar 2016, 17:33

Change slash intent to disarm. It is very hard to kill hosts by accident, and if you do it consistently, that sounds like an issue you need to resolve on your own.
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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Zilenan91 » 27 Mar 2016, 19:20

Terrible. Hosts can escape, get a gun, and then you'll arbitrarily be unable to kill them and they'll kill many more xenos than you'll gain by keeping them alive.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 27 Mar 2016, 19:24

Seems that the community doesn't exactly like these ideas. But apparently killing hosts is against the rules, so even as an Xeno that would be illegal in the eyes of the admins!

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Jack McIntyre » 27 Mar 2016, 21:24

If they fight back by getting a gun you can kill them, the problem is when people slash for no reason, you have disarm to tackle for a reason we had earlier of spam tackling which apop said is a valid tactic for xenos to use. Does it piss off marines....oh yea, but we get it.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Mar 2016, 21:30

Its even valid for xenos to hug you and instantly decap you, and we all know how really easy it is to hug someone nowdays not cowering in FOB or whatever other defensive position, which is even more annoying, the best annoying is when they remove your limbs for ultimate boredom, for ultimate frustration they decap you, since unless someone can find your head, your effectively dead as a marine forever.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by tenshar » 30 Mar 2016, 03:26

Honestly hugging then decapitating or killing immediately after should be seen as powergaming or deliberately using a loophole to get around a rule and aliens dragging dead bodies back to the main nest just so they can devour them and claim "They were in the main nest".

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Mitchs98 » 30 Mar 2016, 13:34

MrJJJ wrote:Its even valid for xenos to hug you and instantly decap you, and we all know how really easy it is to hug someone nowdays not cowering in FOB or whatever other defensive position, which is even more annoying, the best annoying is when they remove your limbs for ultimate boredom, for ultimate frustration they decap you, since unless someone can find your head, your effectively dead as a marine forever.
I'd also like to point out hiding heads and as the other guy described dragging bodies back to the main nest is against the rules as it's simply findng loopholes around the aliens metagaming cloning rule. The head isn't a shiny trophy, it's an excuse to circumvent the cloning rule and metagame cloning as an alien that aliens have no knowledge about.

That said, I'd be all for restricting harm to hosts in some way. Perhaps it would be possible to make slashes to infected do SIGNIFICANTLY less damage to hosts unless you're damaged by them? Would that be possible? Or damage in general? It's absolute bullshit for aliens to be killing every single human they see anyway, they should be infecting. I've been killed NUMEROUS times instead of being infected while I was ALONE and the aliens were actively winning while still on the planet. How you may ask? Hugger stun slash.

I'd be fine with having the hugger infect you faster if it helped aliens not abuse hugger stun to kill you, which in my opinion is powergaming since its completely unavoidable unless you don't get hugged.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 31 Mar 2016, 08:36

+1 on this one. A cleverly programmed script, marking all infected as hosts and unabling aliens to harm them unless the queen allow the slashinf of hosts, but unmarking an infected who managed to do damage to one alien would do the trick.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by Snypehunter007 » 20 Jan 2017, 03:13

Don't make megaposts.

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Re: Host Killing - Requests!~

Post by forwardslashN » 20 Jan 2017, 18:39

We may incorporate some of that in the future, but for right now this is not something we want and is denied.
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