Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

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Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Artouris » 10 Apr 2016, 12:15

DISCLAIMER: I do know there are various Nerf Crusher suggestions already. Mine is not saying remove anything they have. I have come up with a different way.

The issue with crushers is that they end up being overpowered, due to their many advantages. What I suggest is forcing crushers to be direction locked, so they can't moonwalk away from marine fire. They can only face the direction they are moving. Along with adding it so they have to wait a few possibly microseconds to turn directions. The whole assumption is that these are living tanks. Tanks don't exactly turn on a dime like some little Volkswagen beetle.

Would actually balanced out crushers.

The problem we see when it comes to crushers, even through they have a relatively high HP pool, is that their frontal armor is too good at deflecting rounds. Now that wouldn't be a issue if crushers couldn't moonwalk away from marine fire. Which by that I mean they are moving backwards but keep clicking in the direction of marines to change their facing. Which causes most of the bullets to deflect off of a crusher when marines shoot at it. Also the added delay for changing directions would not only make the prospect of charge + stomp more difficult without support which happens often enough. But it gives marines a better chance to actually return fire because you see a crusher charge in, stomp, quickly 180 out of there. Which is harsh on the marines because you'll get groups of crushers who do this in a chain. So this when put in can allow marines to properly return fire, but still allow crushers to play to their strengths but require more coordination from other xenos.

Coding, force crushers to only face the direction they are moving (removing the moonwalking) and add a small delay for turning direction (which would make the stomp a more risk vs reward type deal).

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by SUPERMAN112 » 10 Apr 2016, 12:17

Sorry I just don't think crushers are that OP, maybe I just suck as them but hey to me they seem balanced, -1

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Callabaddie » 10 Apr 2016, 12:19


Crushers are brutal, one to two man marine shrekking machines, and they don't require much actual mechanical skill, beyond what you'd need to know to shoot while walking away as a marine.

With the combination of weeds, Crushers are baby's first marine stomping alium, and have no punishment for suicide charges due to the ridiculous HP regen and mobility of the crusher class. Making crushers more immobile or sluggish outside of absolutely horrific charges would be ideal. And it would force aliens to either capitalize on a crusher charge (read: work as a team, instead of a bunch of metagaming solo cucks), or potentially lose a crusher for once.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by OatzAndHoes » 10 Apr 2016, 12:29


This is probably the best and most logical nerf I've seen suggested.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by forwardslashN » 10 Apr 2016, 13:02

Crushers have the worst strafing as it is. Remove their stomp instead.
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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by SPACEpotato1 » 10 Apr 2016, 14:13

Going to post my suggestion about crushers. I can clearly see it's not over-used at all ;-;

As for the -1. It's fairly easy to kill a crusher if you know what you are doing, 1v1? No. You're gone. But a squad or two of marines? More than capable of taking down a crusher or two.
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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by username123 » 10 Apr 2016, 14:35

-1, main problem of the crushers is that their stomp can be used in all situations to engage a group of marines or to escape from a group of marines, it stuns for 3-4 good seconds which can be used to hugh someone and cut the legs off of another person and then, run to a safe position, they have no hard counter, mines deal no damage against them, sadar HE rockets deal no damage against them, sadar AP rockets do no deal enough damage and some times, they don't even deal damage to a crusher which means that they do not have any hard counter (can't wait for people to tell "but metal barricades stun crushers xddd") and on top of that, it takes no skill to use properly a crusher, you can learn all it takes to play crusher in a day if you play enough. It's just a caste that have no drawbacks, no matter how robust are the people that you are fighting are, if you are decent, you will always "outplay" those marines by just using stomp and killing them or getting the fuck out.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Zilenan91 » 11 Apr 2016, 00:39

The problem isn't the stomp, it's that they can run into the shittiest conceivable situations and sanic away because of their charging. Make their charging a channeled thing like building things so they can't just run away faster than anyone can keep up. That's how they were in Aliens: Colonial Marines, they could do these massive, incredibly lethal charges but it was usually suicide to run away once they were in the thick of it.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by ParadoxSpace » 11 Apr 2016, 09:36

-1, upset marine players pls go

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by outordinary » 11 Apr 2016, 23:41

-1 git gud man, crushers really aren't all that. When you think about it too, moonwalking isn't bad. Have you seen a tank? They can't turn, but they can sure as hell go in reverse and face the same damn direction. Not to mention crushers already moon at a queens pace when moonwalking. The stomp ain't all that too. It can be useful against a small gaggle of marines maybe 3 or 4. If you know how to deal with it, nothing OP about them.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Wickedtemp » 11 Apr 2016, 23:47


It's the player, not the xeno. Again, xenos are generally more skill-based than marines. You HAVE to be, because you're outnumbered and you're made of paper until you evolve into a T3. For every crusher that's absolutely wrecked shop, there's probably like five or so that died without accomplishing anything, and another ten runners that got shot and killed before they could even attack a marine.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Artouris » 12 Apr 2016, 10:15

OK to address the complaints above, par the spelling errors and such because I'm waiting for class right now.

This suggestion actually makes it harder for crushers to engage entire squads of Marines. They can't stomp and instantly start slashing all the Marines because they have to turn to face them. This also makes the crusher more of a xeno who's suppose to work with other xenos because now when it runs away it can't 180 out of there instantly and then moonwalk.

Also saying the moon walking isn't a problem is so blatantly ignoring the fact that the frontal armor deflects 95% of the weapons I the Marines arsenal. This would actually give Marines more of a chance because now they have to expose their back to actually leave the scene.

A xeno called the crusher, who's job is to charge in a straight line should not be capable of strafing. Not to mention I've seen chargers move diagonially 4 tiles at the end of their charge and stomp.

Also furthermore to everyone who says I 1v1'd a crusher then good for you? First I wonder when you did this, was before or after the crusher buff? Next is that you can 1v1 any xeno that sucks at playing xeno, but it's not 1v1ing anyone who's even semi competent.

This isn't about skill base. If you wanted skill and team work you probably 1+ this because now there's some foresight and thinking that goes when to charge, when to turn, etc. Not the highly agile, maneuverable death babyqueen.

Finally saying if you have a squad of Marines it's easy, that's a lie upmost. That's saying it under the expectation you can corner it or surround it which almost never happens. Do to the way Marines move as a group/ stick together they will almost always be on one side of the xeno. The only places where any type of encirclement occurs is in tight spaces, which is ironically where crusher is at its strongest.

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Re: Crusher Direction Lock + Slower Turning.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 02 Mar 2017, 09:16

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