Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
This gamemode, would be typically based for lower population counts. In this gamemode ALOT Will change, not to mention the marines in particular. In this gamemode the Sulaco, becomes a jungle military encampment, with two Bell UH-1D Iroquois helicopters replacing the shuttles. The jungle encampment would have three buildings side by side, the topmost would be the command building, where the GO (Ground commander AKA CO). Under it is the Barracks, where the marines spawn in (I'd think it would be comprised of three rooms a locker room, sleeping quarters, and a bathroom). Then the third building would be the armory and it would be compromised of four rooms. One would be the gun storage for the marines, which would have your M16 rifles, M9s, S&W Model 10 revolvers, CQC weapons such as M7 Bayonet (that can be used as a knife) and machetes, Remington 870s, M14s, and attachment dispensers (Attachments are similar to current ones, minus the techy stuff). The next room would be the Specialists den, which would have things like M16A1 SHP rifle (A scoped variant of the M16 that has a cheekpeice and a longer barrel) the M60 Machinegun (Perhaps with a shorter barrel for jungle combat) a Lupara shotgun (Weakens reload time for a BIG FUCKING PUNCH) with dragons breath options, the M79 Grenade launcher (With various ammo options), And the M9 Flamethrower (With backpack). Specialist weapons could only be chosen from designated dispensers, with said coins (Stealing others coins is against the rules). Next room would be the Sergeants quarters. This room would have a special dispenser that would have a signaler backpack (For communications to the GO) a M16A1 (better variant of the M16) a Browning HI-Power pistol, some plastic explosives,airstrike flare, carepackage flare (Equivalent to RO beacon except it drops a predetermined equipment based on the Sergeants choice which include Medical kit, Ammunition crate, Exotic Ammunition crate, Weapons crate) a armored vest, and a NCO pattern helmet (Has the white line on the back). Then the fourth room would be the Lieutenants quarters (XO equivalent) which would have a M1911, M16A1, Lieutenants helmet (Has a white line on the back along with the Lieutenants patch on the front with inbuilt radio) and a flare that can signal an Napalm airstrike (Equivalent of an OB cept more fiery). All these buildings would take up the Majority of the jungle compound, with surrounding jungle walls, fences, and floodlights. The sandarea would be a large sandy area near the helipads where the marines would go for briefing. Their would be ONE MP that spawns in the GOs quarters on roundstart, they would get a Rubber bullet gun (Similar stats to tazer) Baton, and cuffs along with a holding cell or two outside. The helicopters would sit on helipads, and require 4 (Not 2) minutes before each takeoff. Each aircraft has room for about 6-12 marines each, along with 2-1 pilots. The pilots would be the same as marines except if a Pilot gets out of his/her seat during flight, everyone in the shuttle would fly out and land somewhere in the battlezone (Traitor maybe?) this only happens if both pilots AREN'T buckled into their pilots seat, one can get up and move around. Pilots would also get M6 Survival weapons, that are stored behind their seat in the helicopter. Pilots would have to click their console in front of them to move the helicopter to the designated battle zone (Ill get into that in a minute) it would take about 4 minutes to arrive at the LZ. The reason your going out is because a Marine squad was lost near some sort of encampment, which is a drug smugglers hideout. The smugglers would come equipped with default AK47s and Makrovs (Assumed drug smuggler weapons) and would have a few areas to defend and prepare before the marines arrive. The number of drug smugglers compared to the marines would be about 2 smugglers for every 1 marine, smugglers are not as well equipped and do not have armor. Smugglers can be detained if they surrender (Geneva) and turned over to the MP at the marine compound. During all of this, three predators with guidelines to RP etc (Possibly admins) would be in the game observing this, the marines and smugglers were being used by the Predators for their own enjoyment. The Predators would serve as the main antags in this game mode, and survivors would be the Smugglers. The smugglers would have limited information on the predators, and might be useful if they are captured this of course is the Sergeants/Lieutenants choice however. Jungle combat zone would consist of 6 buildings. The first two would be at the smugglers compound (Southwest map) and would have various randomized weapon attachment (For AK47s) ammo racks, and gun racks. The second building would house supply crates and documents that marines can capture (Such as maps). The third building would be a derelict building in the center of the jungle that represents a temple (Predator in origin) and has numerous Xeno archaeology artifacts, this building would have a Yautja spear and a alien claw and hide in it. The fourth building would be another smugglers building, only this building has room for two people and is in the Northern region of the map and has a map and a grenade launcher in it. And the fifth building would be a building in the direct west of the map that is a large abandoned warehouse, which can have multiple levels and has a fuckton of supply crates, random gibs, A abandoned jet fighter that has a wing missing (Could be rigged?) a office with a Yautja mine activated near the door, and some odd alien hides in a back storage room with strange looking gibs. The Predators base of operations would be a sixth building that is in the jungle deep on the southwest side. This building would resemble the temple in the center, but wouldn't be trashed up and vined. This building would have an armory for the Predators, a xeno breeding room (Which has 1 egg that cannot attach to Yautjas) a room full of heads and trophy's (Maybe with designated lockers). The Predator temple would also have various traps and things that only the Yautja can disarm leading into the temple. The Predators can go out the back of the temple (Marines knowing would be severe metagame unless they saw it open themselves) and go into the jungle without arming or accidentally blowing one of their own traps. In the jungle between the buildings their would be your standard jungle walls, and jungle vines that could block the marines (Machete right?) that machetes can cut down. Here are the marine sides classes that could be played.
Marine standard: Comes with a uniform, helmet, Combat belt, Combat webbing (Serves as the Armor has plates inserted), boots, and a backpack.
Marine combat specialist: Comes with Specialists uniform, combat belt, helmet, Specialist webbing (Holds more specialist related things), boots, backpack, and one specialist coin
Pilot: Comes with Pilots uniform, Pilots helmet, toolbelt, pilots jacket, M6 Survival gun (Backpack slot) access to Helicopters cockpit
Military police: Comes with MP uniform, MP RB gun (Rubber bullet), MP Baton, cuffs, MP belt, access to outside cells.
Marine medic: Comes with a Medic uniform, Medic helmet,Combat belt, Combat webbing, boots, medical belt (Preloaded with medical equipment) and a medical backpack
Combat Engineer: Comes with a Engineer tanktop, Signaler pack, Mechanical tool-belt, Load bearing webbing, Technicians helmet (Specially designed for resistance against falling objects better melee protection)
Staff Sergeant (SL): Comes with Airstrike flares x2, Carepackage flares x3, access to his personal dispenser, Sergeants shirt (Has the insignia), Sergeants helmet, boots, combat belt, and a backpack
Second Lieutenant (XO): Comes with napalm flares x2, Weapons flares x1 (Requestions mobile weapon platforms such as the Vulcan, and or rocket launchers) Lieutenants helmet, access to his personal dispenser, Lieutenants Fulldress, Lieutenants combat uniform,boots, combat belt, backpack, and Lieutenants Trench knife.
Captain (CO): Comes with Captains fulldress, Captains combat uniform, Captains Colt commander, boots, beret, satchel
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
This would add a new experience for the marines, going back to those times when Vietnam was raging, back when everyone was badass, and back into the jungle. This could also serve as a round in which new Predators can be tried by the admins and evaluated here. I wouldn't expect this to be the gammode often, but it would require ALOT Of coding.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
A FUCK FUCKITY TON OF NEW SPRITES, 2 New Z-levels with these maps, alot of time mapping and coding the helicopters, and probably alot of other things im unaware of.
And sorry for making this huge, I just had a really well thought out idea when I was sick and in turn put down my creativity with it, maybe you could make this another server?
New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
- Tristan63
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New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
Don't turn around
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- Joe4444
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Re: New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
nam...nam never changes.Also only if all guns start with bayonets....+1
- coroneljones
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Re: New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
Game Modes (we are working on it, and there is a discussion sticky)
Autodenied probably
Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
Game Modes (we are working on it, and there is a discussion sticky)
Autodenied probably
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

- LordeKilly
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Re: New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
Major overhaul, would take forever. Still really cool idea and i'd love it, but it'll get autodenied 

- DesFrSpace
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Re: New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
BANZAI! With a side dish of Seppuku.Joe4444 wrote:nam...nam never changes.Also only if all guns start with bayonets....+1
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: New gamemode "NAM" (Long AF)
As much as I love Nam...