Marine Grenade...

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Marine Grenade...

Post by apophis775 » 04 Jan 2015, 21:59

What do you guys think, of a marine grenade?

What would you want it to do?

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by Rahlzel » 04 Jan 2015, 22:13

Current grenades: Weedkiller, Flashbang.

* Frag grenade: Your usual explosive
* Incendiary: Lots of fire, lots of lag and atmos-destruction probably, but also lots of damage to fire-susceptible aliens and weeds.
* Nail grenade: Fires powerful bullet rounds in all directions for a few seconds before stopping.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by Rovernic » 05 Jan 2015, 00:57

Rahlzel wrote: Current grenades: Weedkiller, Flashbang.

* Frag grenade: Your usual explosive
* Incendiary: Lots of fire, lots of lag and atmos-destruction probably, but also lots of damage to fire-susceptible aliens and weeds.
* Nail grenade: Fires powerful bullet rounds in all directions for a few seconds before stopping.
I've seen weedkiller kill more marines than not, but that isn't really the grenades fault.

Frag Grenades would be fine so long as they don't blow a hole into space. If they did that, you'd have /major/ problems in no-time.

Incendiary would be cool, but for the same reason I'd be personally against flamethrowers, I'd hate to see it lag out the server.

Nail grenades would be neat if the marines could make them. I dunno, maybe welding rods to a frag grenade? Just give the grenade more oomph? Just bouncing an idea off yours.

So long as it's handled right, I can't see why grenades would be too bad. If it unbalances the game or causes too much blue on blue, you can always remove them at the cost of the time taken to implement them.

Maybe make a separate marine designation and limit it to one/two per squad? Marine grenadiers?
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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by Raikyh » 05 Jan 2015, 01:20

Nail grenade would be useful for when aliens hide in maintenance/virology.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by razerwing » 05 Jan 2015, 09:31

If we're going with the nail grenade, we should leave the frag grenade out of it I think. The whole point of a frag grenade is to send hot chunks of metal all over the place right? Sounds like the nail grenade would do that a whole lot better.

Also, I like the idea of having a Marine Grenadier. That way you don't have a whole bunch of people chucking the same grenade into the same room, or bouncing it off the back of people's heads and end up killing every one. If we do make it its own designation though, perhaps give some thought into a stun grenade that actually works, instead of giving us flashbangs that do more harm than good if they're used?
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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 05 Jan 2015, 12:36

The M41A has an underslung grenade launcher if that's the route you want to go.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by CampinKiller » 05 Jan 2015, 16:59

I'd go with making Grenadier its own thing, because if you don't, you have these problems:

Every rambo grabs a boatload of grenades and throws them all the time, hitting another Marine and killing an entire squad.
Every griefer does the same.
50+ grenades flying from one squad is insanity.

Give the grenadier their own room/locker like the engineers/medics, and give them the mentioned grenades.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by Rovernic » 05 Jan 2015, 18:29

"Alpha, Alpha come in..."

"Commander, they're dead... all dead. Gibs everywhere"


"No... they were all grenadiers."
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." Either find a way, or make one.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by CampinKiller » 05 Jan 2015, 20:05

And to avoid that, you do it the same way you do Medics/Engineers. One per squad.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 06 Jan 2015, 00:19

CampinKiller wrote: And to avoid that, you do it the same way you do Medics/Engineers. One per squad.
Wouldn't it just be easier to make a squad heavy weapons operator? Give them a choice of a couple different weapons, such as a pack of grenades, a smartgun or a flamethrower.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by Not_walker » 06 Jan 2015, 00:40

They're just not feasible. I say no. Why? Because a) a single grenade to be viable would have to be high damage. No one is going to fucking worry about grenades if they just do 30 brute a pop, but if you make them do say, 60 burn/brute or whatever a pop, suddenly you risk a high chance of lethal marine mistakes. Another aspect is that there's no way in fuck an alien (let's just be honest here) is going to stick around after you've pulled the pin. This may be useful for sieges on the nest, but once again, xenos could just back up away from the blast, or some marine could hop in front of the thrower and just cause a goddam mess. Unless you mean they use grenade launchers, then sure, but even then I don't see it being something that.
Now a different aspect would be grenades that are effective at clearly resin structures. Gimme those.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by apophis775 » 06 Jan 2015, 12:31

The thought of the grenade, would be for dealing with Huggers, more than aliens, because something that stops the marines dead, is the fact that they can't shoot around corners, and if people plant huggers around those corners, they are nearly impossible to deal with.

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RE: Marine Grenade...

Post by apophis775 » 31 Jan 2015, 12:56

Added to the To-do.
