New Marine Role- RTO

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Commander Cookies
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New Marine Role- RTO

Post by Commander Cookies » 06 Jan 2015, 00:36

Hey Cookies, what's an RTO?
Well kids, the RTO, or Radio T Operator, ... do I really have to explain that? In real life, my RTO is basically the smart guy of the platoon who's tech savy, competent and just has a good general knowledge. A good RTO will always keep higher updated on the situation, relay from higher to SL, keep the comms up, ectect.

But Cookies, we have headsets, station bounced, all these other radio devices!
Indeed. Thus why I think this wont happen perhaps. I'm calling for a removal of not all, but just standard issue station bounced radios. Make them only accessible through SL or RTO Closets. Keep headsets, but make them only workable to inter squad chatter, or just shorten the length of range of comms. I was thinking maybe persay headsets on the ship cant reach headsets on the station. As to a headset from alpha on the station can talk to a guy in bravo in the headset, but the only way to talk back with the ship and commander is through the RTOs Radio.

So what would the RTOs radio look like?
Well, I'll leave this to the icon guys. In real life, it's just a big ass block in a backpack with an antenna sticking out. We've used this radio since fucking nam, I wouldn't doubt it if colonial marines still used... budgets cuts and all. Anyways, I think just an icon of a standard backpack with an antenna coming out, then perhaps renaming it RTO Bag would suffice.

I could write so much on what the role of an RTO would add RP wise. Just imagine, RTO is talking, says they've encountered something, Xeno captures the RTO, now a squad has no contact with the ship. The endless RP routes you could go with that. Now the commander is tripping balls, just let your mind go free on that idea.

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RE: New Marine Role- RTO

Post by UnknownMurder » 06 Jan 2015, 08:06

I can imagine how this will help expand the RP.

Take down votes before Apophis sees it.

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RE: New Marine Role- RTO

Post by apophis775 » 06 Jan 2015, 12:24

1. An RTO is a "Radio Traffic Operator". IRL, their job is to carry the radio and report back when called by higher, or if something happens.

2. We already have a similar system. Specifically, the standard ; frequency, is station bounced, which is why you can't hear it on the Sulaco. the squad frequency, can be heard between the squads, and the :v frequency, is for the Squad Leader only, to communicate with higher.

Your change, would literally, just be moving the Squad Command headset from the Squad Leader, to a different person.

Doable I guess, but I don't really see a reason.

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RE: New Marine Role- RTO

Post by Commander Cookies » 06 Jan 2015, 15:20

Correct, it's simple as moving the headset function to one person, but I'm calling for a distinct radio Device that is used and carried by a member of a marine squad. Good to hear you say it's doable.
Don't see a reason for it?
The implement of an RTO would create many different RP scenarios. What I was also thinking about is it would now require marines to actually communicate. Instead of charging into med bay by lonesome selves, marines may realize they need to keep the RTO Safe and stay with him. RTOs will realize they need the rest of the squad to stay alive.
By making it harder for the squad to solo, you bring the incentive to work together and roleplay in.

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RE: New Marine Role- RTO

Post by MrGabol100 » 07 Jan 2015, 08:41

I need this... I really do, please add, then remove headsets capable of listening to common and sl headset a regular one, then remove command headset from listening to radios of others squads and instead just command and... Wallah.

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RE: New Marine Role- RTO

Post by apophis775 » 31 Jan 2015, 12:57

Denied, for now at least, this may change, when we jump to the new map.
