Rey wrote:Gonna put that hairstyle on just for you~ <3

Rey wrote:Gonna put that hairstyle on just for you~ <3
<3~enkas wrote:
Mitchs98 wrote:Ehh. Neutral. Not because I play a character with floor length braid(I'd just use the medium length braid, I've stated this before) but because it helps identify characters easier now that helmets don't come with inbuilt razors. Now, what I DO agree with is removing the weeaboo hair colors such as green, blue, pink, or god fucking forbid neon green. The issue is with people using THOSE colors for the most part. You also have to think about IC ways the hair can be done without it technically touching the floor.
Me myself, I use it so people can identify me at a simple glance. They know the chick with the big blonde braid is probably me.
I never see that many braids, at all. Not only that, I'm usually the only one with a blonde one if and when more than one person has one. It's also hard to view flavor text in the middle of combat. Viewing ones hair is a lot simpler.enkas wrote:
Good luck identifying when there are 12 floor length braids in the same round. If you want identity, don't be a lazy sod and make a flavor text.
Mitchs98 wrote:
I never see that many braids, at all. Not only that, I'm usually the only one with a blonde one if and when more than one person has one. It's also hard to view flavor text in the middle of combat. Viewing ones hair is a lot simpler.
That's not true whatsoever, lol. If people have recognizable hair and such they get recognized a lot more quickly. Especially considering Charlie and Delta colors are extremely similar.enkas wrote:
In combat, you are more likely going to be identified by your squad, rather than appearance.
I can name two already in one round.Joe4444 wrote: If you can name one weeaboo on this server with floor length braid hair I'll +1 this for the lolz
I am a man of my word....+1Dude4Life wrote: I can name two already in one round.
1. Justin Case, yes, Justin is a female name, it seems -> Pink hair extending to the ground.
2. Mo-Jerichette Jacobini Unk -> Green hair extending to the ground.
Also, something related to think about. Why do they always shave their heads to almost bald when in military service? Because the shorter your hair is, the more efficiently you can use helmets, masks and other headwear, also affects your visibility zone and so on.
Then yes, this of course causes the issue of not being immersive and proper roleplay-ish. Unless you want to roleplay an anime-like female, but CM is not supposed to be the server for roleplaying any anime-characters.
+1 for removing floor length braids.
A necessary sacrifice.freemysoul wrote:If I remember the talk me, Apophis and TR had (BTW that was BEFORE I was a mod) They did attempt to remove certain hair styles but there was a bug which DELETED every hair style. Plus that would also result in the Reset of every player's character sheets back to Baldy McBaldson
no pls, I would rather keep my character sheets and hair stylesz :cenkas wrote: A necessary sacrifice.
+1. It shall not be in vain.enkas wrote: A necessary sacrifice.
When we finally do it, it'll allow us to implement a bunch of "Neat!" features.Surrealistik wrote: +1. It shall not be in vain.
Aliens have no place on a human vessel but that happens all the time. :PLucius Jones wrote:+1 filthy anime hairstyle weebshit has no place on a muhreen vessel