Romove boilers glowing

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Romove boilers glowing

Post by ClumsyAlcoholic » 29 May 2016, 13:19

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):Remove boilers glowing like an ugly glowstick.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Do I really have to explain why removing glowstick function from the aliens only true ranged support unit is good.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Well you won't be a massive hazard for yourself and everyone remotely near you, and you might even be able to get away from chasing marines

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):Just remove the glowstick they have lodged in their ass.

I'm guessing three arguments for this: 1. No counters for them.(the OP argument)
2. In the Colonial Marines game they glow.(the muh lore/immersiuns argument)
3. They aren't meant to escape chasing marines.(the playstyle argument)
Answers: 1. They are low on health and slow, have a limited range backup ranged shot and their main one is slow as balls and misses most of the time unless the target is standing still, with both taking five seconds to recharge. Literally a glass cannon, they don't need a neon sign pointing "HEY MARINES FIRE OVER HERE".
2. In that game they are basically a creeper from minecraft with glowy bits so you can see them even though they are obvious as fuck, and if we kept to that shit the spitters need to glow too and every alien dies instantly to one pistol shot.
3. They aren't meant to do this GOOD, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't have a CHANCE. Furthermore, the poll earlier today about what directions they should go with boilers was a resounding "Range specialist". Kinda hard to do that when you light everything up like a goddamn christmas tree.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Joe4444 » 29 May 2016, 13:26

-1.If your THAT close to a boiler then something is wrong. If your healing then go heal away from the boiler. They glow so that any cuck with a sniper can shoot them, Even that doesn't kill them sometimes, Boilers should be the first one out so they shouldn't have a chance to escape. They should see the threat and adjust accordingly. Boilers are the orbital cannon of the xenos, But nerfed to hell because you can have more than one and the cool down is MUCH lower.Also the "every xenos dies to a pistol shot" is wrong in sooo many ways.You have to unload a clip into a RUNNER to crit it.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by ClumsyAlcoholic » 29 May 2016, 13:34

Joe4444 wrote:-1.If your THAT close to a boiler then something is wrong.
Hence the reason to run.
Joe4444 wrote: They should see the threat and adjust accordingly.
It's kinda hard to zoom in and stay because of the two hundred AP shots going your way after each bombard.
Joe4444 wrote:.Also the "every xenos dies to a pistol shot" is wrong in sooo many ways.You have to unload a clip into a RUNNER to crit it.
It was a stab at Call of Duty zombies aliens mode: The game AKA the Colonial Marines game

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Joe4444 » 29 May 2016, 13:43

ClumsyAlcoholic wrote: Hence the reason to run. It's kinda hard to zoom in and stay because of the two hundred AP shots going your way after each bombard. It was a stab at Call of Duty zombies aliens mode: The game AKA the Colonial Marines game
the second one I can counter.If your getting shot by AP rounds then your doing something wrong.If the marines have the time to pump rounds down at you then you shouldn't be there anyway.You wait for xenos to distract them,Pop a cloud down rang and move.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Boltersam » 29 May 2016, 13:47

Joe4444 wrote: the second one I can counter.If your getting shot by AP rounds then your doing something wrong.If the marines have the time to pump rounds down at you then you shouldn't be there anyway.You wait for xenos to distract them,Pop a cloud down rang and move.

All I'm gonna say on the subject.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by ClumsyAlcoholic » 29 May 2016, 13:49

Joe4444 wrote:.If your getting shot by AP rounds then your doing something wrong.If the marines have the time to pump rounds down at you then you shouldn't be there anyway.You wait for xenos to distract them,Pop a cloud down rang and move.
The reason I can't stay zoomed IS BECAUSE every bombardment I move to the side, but with bombardments not being accurate, half of the time they miss and the xenos get pushed back and then you become a bright golden target.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Sarah_U. » 29 May 2016, 14:00

Lore-wise boilers are boiling with glowing acid. They're typically found in Alien: Colonial Marine and other instalment. They're one of the nastiest foe and a remake of their kin' for the purpose of gameplay.
Removing the ability to glow would literally mean removing a certain sense of gameplay, lore, and potentially make them EXTREMELY deadly for the fact they'll be hit-and-runners in defensive possitions.

A sniper have very little purpose, but see'ing a boiler before it bombard you and scaring him away using one or two shots is always nice, if you're a potent boiler player you'll actually live through THE ENTIRE GAME most of the time (Untill hangar defense).

The best thing you could do is to always force an ally, most likely a drone or a fast moving support to cover you while you take the rear and support your allies. You're not a pusher after-all. And you've got a ton of rabbits and hunters waiting to get something to do around the map.


PS: I've also got to say a boiler can literally kill ANYTHING IT HITS if he goes lethal. A cloud of acid kills in about two to three second if well-placed.
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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by MrJJJ » 29 May 2016, 14:05

Leaning to +1, if there is a sniper, he WILL murder you if he sees you and you don't have anyone to help you, and if he has a buddy, you are probably dead, but that so rarely happens, and TBH, he is already slow and has low health, i don't get why he needs a glow, most of the time tables block his gas and marines step back just in time, and even their acid throw is still easy to dodge.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by ClumsyAlcoholic » 29 May 2016, 14:29

Sarah_U. wrote: I've also got to say a boiler can literally kill ANYTHING IT HITS if he goes lethal.
literally kill ANYTHING IT HITS if he goes lethal
I have seen shots in a straight line go three tiles wide, and it takes three seconds to fire.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Sarah_U. » 29 May 2016, 14:46

The bombardment, being lethal. Also please don't 'improve' my post to make it sound harsher xD
Though yea, the aim sometimes really suck, but to be fair the Boiler's not a combat-efficient xenomorph, he's a defender and a support... Though his tail is nasty as hell in CQC if someone hug him. Does as much damage as a rav from what I saw.
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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by MauroVega » 29 May 2016, 21:16

Stated all above
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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Dyne » 29 May 2016, 23:20

Boiler is special. Let her remian so.
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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Azmodan412 » 29 May 2016, 23:44

Dyne wrote:Boiler is special. Let her remian so.

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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by Dyne » 30 May 2016, 09:40

Azmodan412 wrote: #BoilerLivesMatter.
Boilers make for excellent bait! /\_/\
Get a Boiler seen by marines, then run off, then flank with both sides-> -1 squad.
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Re: Romove boilers glowing

Post by forwardslashN » 30 May 2016, 09:52

Why'd you want to remove this? If the boiler is careful, it can stay in the back and not get mauled by bullets. I think it's pretty neat that they glow.
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