Running & Gunning

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Running & Gunning

Post by ParadoxSpace » 29 May 2016, 13:53

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Marines should move slower while running and gunning, and gain an accuracy nerf. However, they should gain a massive accuracy bonus while standing still and shooting.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
This will involve less 'I can fire a three burst gun while sprinting, I am some kind of God, fear me'
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
exactly what I said in summary
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
I don't really
Last edited by ParadoxSpace on 31 May 2016, 16:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by TeknoKot » 29 May 2016, 14:16

all these suggestions

this is why we needed the CQC update.
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Derpislav » 29 May 2016, 16:52

Minus the Smartgun. The smartgun was made for marching fire.
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Mitchs98 » 29 May 2016, 20:11

-1. No. Marines do NOT need anymore nerfs, especily with the massive buffs aliens are getting. Gameplay > realism. Just no. This is about as bad as removing cloning.

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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by NoShamNoWow » 29 May 2016, 20:14

Stop, just stop. Aliens are LITERALLY getting buffs while marines are staying the same. We do NOT need another nerf. Exactly what Mitch said, -1.
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Derpislav » 29 May 2016, 21:01

I will say what I said when xenos were weak as fuck and people wanted to nerf facehuggers - you never have to straight out nerf a side, just move the emphasis.

Huggers are cancerously powerful but xenos are weak, remove combat hugging but make xenos murder machines.
Marines are in the defensive right now but are still able to run in circles like they're here for the olympic gold while shooting with full accuracy? Deal with that, but improve them in some way.
Like making stationary fire much stronger. Staying stationary is a great risk, so why not reward it with mad accuracy boost?
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by ParadoxSpace » 30 May 2016, 03:49

Derpislav wrote:I will say what I said when xenos were weak as fuck and people wanted to nerf facehuggers - you never have to straight out nerf a side, just move the emphasis.

Huggers are cancerously powerful but xenos are weak, remove combat hugging but make xenos murder machines.
Marines are in the defensive right now but are still able to run in circles like they're here for the olympic gold while shooting with full accuracy? Deal with that, but improve them in some way.
Like making stationary fire much stronger. Staying stationary is a great risk, so why not reward it with mad accuracy boost?
Makes sense.

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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by ParadoxSpace » 31 May 2016, 16:44

Updated OP

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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Egorkor » 31 May 2016, 17:41

they already gain it when they toggle walk mode on, and are also less likely to get hit.
remember abby's announcements about that?

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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by MauroVega » 31 May 2016, 19:47

Marines are DOOM soldiders IMB
jokes aside it would severely cripple marines
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Surrealistik » 31 May 2016, 19:57

I'm down for bonus accuracy/less recoil when firing while stationary, penalties while running not so much.
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Re: Running & Gunning

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:18

Old, lack of continued interest.

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