Crouching to prevent friendly fire.

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Crouching to prevent friendly fire.

Post by KingKire » 01 Jun 2016, 20:42

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Marines gain the feature to crouch, allowing them the ability to avoid being hit by soldiers rifle fire, at the cost of movement.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Many marines are casualties of friendly fire incidents. although this is a good mechanic in general, their are some drawbacks and balance issues.
- Receiving friendly fire causes a marine to need major surgery to be combat capable again. These surgeries are costly both in time and limited resources. Their's only about 3 doctors aboard the sulaco that can do major bone surgeries at max, and only 2 operating rooms available to do those surgeries in. Each surgery takes several minutes and can be backed logged due to more pressing matters. It doesn't feel good to sit in medbay and listen to the radio if your lucky( if unlucky, your in critical condition, staring at a black or white screen) for several minutes. It can feel even worse if the medbay is filled from bad assault, causing you to wait for sometimes an hour or even more for your turn.

- Contrast this if you were LUCKY enough to be KILLED by friendly fire. A ghost can zoom around the battlefield, looking at all the action around, gets to talk to dead freinds and enemies freely, is allowed to listen in on ALLL the conversation and individual stories being had at the moment. To top it off, the cloning procedure is very simple. You need a dead body, and you need to insert that body into two machines. That's it, no need to look after the dead or those being cloned/cryo'd. It takes about 6 minutes or so for a dead body to move through the whole setup, and it pulls such little resources or time from the battle to do. All the while, the dead player has the freedom to move around and hear everything happening. I would find it hard not to be salty about being saved when the alternative of death is so much easier and quicker ticket back to life.

- It allows an easier ability to balance the marine power structure due to freeing up the limited amount of doctors available to more pressing surgeries, which means if cryo/cloning's power is pulled back, it can be replaced with a more hands-on system of medicine without flooding the medbays to the brink.

- Allows a deeper rewarding and punishment of careful/careless players. Careful players can now crouch to avoid being hit while moving along the front lines, while fresh recruits run through, get hit, and must be hospitalized due to their own incompetence.

- Allows for more game play depth and reward. A good or great squad can now set up a first rank, second rank order of battle instead of the chaotic run and gun. this allows squads more firepower to be presented at the cost of movement and discipline.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
A marine crouching avoids being hit due to keeping their heads down or being more aware of firelines being present around them. the only issue i can see is what happens if your purposly targeting a marine. a solution to that problem is a crouching marine isnt hit by any standing/etc marines rifle fire so long as they were not the primary target. otherwise its a dead on hit to the crouching marine.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Toggle (Standing/Crouching)
- a marine may click a toggle button to enter into a (crouched/standing) stance
- A crouched marine moves at the same speed as walking
- Toggling between Standing and Crouching takes a small amount of time to switch stances, around 1 second or so ( same mechanic as resting and getting up)
- A crouched marine cannot be hit by a standing marines rifle fire, but is still able to be hit by: crouched rifle fire, alien attacks, AOE attacks, thrown projectiles, facehuggers, melee attacks, etc. ( the crouched marine is only flagged from protection against standing marine projectiles)
-a crouched marine may perform any regular actions, the only restiction is movement speed.
- a crouched marine can be symbolized by a crouching sprite or icon above the marine.

Ghetto Crouching
- a marine, when walking, has the chance to avoid incoming riflefire to represent careful and considerate movement.
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

~Furthermore, I consider that Floodlights should no longer be destroyed.~

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Re: Crouching to prevent friendly fire.

Post by Varnock » 01 Jun 2016, 20:45

A thread exactly like this was denied and deleted just a few hours ago...

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SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Crouching to prevent friendly fire.

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 Jun 2016, 21:07

Locked and warned. PLEASE
