Change the resin-cuff resist process. No, this is not what you think.

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Change the resin-cuff resist process. No, this is not what you think.

Post by Adameltablawy » 15 Jun 2016, 21:19

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Change resin cuff resist process. As it is currently, you resist until you can break free, THEN stand up, and struggle to remove your cuffs before you get tackled down again. With this process, you'd resist until you can stand up, and then choose between resisting off your resin handcuffs, or popping up w/o resisting. In exchange, the resin handcuff resist timer would be doubled if you tried to remove your resin cuffs while still laying down.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
So assume a marine gets huggered and tackled down and put in a nest. Then the queen secures him in resin.

So he's nested. That's fair, right? But as it is, right now, being nested is a death sentence-if you're nested, that's it, you will almost never ever manage to safely escape a nest. You could argue that this is lore-consistent-nests are unescapable there, after all. But it's also somewhat unfair for marines, as the hundreds of saltmines show. But on the other hand, marines being able to spamresist out of nests and run off into the sunset mooning the aliens is also unfair-to the aliens.

So, the solution here is to change how resisting it works. Currently, you stand up, then struggle to remove your cuffs before being faceplanted into the nest by a bored drone. With this change, this actually brings some use to the 'pop up at the same time' feature marines have-You can resist off your cuffs while in the nest (but it takes twice as long as though you were standing up, meaning aliens have enough time to notice and stop you if they see you doing it) without standing up. So, once the cuffs are removed, if you've coordinated with other marines, you can all pop up at the same time once the cuffs are off and try to escape-but you'll still be resin legcuffed, meaning you move slower.

I do worry about the possibility of 10 marines popping up at the same time with mag-harness m4's and overrunning the aliens, though, with that change, so a definite possibility would be in turn, if you resisted the resin handcuffs off while laying down instead of popping up and THEN trying to resist them off, it'd do some brute damage to your hands as punishment, so that marines trying to escape with that aforementioned method would be at a disadvantage in that they couldn't overwhelm the aliens and slaughter the hive internally in an escape attempt.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
No clue.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Change the resin-cuff resist process. No, this is not what you think.

Post by forwardslashN » 17 Jun 2016, 19:18

This has been discussed to death. Locked.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
