High Level Fracture Repair Injection

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High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Steelpoint » 30 Jun 2016, 08:35

Summary: Allow, at a high tech level, RnD to produce a expensive injection that will slowly repair all bone fractures in the targeted limb. If you have a chest and left leg fracture and you inject this into your chest then only your chest fracture would be repaired slowly.

The effect could be described as a powerful injection promoting rapid chondroblast activity in your affected bone structure, stimulating rapid bone growth and repair. However the bone repair would take some time, the more worse the fracture the longer the repair will take.

Benefits: The number one injury requiring Marines to pull back to the Sulaco are bone fractures which need surgical intervention. This suggestion would allow mid to end game Combat Medics a (expensive) way to possible allow some Marines to get back into the fight very quickly.

This change will still require bad casualties to be pulled back to the Sulaco, such as Marines with multiple fractures or those with failing internal organs, or missing limbs.
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Helgraf » 30 Jun 2016, 10:02

It seems like a good idea, mid to end round availible, SLOWLY heals all bone fractures in that AREA specifically, and its expensive. Doesnt seem to OP honestly. You get a +1 from me.
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by MauroVega » 30 Jun 2016, 10:14

For years i ben making jokes of "Bone fix auto injectors when",nows the time

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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by KingKire » 04 Aug 2016, 22:44

More doctors now available, seems wise to kick this idea back up for discussion. Personally, i give it a +1 if you lock it behind some research tech tree or material requirements. Maybe it uses a synthetic glass structure and takes alot of glass to manufacture some or something. Or if its a chemical, have it be a complex chemical. Or just give only a few autoinjectors filled with the formula.
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by EMT_321 » 05 Aug 2016, 10:02

Given how you can sustain fractures from FF/alien slash/facehugger removal, this makes some sense.


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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by YungCuz » 06 Aug 2016, 03:05

P L E A S E. +1
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by crono23 » 06 Aug 2016, 03:28

We need it.


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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by NoahKirchner » 08 Aug 2016, 21:16

As someone who plays researcher and has nothing to do but make grenades, pls. +1
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Warnipple » 08 Aug 2016, 22:30

What if it healed your bones while it was active then broke it afterwards?
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by NoahKirchner » 08 Aug 2016, 22:32

Warnipple wrote:What if it healed your bones while it was active then broke it afterwards?
Basically what oxy does, just without actually fixing them, right?
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Warnipple » 08 Aug 2016, 22:55

NoahKirchner wrote: Basically what oxy does, just without actually fixing them, right?
Yup. Except lasting longer than oxy preferably.
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 Aug 2016, 03:57

Warnipple wrote: Yup. Except lasting longer than oxy preferably.
You could just take more oxy, no?
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by username123 » 09 Aug 2016, 04:06

+1, the quantity of players in high pop rounds and the quantity of GOOD doctors makes something like this essential, specially because most fractures are from friendly fire and it takes about 15-30 minutes to be sent from the colony to the sulaco and be treated by a doctor, nothing is worst than having to go back to the sulaco because your buddy shot you on your face with buckshot.

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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Biolock » 15 Aug 2016, 23:40

This potentially removes the strategy of xenos forcing a retreat by breaking bones. Don't know how I feel about that.
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 16 Aug 2016, 00:20

I feel instead of a slow heal, it should be an instant heal, but MASSIVE FUCKING HALLOS DAMAGE, since you know, you're bones just kinda snapped the fuck back together like a jigsaw puzzle. This way, it's not OP, and you'd have to down two entire bottles of tramadol to even take a step. I'd say this effect could last 1-5 minutes?
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Casany » 16 Aug 2016, 08:42

I am going to +1 this one, mainly because it's annoying to go all the way back to the sully for simple fractures. In my experience I always die or wait an hour before I'm ready to go back down. I was thinking of adding one to each medic vender, totaling four over all. It makes those medics more important and gives marines an early game advantage, however slight. And I like the idea of the researcher being able to make it after some time
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Re: High Level Fracture Repair Injection

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:36

Old, lack of continued interest.

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