Ice Colony WO/survivor role

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Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by lcass123 » 11 Jul 2016, 15:13

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Add initial forces to the underground research base in a holdout scenario in order to prevent xeno camping.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It will add content for the survivors to do other than hobble around the camp and it means that the xenos have to fight off a second force. This also gives the marines an actual rescue objective instead of just kill the xenos.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Well at round start you get the odd surface survivors but also a moderate resistance force held up inside the underground colony who are armed with makeshift weaponry and have some kind of defenses setup , they have to defend themselves and get rescued by the marines. Currently ice colony is pretty dull on the surface and just a clusterfuck underground simply because of how hardset the aliens are underground so by adding this force it removes some of the aliens turtle advantage.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Same way that survivors are setup , maybe have multiple makeshift fortifications around the bottom and have one picked randomly each round , the survivors would not be allowed to run off and hunt down larvae and instead must defend.

Please develop on this idea , if you got a -1 then input a suggestion so that the idea can be changed because this is more of a "how to make ice colony less of a turtle" suggestion than anything.


Just a personal opinion but the snow outfits should be a lot whiter like hoth level white , currently they stick out in the snow.
Last edited by lcass123 on 11 Jul 2016, 15:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Jeser » 11 Jul 2016, 15:25

Well, that sounds interesting. Needs more input and other opinions.
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Snypehunter007 » 11 Jul 2016, 18:23

Definitely needed as it seems most rounds are going to or past the 4 hour mark because of the HUGE stalemate that comes from the marines not being able to push into the underground.
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Casany » 11 Jul 2016, 20:40

Depends how many people would be in said fort. If it was 5-6 the XENOS would steamroll them. Also, I suspect that a lot of these survivors will be over run before marines even touch ground. Neutral for me
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Snypehunter007 » 11 Jul 2016, 23:25

Casany wrote:Depends how many people would be in said fort. If it was 5-6 the XENOS would steamroll them. Also, I suspect that a lot of these survivors will be over run before marines even touch ground. Neutral for me
Maybe a shittier version of the military turret, named something like: Planetary Defense Turret or something similar(?), up to 10 players(?), stuck inside of their area (wherever it is) until the marines arrive so as to allow the aliens to grow at the beginning and not just bum rush the hive, and a larger, open area as to allow them to somewhat escape the Queen's screech and the boilers bombard?
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Steelpoint » 12 Jul 2016, 01:37

Reminds me a bit of evolve.

If they're equipped with resprited marine equipment that is very, very, subpar, such as the above mentioned "planetary defense turret" then it may be a interesting idea at the very least.
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by MrJJJ » 12 Jul 2016, 02:08

I could see a rather competent team killing the entire xeno team withnout marines even getting to fight them, although thats 1 in 300 trillion...

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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Jeser » 12 Jul 2016, 02:29

MrJJJ wrote:I could see a rather competent team killing the entire xeno team withnout marines even getting to fight them, although thats 1 in 300 trillion...
Remember how often survivors killed all aliens on Lazarus before XD It's completely depends on competence of aliens.
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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by lcass123 » 12 Jul 2016, 08:30

Was lazarus a map? Anyhow the main role would be to defend survivors would have to stay otherwise they would be breaking roleplay , once they leave the defences when the marines rescue them they are back to default survivors.

I like the equipment idea , some sort of makeshift fortifications setup in one of the research labs with a manual turret (those of you from the old server with the monster white ship will remember these things) and some building materials along with some weaponry from the armoury , so fp9000 with small amounts of ammo or maybe the odd m41a.

The only time I can think of this role being steamrolled is during the lull periods mid day GMT however during any population greater than 50 I could see the role being filled because of the new experience and that it's something different for survivors to do. It would also allow the marines to setup a fob at their location.

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Re: Ice Colony WO/survivor role

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:31

Old, lack of continued interest.

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