Specialist Loadout Room Lockers and other Suggestions

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Specialist Loadout Room Lockers and other Suggestions

Post by MechaMaestro » 21 Jan 2015, 09:40

One of the bigger issues I see when in the squad armories is that the specialists have to spend extra time going to the Standard Marine Lockers in order to grab jumpsuits, boots, and armour and then go to their personal ready room for their gear. Something that I feel would help out specialist marines in their ready times is if there was a locker in the Medic, Squad Leader and Engineer room that basically held their own set(s) of boots, armour, jumpsuit, belts (both marine and specialist, depending on how they like to load up). It would certainly reduce the amount of time needed to suit up, as well as not take a set of gear away from a standard marine. Because with 9 standard lockers and 3 specialist ones, you'd have a standard 12 person Marine Squad. But at that point you'd also probably want to include a 2nd NCO position as has been suggested elsewhere in the forum, to help keep things organized.

Is there any way to set it so you could have an action to roll the jumpsuit's sleeves up and have it appear on the character sprite? It's a minor detail, but I'd like to see it included. Also additional armour art would be nice to see as well. It could be a big help for specialists if they had helmets that helped better identify themselves to the group.

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Byond: Apophis775

RE: Specialist Loadout Room Lockers and other Suggestions

Post by apophis775 » 31 Jan 2015, 13:27

I'll look into this.
