Trade Time

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Trade Time

Post by Desolane900 » 26 Jul 2016, 05:06

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): We remove devouring and replace it with permanesting.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Any marine main older than Summer will swear up and down devouring is cheesy, cheap, pointless, yadda yadda. Remove salt in a lore friendly way that will do much better for gameplay.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Since a marine being nested is basically a permanest anyway, why not just make it so nests can only be broken out of if someone else uses a welder on the nest/human to break them free. If someone dies or ghosts while nested, their sprite get's a sickly purple hue to it, like the colonists in the movie Aliens, and they cannot be removed from the nest no matter what. Their body can not be looted nor cloned because they are encased in a resin glue.

This would not remove cloning from the game, only stopping dead nested marines from being cloned/looted. This system would make xenos need to expand their hive as their nests get filled up and cannot be emptied, making the xenos more aggressive as they try to expand for more room, while also adding a nice incentive to keep marines away from dying a boring and slow death. It would make Engineers more important to the faction and add something else for them to do besides play Minecraft in BYOND.

Once a human is in the purple tint, ie. dead, they cannot be cut free as their body has been encased in hard resin.

Marines get to keep their cloning and xenos get to keep totally-not-denying-equipment/cloning. Win win.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Opening a can of coding whoopass and cracking the spriter whip.
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Re: Trade Time

Post by Boltersam » 26 Jul 2016, 06:12

Okay, no devouring. Right.

So how do Xenos get marines through tunnels now? Y'know, the tunnels that are essential for getting captured marines underground on the ice map?
This suggestion will only be valid if Xenos are enabled to drag hosts through tunnels with them. Then, I'll +1.

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Re: Trade Time

Post by MrJJJ » 26 Jul 2016, 06:33

Boltersam wrote:Okay, no devouring. Right.

So how do Xenos get marines through tunnels now? Y'know, the tunnels that are essential for getting captured marines underground on the ice map?
This suggestion will only be valid if Xenos are enabled to drag hosts through tunnels with them. Then, I'll +1.
Never heard of just pulling?

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Re: Trade Time

Post by Boltersam » 26 Jul 2016, 07:31

MrJJJ wrote: Never heard of just pulling?
Marines being pulled can break free. If we can pull them into tunnels, we get them back quicker.

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Re: Trade Time

Post by MrJJJ » 26 Jul 2016, 08:56

Boltersam wrote: Marines being pulled can break free. If we can pull them into tunnels, we get them back quicker.
Marines devoured can knife you inside, what's your point?

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Re: Trade Time

Post by TopHatPenguin » 26 Jul 2016, 08:58

Boltersam wrote: Marines being pulled can break free. If we can pull them into tunnels, we get them back quicker.
if you use the time it takes for a facehugger to die and for the marine to wake up normally you should have enough time to get a marine to a nest and if not then ask for nests closer by.
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Re: Trade Time

Post by forwardslashN » 26 Jul 2016, 09:31

Combat nesting would become a huge issue. It's already really cheesy, but you would be immediately stuck in a nest, infected or not, forever. I'd rather see some other changes take place first.
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Re: Trade Time

Post by Boltersam » 26 Jul 2016, 09:55

MrJJJ wrote: Marines devoured can knife you inside, what's your point?
....My point is on the ice map it will be very difficult to get the Marine back to a nest in time before they wake up?

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Re: Trade Time

Post by lcass123 » 26 Jul 2016, 10:07

No , stop buffing aliens. Considering the 95% victory rate already existing on ice map this would make it more like 99%. In terms of lore it's not really very good but in terms of actual player enjoyment perma nesting is horrible considering how annoying it already is being nested tacklespammed spit spammed everything spammed , you might aswell just make them insta burst with larvae.

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Re: Trade Time

Post by MrJJJ » 26 Jul 2016, 11:54

Boltersam wrote: ....My point is on the ice map it will be very difficult to get the Marine back to a nest in time before they wake up?
Same with jungle map, yet they almost always (me included) able to get hosts back to nests simply because of how long the stun just lasts

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Re: Trade Time

Post by Jalleo » 26 Jul 2016, 13:56

To be honest this could probably be done with the addition of some sort of stamina system to replace XENO stuns. (MP stuns can just remain old stun system)

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Re: Trade Time

Post by Desolane900 » 26 Jul 2016, 18:10

There was already talk of removing cloning and adding permanesting. I figured this would just play into that.
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Re: Trade Time

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Jul 2016, 06:49

I think if permanesting is to even be added, it should have like, 5 second delay or something to tell combat nesting to go fuck itself

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Re: Trade Time

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:30

Old, lack of continued interest.

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