A panic command in object tab.

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A panic command in object tab.

Post by TeknoKot » 09 Aug 2016, 17:23

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

So, a lot of people have been yelling for help, help and help without ever telling their location. This is quite annoying for your squad and medics, as they don't even know where you even are. So here I introduce a panic button that tells you where you are depending which area of the map you are in. If you're in Northern Caves, you'll yell "Help! Northern Caves!", or let's say Sulaco, "Help! Medbay!" if you're located in medbay.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

New players won't have to worry about knowing where they are, maybe even help them learn the map.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Person will yell Help! and their part of the map location. Can also be added in a macro. It'll have a timer before you can yell for help again, prevent spamming.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):


edit:: should also be added for xenos.
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by slc97 » 09 Aug 2016, 17:26

I thought this was gonna be a post about command being panicked and I was gonna say -1 since command is always panicked.

I now see this actually a pretty solid idea, so I say +1

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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 Aug 2016, 19:04

+1, before I learned LZ, I got lost in the southwest jungle and didn't know where I was, and then I got eaten by a xeno and couldn't call for help because I was lost. This one's personal :P. (Also it's a good idea for new players and for being able to get the message out quicker than you can type) Though one thing, what about on LZ or Ice map where the name of where you are is "Weyland Compound" or "Ice Colony"?
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 09 Aug 2016, 20:59

+1, provided it's locked out of certain areas. if you just "Help! NW caves!" as a command, and you JUST touched down, well tally ho boys,we know where the xenos are. In areas like that, you'd get a message like "It's too dark too tell." Or "You're too panicked to even think where you are. oh shit you fucked up"
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Sarah_U. » 09 Aug 2016, 23:19

Personally against the idea of the panick button. It makes it really anti-stealth against xenos using vents in the ship and whatnot. I'd just camp the tab with it so I can easely warn people if I,m attacked while doing surgery (never picking doc again </3) or being at my office as CL.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 Aug 2016, 23:30

Sarah_U. wrote:Personally against the idea of the panick button. It makes it really anti-stealth against xenos using vents in the ship and whatnot. I'd just camp the tab with it so I can easely warn people if I,m attacked while doing surgery (never picking doc again </3) or being at my office as CL.
Then maybe have it be an implant that marines have?
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Warnipple » 10 Aug 2016, 00:16

NoahKirchner wrote: Then maybe have it be an implant that marines have?
This would be a great idea.

Have a researchable implant called "PANIC Implant" or something. Comes in a box of 4 with implanter already loaded and costs about 15 sheets of metal and 5 sheets of glass.

When implanted, it unlocks a *panic emote similar to that of the freedom implant. Use it to do what OP described. Not OP and makes researchers useful.
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Neray » 10 Aug 2016, 09:26

Warnipple wrote: This would be a great idea.

Have a researchable implant called "PANIC Implant" or something. Comes in a box of 4 with implanter already loaded and costs about 15 sheets of metal and 5 sheets of glass.

When implanted, it unlocks a *panic emote similar to that of the freedom implant. Use it to do what OP described. Not OP and makes researchers useful.
Sounds great.

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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Iatots » 11 Aug 2016, 09:20

I am ok with researchers doling out tracking implants, but marines being able to do it themselves is bonkers, how would they know they are in a specific location afterbeing dragged unconscious into a nest surronded by gooey mass?

conjecture warning: I am sure, at least once, a marine has been nested next to a rock wall and meta'd "caves" over the radio even though he was actually in that rocky area around the cargo containers. While you could say this particular problem would be fixed by this panic verb, it would just substitute it with a very similar one, marines gaining information they would otherwise not have.
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Neray » 11 Aug 2016, 09:41

Iatots wrote:I am ok with researchers doling out tracking implants, but marines being able to do it themselves is bonkers, how would they know they are in a specific location afterbeing dragged unconscious into a nest surronded by gooey mass?

conjecture warning: I am sure, at least once, a marine has been nested next to a rock wall and meta'd "caves" over the radio even though he was actually in that rocky area around the cargo containers. While you could say this particular problem would be fixed by this panic verb, it would just substitute it with a very similar one, marines gaining information they would otherwise not have.
How's about limiting it to Sully z-levels?

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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Iatots » 11 Aug 2016, 12:16

Neray wrote: How's about limiting it to Sully z-levels?
You mean, only works on the ship?
The problem about meta remains, what if two loose aliens manage to make a nest hidden on the ship and bring a hugged, unconscious surgeon there thorugh vents; even though said person is surrounded by 4 resin doors and on weeds, he would still be able to give away the position of the hive.
Even if you try to work around it by having the verb only work when not nested, or having to stand upright for X seconds, leaving this to a functionality which only registers your position and doesn't take account of surroundings, line of sight etc is too exploitable.
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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by TangoThree » 12 Aug 2016, 11:19

A researchable implant that grants a locational help request emote sounds like a great idea to me. It feeds into updating research, and is a sensible universe-appropriate and lore-friendly thing that the USCM might try developing/using once marines start getting dragged of into the dark and lost. The message should probably go to Overwatch (or SL if no overwatch present) on activation as well, rather than just screaming on the radio or something.

Making it researchable gives more jobs more things to do, which is always nice, and prevents it from being handed out instantly to everyone at round start (especially if researching it requires some alien tissue samples). It being a granted implant rather than an inherent ability also stops everyone from macro'ing the emote and spamming it the instant they get grabbed (at least until the implant is invented and they get one). Could also have improved versions of the implant that cover more locations; e.g the first generation one only states the colony building you're closest to and a compass direction ("P.A.N.I.C. implant activated NE of Nexus") and there are advanced versions that add non-colony landmarks and estimated distances. Could even have a high tier one that allows the bridge to target an orbital strike on the marine with no offsets (not that command would tell the grunts about that one of course).

Not sure how the medical/internal injury stuff deals with implants being broken or damaged, but it might also be worth making the implants break if the body area they're put in takes severe damage. Implant removal/replacement surgery would be something other than broken bones for the surgeons to deal with.

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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Biolock » 15 Aug 2016, 23:25

-1, don't like spoon feeding players, even new ones. Today it's auto call outs, tomorrow it's auto straifing and shooting.
Jk, but in all seeiousness, I think this just removes some of yhe player responsibility.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: A panic command in object tab.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:39

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