Public Admin-Note

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Public Admin-Note

Post by Sarah_U. » 15 Aug 2016, 20:07

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Allow for users to watch some of their admin-notes.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Remove some of the need for staff to check it for the player.
Allow for more knowledge to be given to players.
Let the player ascertain his situation and complain less about suddently being banned.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
A player is allowed to read his notes in-game, but the name of the admin and date are hidden.
Some notes can be hidden by the admin as per their desire to avoid problems or tension.
It's read-only, meaning the player can only read the comments and not modify it.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

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Last edited by Sarah_U. on 15 Aug 2016, 20:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by NoahKirchner » 15 Aug 2016, 20:07

+1 pls I want to know how much trouble I am in
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Mitii » 15 Aug 2016, 21:03


I would like to see this implemented. Not only because players would be able to check their own notes without having to message a potentially busy staff member, but because players who have found themselves getting into a lot of trouble would be able to ascertain their situation by keeping track of their own notes. Thus allowing them to correct their own behavior. In a way, this will add an element of responsibility.

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by LordeKilly » 15 Aug 2016, 22:58

The thing is I just see this being abused and majority of staff just making most notes private always.


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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Durper » 15 Aug 2016, 23:04


I don't like public shaming, I have a lot of notes but I already appealed for all of them.

and the way notes work is kinda bad even if you've been fairly decent and not break any rules for a long time showing those notes negate all of that making you look like a terrible griefer player.

I want those notes to be private only seen by the staff members, and users should be encourage for staff to handle the situation if they see any rule breaking going on, regular users don't need to see player notes.

We have mods, admins, and the report player thread, and you can always ask for your own notes when an admin isn't Busy like on Discord or something, they usually let me see my notes.

wait I miss read everything, you mean players can see their own notes only? then +1

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Sarah_U. » 15 Aug 2016, 23:13

I didn't say make a public forum where all the notes are posted, I said let the player see his own notes.
Furthermore, if the admins want to abuse the 'hide note' mechanic that's their right, just like it is yours to ask what are your notes.

Please do read carefully and don't start giving out -1 on such worries.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 15 Aug 2016, 23:13

Durper wrote:-snip
Actually this suggestion was so players can see their own notes, so they don't have to bug an admin about it and with that said I will say +1 since I rather not take the busy admins/mods time with such requests but having a system so I know what notes I have on me could also help players dispute these claims (if they think they are false)

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Biolock » 15 Aug 2016, 23:15

I see no downside to this, it'll also act as a reminder to players, as a majority of our "slap on the wrist" warnings are jotted down in the notes section. +1
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by ZDashe » 16 Aug 2016, 01:43

+1 People need to have to option to be aware of their own notes, so they can improve and learn from mistakes that may not have been made known to them in the past

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Shyguychizzy » 16 Aug 2016, 02:52

Gonna give yah +1, I do recall having to request for notes long time ago. Perhaps, the more serious notes in which would require staff to open it or allow you it be good. Anyhow, I love the idea of it, surprised haven't seen a suggestion regarding notes in a while.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Boltersam » 21 Aug 2016, 09:11

+1, there's no harm in do in this, but a fair amount of benefits.

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by MrJJJ » 22 Aug 2016, 05:17

+1 gotta try and keep a good record on yourself

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Snypehunter007 » 10 Dec 2016, 19:26

Anyone still want this?
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 10 Dec 2016, 19:38

Yes, awareness is always useful and it strange to have a 3rd party be the one who provides them

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Warnipple » 10 Dec 2016, 21:23

Its pretty much public anyway. Just ahelp to know your own notes. You shouldn't be able to know someone else's notes though.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 10 Dec 2016, 22:15

Warnipple wrote:-snip-
Well this suggestion was about only seeing personal notes, and like I put in here previously I find not going through a middle man (us) is a nice QoL kind of change if possible. This was really never about public shaming

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Sarah_U. » 11 Dec 2016, 10:39

Like Spoony said, it's for personal notes.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by MrJJJ » 11 Dec 2016, 10:51

Yeah, and honestly, i don't want to bother admin's time to see what notes i have, they have much better things to do.

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Sarah_U. » 09 May 2017, 16:40

This would still be a viable and greaaaat thing to add. Not to brag or anything, but to give a constant reminder to the INCOMING GREYTIDE of how freakin' absurd they are.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 May 2017, 16:55


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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Helgraf » 09 May 2017, 18:12

It would be pretty useful. I don't really see any negatives to it. Although it wouldn't be too useful for me right now since I can see my own notes already. :)

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Garrison » 09 May 2017, 20:03

I like this idea, mostly cause I'm curious of the moderators opinions about my play style in the USCM, or pondering if I should be banned since I constantly ahelp asking: "is doing _____ considered meta?".

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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Steelpoint » 09 May 2017, 20:52

We have this on /tg/ station, some admins arked up about it but in the end it had little effect and was more a positive chance, you could always request to see your own notes so it was not a big deal.

Then again, on /tg/ everyone arks up over even the smallest of changes.
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Sarah_U. » 09 May 2017, 20:53

Ah right, quick mention that I would like for convenience and respect to the staff:
Not showing the staff that issued the note would be a relatively good idea (Since it may cause salt toward said staff and we don't want to engage people into that stuff), or rather, it could fetch the said staff and see if they allow to be exposed publicly.

(Thx for the inputs, everyone, appreciated! ^^)
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Re: Public Admin-Note

Post by Jeser » 31 May 2017, 04:33

Still needed! I still want to take a look in my notes.
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