New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

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New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by KingKire » 24 Aug 2016, 01:28

Any cashed a player gained during a round if he survived will be calculated up and added to the Players Dosh Account; a cash counter that is saved for a specific players account. With this Dosh account, players can buy Cosmetic items/styles/titles for a round or more from the Dosh Shop.

A big benefit to this system would be that it gives players a small outside goal that they can always think about, and rewards players who have played a decent amount with small cool stuff that is otherwise inconsequential to the game.

This also gives alot more power to the Corporate Liaison and Admins who are playing High Command. They now have a reliable reward system for players that they can give or take away, which makes it easier to sway people in the right direction. The Dosh would have no actual in-game effect, but it helps reinforce Roleplay, to give the players themselves a reward or consquence for a job done good/bad. It also acts a real reason for people to accept or deny cash. Currently, players can be offered 1 billion cash credits to do anything, and it symbolizes nothing but an empty hand. This works for some people, but most tend to just ignore the ludicrous amount of cash even though IC, there player would have most likely killed his goat mom for even half of it.

Here's how the system would work, some ways to keep it from being broken, and some questions on how to handle somethings that i haven't figured out:

The dosh system would be a universal account for any given player. 1 byond key, 1 account. It would be saved under the same data as the players character sheet. ( im not certain if making a new character = losing all the dosh saved up or if it stays permanent to all the players characters for that account)

This Dosh money can buy small cosmetic or non-effective stuff for a single round such as starting items (baseball bat= 50k dosh, cool hat= 1k dosh, rosary= 10k dosh, custom name tag for an item) and can be extended into other things as time goes on.

You add money to your Dosh account with Dosh(cash) found in game. Things like the RO's money pile, the CL's money pile, the IA's money pile, etc. Using this in-game dosh, you can insert it into an ATM and if you live at the games end, the money is then added to your Players Dosh Account.

-( Im uncertain if it should be that the cash should add to the dosh account if only you live, or if it would work even if you die)
-( im uncertain if you should be able to withdraw dosh from your account and use it in-game, as it could deflate the value of in-game dosh if some person spawned a million dosh for everyone, as well as account duplication issues)

Players playing certain roles would receive a Dosh modifier at the rounds end to both protect against money duping, and to symbolize in game of how easy/hard they are to bribe;
Basic marines receive a x1.0 modifier:
-They are payed poorly, but most are loyal. This is the base line of the Dosh system.

Corporate liaison receives a x0.01 modifier:
-hes pure roleplay, paid amazingly well IC, and any cash acquired in game has almost no effect at rounds end.

Officers of the fleet receive a x0.5 modifier:
-a large amount of cashed offered will effect them, but little amounts likely wont work.

Freelancers, survivors receive a x2.0 modifier:
-they can be easily swayed with cash, unless their Morales say otherwise.

Anyone other classes can be modified in between.

There are other ways to receive/lose dosh as well:
Rare materials: gold/diamond
-Having a rare material in a survivng persons inventory during rounds end gives them a large amount of Dosh.
(This can only be done with processed rare materials, not the unprocessed diamond/gold sheets/bars found on the planet, or maybe the unprocessed versions are worth alot less)

Command Objectives completed/failed:
-Completing an objective that high command gives may result in extra dosh being transferred into accounts, failure of an objective might mean a negative modifier for those who broke rules/failed objectives or such during a mission.

Pay Docks/Upgrades:
Going to prison or being demoted during a round might mean a negative modifier added to the end of round count up. Being promoted might mean positive dosh modifiers

ATM fee: Taking dosh out of an atm causes a heavy "fee" modifier to be added onto that, so players have to "pay" for the cash they transfer into a round. So taking out 100k dosh in game costs 200-300k dosh from your account. Use those bribes wisely.

End of round Dosh Modifiers may never take money from a players global dosh account, the modifiers can only effect end of round dosh count up.

Winning the game for a side gives the surviving winning players a decent amount of Dosh for their troubles. I dont know if this should only count for round start players, or if it should apply to all players.

Aliens get more round winning Dosh then marines, as they have less chances to earn it over the game
Major victorys give more dosh then minor victorys.

Im still thinkin, but this is a rough frame work of how it would look.
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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by TeknoKot » 24 Aug 2016, 01:41


Like what?..
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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by completelynewguy » 24 Aug 2016, 14:25

+1, I can see the possibility of more RP situations. Such as Command ordering a shakedown of the marines, after a full retreat, in case they pillaged the colony.

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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by Warnipple » 24 Aug 2016, 14:30

+1, something to work towards as a progression or experience system.

There needs to be a way to 'dump' your money.

For example, buying attachments or something.
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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by LordeKilly » 24 Aug 2016, 16:11

+1. value my money please

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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by Biolock » 24 Aug 2016, 20:00

Ehh, players play fairly selfish as it is. I'd love to see a progression system, i just don't know that this is a good idea.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: New "Dosh" (money) System, to give cash more value

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:40

Old, lack of continued interest.

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